There were no Cancers in Ancient Egypt: The Cancerous “Western” Civilization:

Cancer ‘is purely man-made’ say scientists after finding almost no trace of disease in Egyptian mummiesBy Fiona Macrae

Cancer is a man-made disease, fuelled by the excesses of modern life, study of ancient remains from fossils to mummies has concluded.
A review of Egyptian mummies, fossil records dating back to dinosaurs and classical literature found tumours to be extremely rare until recent times, when factors from pollution to poor diet made life more toxic. read more

Lusius Quietus, Commander of the Imperial Cavalry of the Romano-Moorish Army: The Black Romans – By Oguejiofo Annu

Lusius Quietus, Commander of the Imperial Cavalry of the Romano-Moorish Army:

Here one finds the relief of the Moorish Cavalry of the Roman Army under Lusius Quietus, fighting against the Dacians. It was commissioned by Emperor Trajan. Lusius Quietus was a Roman general and governor of Iudaea in 117. read more

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