Category Archives: Prophet

The Hidden Hand – Masonic Rulers and Elites

The Hidden Hand
The Hidden Hand
Has the course of History been directed by a small group of people with common interests? The paintings and pictures of the great men of the past centuries reveal a common thread linking them together. Is it a coincidence that many of them hid one of their hands when posing for a portrait? Not likely. We’ll look at the Masonic origin of the “hidden hand” and the powerful men who displayed that sign in famous portraits……..More @ read more

The Children of Ham in Ancient Texts

The Children of Ham in Ancient Texts – Edited by Wally

The KJV Bible – The Children of Ham

And the sons of Ham; Cush (northern Sudan), and Mizraim (Egypt), and Phut (East Africa), and Canaan (Palestine). And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD. And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar (Sennar in Sudan).
Genesis 10:6-10 read more

The Itations of H.I.H. Prince Ermias Sahle-Selassie Haile Selassie – Rasta Livewire Retrospect

H.I.H. Prince Ermias Sahle-Selassie Haile Selassie, grandson of H.I.M. Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia placed a wreath of red, yellow and green flowers at the African American Civil War Memorial on September 12th, the first day of the 3rd Ethiopian Millennium – (Ethiopia still follows the original Egyptian Calendar.) Surrounded by a group of Ethiopian religious and military officials, and other leaders in the Ethiopian, African American and Ethiopian World Federation community, H.I.H. Prince Ermias spoke eloquently about the debt Ethiopians owe to the African American community for their support during Mussolini’s Fascist invasion of Ethiopia, and their struggle for civil rights enabling Ethiopian Americans to participate in American society with dignity. read more

Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda Speaks: Africa, China, Europe, Trade and Investment

There is a debate among geopolitical and economic commentators about the merits of Chinese versus western involvement with Africa. One argument is that Chinese investment is exploitative and undermines the development of democracy and human rights on the continent. Others view the matter in terms of competition, arguing that China is encroaching on the decades-long monopoly of the west over Africa’s natural resources. read more

Was T.B. Joshua, the turbo-charged New-Age “god-man” of Nigeria Behind Ghana’s Victory At The U-20 World Cup? – By Mazi Omeife Jideofo

Was T.B. Joshua, the turbo-charged New-Age “god-man” of Nigeria the force Behind Ghana’s Victory At The U-20 World Cup?

The role played by the new-age spiritual god-men and prophets of Nigeria, in the recent victory of Ghana over Brazil in the finals of the U-20 world cup was higlighted by the release of a video on the internet by Nigerian pastor T.B. Joshua, leader of the Synagogue Church of All Nations. read more