The Black Romans: Empress Irene and the Eastern Roman Empire circa: 753 – 803 AD

Empress Irene

Irene was born to a noble Greek family of Athens, the Sarantapechos family. Although she was an orphan, her uncle, Constantine Sarantapechos, was a patrician and possibly strategos of the theme of Hellas. She was brought to Constantinople by Emperor Constantine V on November 1, 769, and was married to his son Leo IV on December 17. They had a son who was known as Constantine VI. read more

The Face of the Last Inca Emperor: News-Report

Detail of “Atahualpa, Fourteenth Inca, 1 of 14 Portraits of Inca Kings”

Atahualpa, the last Inca emperor, ruled over a vast terrain that stretched along the Pacific Ocean from Ecuador to Chile. After winning the crown in 1532 through a bitter civil war with his brother after their father’s death, he was ambushed and executed by the Spanish explorer Francisco Pizarro. read more

Coconut Water, Black Tea, Vitamin D Help Lower Your Blood Pressures – Rasta Health Corner

Researchers who conducted the study examined the impact of three cups of black tea a day over a six month period. Study conductors from the University of Rochester Medical Center found that the black tea consumption caused a decrease in 2 to 3 millimeters of blood pressure ‘points’. This was the case for both systolic blood pressure as well as diastolic blood pressure. read more

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