A congresswoman from Arizona was shot in the head and seriously wounded and six other people were killed by a man who opened fire at a meeting the politician was holding in Tucson on Saturday, officials said.
Cote D’Ivoire: The French Freemasons and Neo-Colonial Wars
Ivory Coast: Freemasons Key to Imperialist Control
by Gary K. Bush
le 5 janvier 2011
French Freemasons and their African lodge leaders play a key role in the current impasse in the Ivory Coast.
Thousands of Turtle Doves fall from Italian Skies
On Wednesday, GeaPress reported hundreds — possibly thousands — of dead and dying birds in Italy. Countless turtle doves were found scattered in the streets, in flower beds and hanging tragically from trees “like Christmas balls” in the town of Faenza. Many of the birds that fell dead from the sky were discovered with a mysterious blue stain in their beaks.
Son of Shah Irani takes his own life
The son of the deposed Shah of Iran and onetime heir to the throne committed suicide early this morning in his South End brownstone, according to authorities and a statement from his family.
2 million fish dead in the Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, United States
The Maryland Department of the Environment says an estimated 2 million fish have been reported dead in the Chesapeake Bay, from the Bay Bridge south to Tangier Sound.
What’s going on in Arkansas: Thousands of dead fish and birds found in Arkansas
What’s Going on in Arkansas: Thousands of dead fish and birds found in Arkansas
Just one day before some 5,000 blackbirds fell from the sky in Arkansas, piles of dead fish turned up on a nearby shore, though wildlife officials say it’s just a coincidence.
Thousands of Bird fall out of the sky in Arkansas United States on New Year’s Eve
Officials are investigating why more than 1,000 birds – most of them dead – fell out of the sky in the US state of Arkansas on New Year’s Eve.
The U.S. Navy in Drags: Video made by USS Enterprise Captain
This is what the US Navy and by extension Army and Airforce personel are doing all over the world with the highly sophisticated weaponries and instruments bought by billions of US tax payers’ money. This is Babylon, Sodom and Gomorrah combined in one. Viewers advisory: This is really gross! Click on link: http://hamptonroads.tv/hrtv.php?id=46530391&cid=omc
Jamaica in the 70s: Youtube
Kharijites the Black Muslims of Abraham
The Zanj were counted amongst the Kharijite Muslims. As proponents of racial equality and self determination the Kharijites were known by the slogans,” Even a Zanj can be Caliph” and “Judgement belongs to Allah alone.”