Ancient Black Chinese From East Africa — (by Prof Jin Li)

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Chinese come from Africa, just like the rest of us

Posted: Thursday, May 12, 2005

An international study has found that the Chinese people originated not from “Peking Man” in northern China, but from early humans in East Africa who moved through South Asia to China some 100,000 years ago, Hong Kong’s Ming Pao daily reported yesterday in a finding that confirms the “single origin” theory in anthropology.

According to the newspaper, a research team led by Jin Li (of Fudan University in Shanghai has found that modern humans evolved from a single origin, not multiple origins as some experts believe.

In China, school textbooks teach that the Chinese race evolved from “Peking Man,” based on a theory that humans in Europe and Asia evolved from local species.

But Jin and his fellow researchers found that early humans belonged to different species, of which only the East African species developed into modern humans.

This new finding nullifies the theory that the ancestors of the Chinese people were “Peking Man” who lived in northern China 400,000 years ago.

Based on DNA analyses of 100,000 samples gathered from around the world, a number of human families evolved in East Africa some 150,000 years ago, said Li Hui, a member of Jin’s team.

About 100,000 years ago, some of those humans began to leave Africa, with some people moving to China via South and Southeast Asia, Li said.

According to the newspaper article, it has been proven that the “65 branches of the Chinese race” share similar DNA mutations with the peoples of East and Southeast Asia.

It said that the Shanghai scientists were part of an international team comprised of researchers from Russia, India, Brazil and other nations in a five-year project studying the geographic and genealogical routes related to the spread and settlement of modern humans.

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149 thoughts on “Ancient Black Chinese From East Africa — (by Prof Jin Li)”

  1. What a cracker,
    this ‘crackpot theory is’ !!
    I m not going to presume anything but i thought people who get to these pages are people who are seeking the truth.People wanting to know where they come from,genetically speaking.
    What are you doing here,’ Crackpot Theory’? Besides embarrassing yourself?
    I am a full-blooded Chinese South East Asian and i tell you,i am proud to know that i am in fact related to the Africans..yes even if its by a long shot!
    We all come from distinctive,ancient civilisations.,product of climactic and environmental as well as political changes through the milleniums.
    I am not black,by any stretch of the imaginations.I am a descendant of the Han..which in turn descended from Africa.
    The planet is already sick.We dont need to be divided on race or colors!
    Even without this Research,cant you tell!!!!????
    Take a knife and cut yourself..The TRUTH IS THERE,
    And its so bloody,blindingly- OBVIOUS -no matter what colour you are.,White,black,yellow,the colour of blood is RED.
    To ‘Crackpot Theory’, i truly feel very sorry for have embarrassed and revealed yourself as an ugly,short sighted,RACIST-bigot.
    You are so into denial,its not funny.
    And for your information,just for derogatively calling the black-skinned Africans,Niggers,you have in fact insulted your own grandmothers,your own Forefathers…See now ..just
    For the researchers,i heartily thank you for bringing to surface the Truth.
    For i sincerely hope that this will help Humanity with better Understanding and Acceptance that
    we are just,really the ONE PEOPLE.
    Black or otherwise.

  2. Dear dear ‘Original’
    You said and i quote,
    “the directors of National Geographic has an agenda to continue to ditorte and destroy the true history of African people”Quote unquote.
    Well,i really think you need to have a good, long ,serious look at their work at National Geographic.
    It is,in fact, their indepth research on DNA that we discover about our links to Africa..all of us from Asia, Europe,Americas,all over the world.
    Go to their website and see for yourself..they have articles on Egyptian Pharoahs as Nubian(African) descent.Read it.Its there!
    So,what exactly are you talking about – when you say,National Geographic”unconsciouly chaged the face of the original Cushites (king Tut making almost white but we all know he was completely black”? Quote unquote.
    What is all this concern about whether Moses was black or white?
    I can see Him laughing now!!
    If Moses thought his future generation would be so
    skin colour-conscious,he would probably inscribe in stone to make sure you know EXACTLY WHAT RACE.,WHAT COLOUR HE WAS!!!
    He obviously wasnt concerned.So why should anyone?
    You read the Bible for the message.The guidance.Not fuss about what the ‘white people’ are thinking about.
    They are just right now finding out that their roots arent quite as white as they like to think.
    Hei,i am a Chinese but i am a Christian too.
    Do you see me fussing about praying to a Hebrew God?
    That, if i were to take the Old Testament so LITERALLY,why should i believe in a GOD who already pre-select His Chosen people?
    History is a record written by man.Yes it can be distorted,changed to suit political means.. but at the end of the day,the truth will come out.You should know that.
    All i am asking,is that you make comments or criticism intelligently,in other words..form your own conclusions.Not just copy the entire Verse of the Bible and throw it at people.You are only compounding the fact that in reality you are a closet racist.

  3. There are some people out there who are afraid of the truth. The fact is white people are albinos which are mutants of the purest race black. Way back when in Africa these barbaric, uncivilized, wicked albinos were disrupting African civilization and were cast north and placed in the Caucasus mountains (hints the word Caucasian) with a wall that 666 sq mi in circumference (666 hints the devil). Until one day these uncivilized people escaped and has been distuping civilization since. For example: trying to distort the truth, stealing the land from the Indians, interfeing with other countries and causing civil wars. Slavery which is the biggest crime against humanity, the Holocaust where a wicked man with dark hair and dark eyes favored those with blonde hair and blue eyes (which are albinos) and killed those more in the u
    image of himself, follow the king James version of the bible in which he was a sick gay man forced to Condem his sexuality, having the audacity to make a mystical god when there are Gods all over the Earth, yes there was a black Jesus copper skin and wooly hair, black pharaohs, kings, queens from Egypt that suddenly white people want to claim in their image. If u want to know the truth do the research about you the black, brown, red, and yellow. You could never take two white people to produce a black offspring. But you could take two black people and create a brown, red, yellow, and yes even a white offspring. So black is not a color but a state of being. For those of you who feel offended by my response, I apologize that you are not ready for the truth. Do your own research on at your own risk.

  4. It’s amazing when we of the original race make reference to the fact that God and Yeshua are , black which is made clear in the scripture: the others are quick to say it does not matter what color or no one knows what knows what color…… If that were so true that it does not matter, why then has it been pushed down the throats of all the inhabitants of the world this blue eyed blonde hair jesus?

  5. If you need further proof of our linkage to the people of the scriputes– to Abra-HAM ( Ham the father of Cannan aka Israel–also Ham was the the father of Cush or Egypt) [Read history that is not misrepresented by bias racism] you will get proof “Hebrewisms of West Africa” by Joseph j. Williams.
    This is not a black person writing these truth but one of the others. He gives clear historical fact as to our presence and ours alone in the biblical scriptures, as well as linking our flight after 70 a.d. into the interriors of Africa. It will also show how the customes and practices of the people of such regions as Ghana, Nigeira, Benin etc. are those of the ancient Hebrew Isrealites. If you realy want to know truth, if you think you are ready to see your matrix come undo, after centuries of deception, this will be just the beginning of true knowledge. I have many more sources I can referrece.

  6. Also, again regarding National Geographic, in one of their recent isscues “The Black Pharaohs conquerors of ancient Egypt”, if this is not a deliberate misguidance of history then I don’t know what is. They are trying to tell the world that the original inhabitans of Egypt (Cush), were not black people but came from the interiors of African and Conquered Egypt. Again the Bible which is our history, show that original inhabitans were black, Ham’s decendants, his son Cush (Egypt). Ham by definition is Black, or Burnt. So come again, cowboy, I’m not just rambling but showing facts. Issue is dated February 2008, read it for your self. And this is one of several erroneous articles put out by the bias N.G.

  7. Another thing, research the word Jesus the Christ (Christian), and learn the origians of that word. No such person ever existed named Jesus. I could tell were to find this truth but, do the work your self, you need to. It might open your mind, and I believe you desire to know truth, other wise you would not be on this web site.:)

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