The French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, was accused today of tacitly propping up dictatorship in north Africa and of botched diplomacy in France’s ambivalent response to the tumults in Tunis.
Côte d’Ivoire: Gbagbo and the Ivorian Test – Moving Beyond Anti-Imperialist Rhetoric
Côte d’Ivoire: Gbagbo and the Ivorian Test – Moving Beyond Anti-Imperialist Rhetoric
By Horace Campbell
Côte d’Ivoire remains in a troubling state of political deadlock, Horace Campbell discusses the increasing militarisation of politics, the history of external interests in the country and broader conditions behind the contested 2010 election.
cysteine cystine – Rasta Livewire Health Corner
Cystine is a sulphur-containing, non-essential amino acid. It is a stable form of the sulphur-rich amino acid cysteine. The body is capable of converting one to the other as required. They can be thought of as the same in metabolic terms.
What is Semitic? -By Prof Ayo
What is Semitic?
Prof. Ayo
Semitic is a designation for a group of languages both in Africa and Asia. Schloezer introduced the term. According to the Genesis, people who spoke the Semitic languages are the decendants of Shem the son of Noah. On the other hand, the term Cushitic is given to the nations of kam, the son of Noah and the father of Cush.
Blackbirds falling like rains,… Dead Elephants up in a tree…, Millions of Dead Fish,… What’s going on in 2011?
What is going on in 2011? Are you guys tuned in?
According to the BBC News site, “this baby elephant was found dead high up a tree in northern Sri Lanka after the Kaloya river rose 18ft (5.5m) above its normal height following torrential rainfall.”
Mohammed Bouazizi: The Muurish Tunisian Martyr Who Toppled the Tunisian Government – by Oguejiofo Annu
Mohammed Bouazizi: The Muurish Tunisian Martyr Who Toppled the Tunisian Government
Mohammed Bouazizi
Since a young man named Mohamed Bouazizi poured petrol over himself on December 17 and set himself, alight in front of the office of the Governor of his region, life turned upside down in Tunisia and the fires that he lit has burned until it engulfed the entire country from town to town.
Origin Ethiopian Writing – by Dr. Clyde Ahmad Winters
Black Gene Pale Skin – News Report
Very Rare Black and White Twins Celebrate 4th Birthday
By Alyssa Sparacino Jul 26th 2010
The Richardson family recently celebrated the 4th birthdays of their twins, but the boys are anything but identical, the Daily Mail reports.
The Perspectives of Marc Washington: The Greatest Show On Earth
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Did Sarah Palin incite murderous-attack on Congresswoman Giffords?
Sarah Palin’s fundraising instrument, SarahPac, had posted an advertisement to target Democratic Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. The photo has since been removed from her website.