CIA and the Death of Bob Marley

The following article originally appeared in the February 2002 issue of HIGH TIMES Magazine

Marley knew the drill – in Jamaica, at the height of his success, when music and politics were still one, before the fog of censorship rolled into the island, old wounds were opened by a wave of destabilization politics. Stories appeared in the local, regional and international press downsizing the achievements of the quasi-socialist Jamaican government under Prime Minister Michael Manley.
In the late 1970s, the island was flooded with cheap guns, heroin, cocaine, right-wing propaganda, death squad rule and, as Grenada’s Prime Minister Maurice Bishop described it three years later, the CIA’s “pernicious attempts [to] wreck the economy.” read more

Black Kings of Kiev, Russia: Saint Boris and Gleb, Sons of Valdimyr and Martyrs of Russia

borisBoris and Gleb

Boris and Gleb were sons of St. Vladimir, grand prince of Kiev, who was the first Christian ruler in Russia. They had two other brothers, Iaroslav (Yaroslav) and Sviatopolk (Yaropolk). When Vladimir died in 1015, Boris and Gleb were away. Boris, a military officer, was off with his troops fighting the Pechengs. Sviatopolk took over his father’s throne, but even though he gave money to the townsfolk, their loyalty lay with the more popular Boris. The advisers of Boris urged him to make his rightful claim to the throne, but he declined, saying he would not raise his hand against his brother. His troops left him and only his servants remained with him in Alta. Sviatopolk obtained the loyalty of the boyars, the ruling class, and instructed them to murder Boris. The assassins hastened to Alta, where they found Boris in prayer. He evidently knew they would come for him, and when he was done with vespers, he lay down on his couch and let them attack him with lances. In vain his faithful personal servant, a Hungarian named George, tried to shield him with his body. George was slain and was decapitated so that the assassins could steal the large gold necklace—a gift from Boris—that was around his neck. Boris survived. He was wrapped in canvas, loaded onto a wagon and taken back to Sviatopolk. His brother ordered him finished, and he was fatally stabbed in the heart with a sword. Sviatopolk then plotted to kill Gleb. He sent his brother a false message, telling him to come at once to Kiev because their father was gravely ill. But another brother, Iaroslav, warned Gleb and told him the truth about their father’s death and Boris’s murder. Gleb was unable to avoid murder. Sviatopolk’s assassins arrived and ordered the terrified servants to kill their master. Gleb’s cook seized a knife and stabbed him to death. Later, Iaroslav was able to transport the bodies of his two brothers to the Church of St. Basil in Vyshegorod. Miracles were reported at their tomb, which became a popular pilgrimage site. read more

Rastafarian Views on Life, Politics and Social Issues