Afro-Celtic: The ancient Celts and their African roots

Linguists say a study of Irish and other Celtic languages has produced possible evidence that when the Celts invaded Ireland and Britain there were already Afro-Asiatic speakers here. Celtic languages – Irish, Scots Gaelic and Welsh – incorporate grammatical traits found in Afro-Asiatic tongues that are otherwise unrelated, according to research published last week in Science magazine. read more

Ori – The Concept of Self in Yoruba Cosmogony


by James C. Lewis

ORI – Ruler of the head. He is a metaphysical concept important to Yoruba spirituality and way of life. Ori, literally meaning “head,” refers to one’s spiritual intuition and destiny. It is the reflective spark of human consciousness embedded into the human essence, and therefore is often personified as an orisha in its own right . In Yoruba tradition, it is believed that human beings are able to heal themselves both spiritually and physically by working with the orishas to achieve a balanced character, or iwa-pele. When one has a balanced character, one obtains an alignment with one’s Ori or divine self. Alignment with one’s Ori brings, to the person who obtains it, inner peace and satisfaction with life. To come to know the Ori is, essentially, to come to know oneself. The primacy of individual identity is best captured in a Yoruba proverb: “Ori la ba bo, a ba f’orisa sile”. When translated, this becomes It is the inner self we ought to venerate, and let divinity be. read more

Was Phoenician sport the foundation of the Olympic Games?

Was Phoenician sport the foundation of the Olympic Games?

I In the light of archaeological Excavations

In Amrit, on the coast of northern Phœnicia, we have uncovered a Pheoenician STADIUM, dating at least from the XVth century BC. The town’s temple, a typical example of Phoenician temples, is found 200 m. from the stadium.
This stadium measures 225 m. long and 30 m. wide. Its topography is identical to that of the stadium at Olympia. The area of Amrit has been cited under the name of “Mrt” and “Amrat” in Egyptian texts (XVth century BC) and of “Marathus” in classical scripts. It is certain that there are only very old Phoenician remains in Amrit and no Greek or Roman monuments.
In Tyre, the first archaeological excavations showed sports grounds of the Hellenic and Roman periods as well as traces of Phoenician sports grounds.
Palaestra and Gymnasium (Hellenic These two monuments coincide with the topography and the measurements of the palaestra and gymnasium of Olympia, dating from the III-IIth centuries BC. It can very easily be established that the Hellenic palaestra of Tyre was built on the remains of a much older palaestra, which appears to be Phoenician.
The gymnasium is found about ten metres away. This monument with a double porch about 200 m. long and 11 metres wide, was originally a covered hall, as in Olympia, and was used by the stadium runners (192,27m.) for training when it rained or was very hot.
The Roman baths, built later, are found in this gymnasium.
In the period of the Greeks, the palaestra was the exercise place for wrestling, boxing and the jump, while the gymnasium was used for running and discus and javelin throwing.
The games of the gymnasium and palaestra were not common in Roman times, said Vitruve (1st century BC).1
They replaced them with the amphitheatre ceremonies from which the gladiators and animal fighters evolved. The amphitheatre, together with the circus, was the high-place of popular and sports festivals during the Roman period.
Circus (Roman period) The circus is found some 1500 metres from the gymnasium with an “Arc de Triomphe” and Roman tombs at its entrance. If Tyre had been affected by the Roman period, we have not found evidence of an amphitheatre up till now, which should not be far from this circus. The sport complexes of Roman games usually centred on the circus and amphitheatre.
II. In the light of texts and inscriptions read more

Marijuana Users Are Safer Drivers Than Non-Marijuana Users

Marijuana Users Are Safer Drivers Than Non-Marijuana Users, New Study Shows
>PRWEB.COM Newswire
New York (PRWEB) April 06, 2012

In a recent study,, a national quote provider for online car insurance quotes, cites a strong correlation between traffic-related accidents and marijuana use. The study, which looks at statistics regarding accidents, traffic violations, and insurance prices, seeks to dispel the thought that “driving while stoned” is dangerous. read more

Crom Dubh the Black God of Ireland – Oguejiofo Annu

March 16, 2012

Crom Dubh of the Celts

Compare with Sierra Leonian Stone Sculpture

Black God of Ireland

There was the first god of Ireland, an Ethiopian Muur, by the name of Crom Dubh, whose cult came from Africa, who just couldn’t be church-washed nor white-washed easily, so he was supposedly suppressed, erased and buried. If only they could. Because the black god rises again and again like the true Phoenix. read more