Working Class Whites Have Lower IQ – Emily Pykett (The Scotsman)

Thursday, 22nd May 2008

Published Date: 22 May 2008
WORKING-CLASS students have lower IQs than those from wealthier backgrounds and should not be expected to win places at top universities, an academic has claimed.
Bruce Charlton, an evolutionary psychiatrist at Newcastle University, has written a paper asserting the reason why fewer students from poor families are admitted to Oxford or Cambridge is not because of social prejudice, but lack of ability. read more

Ancient Cities and Kingdoms of the East African Coasts — The Black Swahilis

East African Coastal Historical Towns. Asiatic or African?

Jacob L. Kimaryo*


The East African coast is dotted with ruined and extant historical towns of significant cultural importance. Albeit the builders and inhabitants of these towns are known to have been the Swahili, who these historic people were in terms of their origin has been a matter of serious debate since the beginning of the 20th century. So far two perspectives have emerged out of this debate, which respectively advocate for Asiatic and African ancestries of the historic Swahili. read more

A Sketch of Rastafari History – by Norman Hugh Redington

by Norman Hugh Redington (1995)


This text was written a decade ago, and reflects the era in which it was composed. On the one hand, the Rastafari Movement has changed considerably. In particular, the Twelve Tribes group has moved much closer to mainstream Christianity; also a Protestant version of the Rastafari movement has emerged along side the Ethiopian Orthodox one. On the other, the Church of Ethiopia and her relations to the Eastern Orthodox Church have been strained. At the time that the text below was written, it appeared that little more than formal barriers remained to a full reunification; unfortunately, the recent emergence of a certain trend (not so much in Ethiopian as in Coptic theology) has made that appear, to me at least, rather less likely and even raised questions about the “purely linguistic” nature of the divide. Nevertheless, I have chosen to leave the original wording unaltered. I hope eventually to prepare an updated edition. read more

The star of Wisconsin and the smoke of Icelandic Hell: Revelations Chapter 9 Revealing? – By Oguejiofo Annu

As if by some co-ordination of fate, a star (metorite) entered the city of Wisconsin in United States on the night of April 14 2010, almost around the same period that the volcano in Iceland began to erupt machine-killing smokes filled with sulphur and brimestone over the skies of western Europe (about April 14, 2010). read more