African Origins of the Indo-European Languages: Marc Washington’s Perspective

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English is a Germanic language. Those we call Indo-European (e.g. Europeans and American) had an ancestry that began high in the Caucasus Mountains of Russia where there was no pastoralism or agriculture.

Yet, Nostratic, the Mother language or Proto-Indo-European language features many words relating to animal husbandry, agriculture, and plains-like landscapes such as those found in ancient Anatolia (Turkey) where (scholars do not discuss) two types of African races existed – the robust and Mediterranean types.

African types dwelt there before whites radiated outwards from the Russian Steppes. Historians, archeologists, and linguists have never considered the question that perhaps it was (by phenotype) Africans who developed Nostratic language from which Indo-European languages, including German and English, arose.

Marc Washington

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4 thoughts on “African Origins of the Indo-European Languages: Marc Washington’s Perspective”

  1. It is an established scientific fact that Nostratic began in Ethiopia, so it is indeed an African language. Dene-Caucasian, its worldwide predecessor, also originated in Ethiopia thousands of years earlier. And everyone knows the entire human race began in Ethiopia, no other country has the original human fossils. Nostratic probably arose when Nilotics combined with Dene-Caucasian immigrants to Ethiopia, around 10,000 BC.

  2. All Races were originally Black. In 30,000 BC, Black proto-Caucasian Cro-Magnons came to Europe and Mixed with Neanderthal Half-Breeds, whom they outnumbered Ten to One. They absorbed them. The result was white skin-color, different shades of eye-color, and a new European race. Neanderthals had a dominant gene for Blue Eyes. The Half Breeds’ last redoubt was northeastern European Russia; there they gathered in large numbers. They eventually gave rise to the Proto-Uralics, after absorption by the Cro-Magnons.

  3. Hi! I know I said Nostratic earlier, but I meant Borean. Yeah, Indo-European and all other languages come from Africa, or their ancestors did. But dude, it was like 18,000 BC?

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