It is with sadness and pain that I watch the current violation of African soil, by the forces of NATO. Neo-colonialism reveals its ugly face.
Yet, one needs to look at the situation in Libya with greater sensitivity, and more discernment.
The Muur who could fly: Aviation science:
Ibn Firnas was a black berber, a Muur born in Spain in 810 AD. He was born in Izn-Rand Onda
Also known as Abbas Qasim Ibn Firnas was a Muslim Berber polymath: an inventor, engineer, aviator, physician, Arabic poet, and Andalusian musician.
Turki bin Said 1871 – 1888
Faisal bin Turki 1888 – 1913
Taimur bin Faisal 1913 – 1932
Said bin Taimur – 1932 -1970
Alpha Blondy
Peace in Liberia
The down side of prescription drugs
…a growing number of Britons are dependent on legal drugs, prescribed by their doctors, with a grip as unforgiving as that of their illegal counterparts. It is a problem that cannot keep being ignored.
An unusually strong magnitude 5.8 earthquake struck Virginia Tuesday afternoon, sending tremors along the East Coast of the United States.
The U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake was more than three miles deep and struck near Mineral, Va., a city in central Virginia about 83 miles from Washington, D.C. The area is known for its seismic activity, but does not generally produce large earthquakes.
Origin of the Albinoid/Caucasoid Race of Europe
Black Sudanese
Albino Sudanese
The Hofmeyr Skull
In a report in today’s issue of the journal Science, a research team led by Frederick E. Grine of the State University of New York at Stony Brook concluded that the South African skull provided critical corroboration of the archaeological and genetic evidence indicating that humans in fully modern form originated in sub-Saharan Africa and migrated, almost unchanged, to populate Europe and Asia.
The ‘heart attack proof’ diet?
(CNN) — Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. didn’t become a doctor to change the way America eats. He was a general surgeon.