Ancient Black Chinese From East Africa — (by Prof Jin Li)

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Chinese come from Africa, just like the rest of us

Posted: Thursday, May 12, 2005

An international study has found that the Chinese people originated not from “Peking Man” in northern China, but from early humans in East Africa who moved through South Asia to China some 100,000 years ago, Hong Kong’s Ming Pao daily reported yesterday in a finding that confirms the “single origin” theory in anthropology.

According to the newspaper, a research team led by Jin Li (of Fudan University in Shanghai has found that modern humans evolved from a single origin, not multiple origins as some experts believe.

In China, school textbooks teach that the Chinese race evolved from “Peking Man,” based on a theory that humans in Europe and Asia evolved from local species.

But Jin and his fellow researchers found that early humans belonged to different species, of which only the East African species developed into modern humans.

This new finding nullifies the theory that the ancestors of the Chinese people were “Peking Man” who lived in northern China 400,000 years ago.

Based on DNA analyses of 100,000 samples gathered from around the world, a number of human families evolved in East Africa some 150,000 years ago, said Li Hui, a member of Jin’s team.

About 100,000 years ago, some of those humans began to leave Africa, with some people moving to China via South and Southeast Asia, Li said.

According to the newspaper article, it has been proven that the “65 branches of the Chinese race” share similar DNA mutations with the peoples of East and Southeast Asia.

It said that the Shanghai scientists were part of an international team comprised of researchers from Russia, India, Brazil and other nations in a five-year project studying the geographic and genealogical routes related to the spread and settlement of modern humans.

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149 thoughts on “Ancient Black Chinese From East Africa — (by Prof Jin Li)”

  1. Also look at these: The Torah/Hebrew Bible, which was translated by Greeks into the Septuagint, (Hellenization); Then the Vulgate; Great Bible of 1539; the Bishops Bible of 1568; to the King James Bible ot 1611; Determin for your self how each succeeding ruling nation, Hellenization to Anglicization took first their teaching form Hebrew, and manipulted to suite their purpose. (naturally there are many more translations inbetween and after the few posted here)

  2. Hey Original-Many thanks for these structured bullets.

    Real Useful Ammo. Keep firing at them heathens!!

    One Love

  3. Much thanks brother.

    Schelomi I’m waiting to see what you have to say. Or have i quited you mistaken point of view about where I’m coming from. I can go even deeper.

  4. Nice article and hi to you all!
    First, big up to ‘A descendant of the Dragon’, wise wordings. In search for the truth during the dicsourse, it isn’t helpful to insult anyone b they brown, black, pink, blue-black, orange or whatever skin colour one may be; so to further the discussion avoiding distraction, please keep it civil at all costs.
    Second, alittle about how i got here and why? I was born and raised in East Africa;- specifically Uganda, with roots in Rwanda (and i was told Burundi). So i guess i am very African then (hahaha, jokes). Anyway, i have been following some info on Chinese ways prior to start of the olympics, and was particularly struck by some similarities with what is done home (well in my view) e.g. what is done when visiting the bride’s home during a wedding day is similar ot what happens in some African cultures, i noted mama is still maintained, the drumming (see today) during the olympic opening is strikingly similar to drumming from Rwanda/Burundi (and i am told 4000 years or so old), particular respect for the elderly, e.t.c. And i have also read (you might find details on ) and held chats with the author about the presence of Chinese in Africa ages ago and their map of Africa without Egypt which was said to have not formed by then. It isn’t surprising therefore then that this comes along and i suppose more about Africa will keep coming to light. It is interesting to note the present day Egypt is said to have lots of references to sub-saharan Africa (the ‘magical’ divide of Africa- how absurd no matter that the Sahara is a just a desert!!!) e.g. one author tells me the pyramids were infact initially built in other places like The Sudan (which was called ‘Butumbi’ in kinyarwanda [language of the Rwandan people]; incidentally i am told ‘Butumbi’ meant black which i guess is Sudan in arabic. He claims traces of pyramids are believed to exist in today’s Rwanda- interestingly the place Giza the place of many pyramids is strikingly similar to Rwanda’s Gisa! Oh and you find the Nile in some coptic lingua known as Irwi- which is a place in Southern Rwanda, where it is claimed the Nile waters actually start forming before collecting in lake Nalubale in Uganda (late named Lake Victoria)- and so potrayed the source of the Nile. Could forward afew of the newspaper articles to those interested but i am told good info exists in Chiek Diop’s book(s). And this colour thing, if you care to read (scientifically atleast) you sure can tell why people are of different colour- Science Monitor telling of 4 skin colours, and the need for the different colours from We have been so wasted in seeking superiority that we rubbish the truth and seek simplicity. And a polite reminder, i am not interested in racist discourse but an understanding and sharing of knowledge for the benefit of all of us whatever colour we are- the truth is for us all, and shall set all of us free; its been kept from us all so we may turn out ‘racist’/ write violently and out of anger all ignorantly. Finally bless you all, and hopefully as China’s brilliant opening of the Olympics today helps us towards a better unfied and knowledgeable world. Love to you all!

  5. original keep preaching brother because the world has to know the truth i wish they taught this history to the children in schools it would end in racism and certain people thinking their better because of skin color thank you

  6. we blacks have not learn a dam thing in the last 50 years . a picture paints a thousand words . the enemies controls the mass media ; he controls all ancient sites around the word . he controls the minds of the youth thoungh the false promise of the american dream. all i hear is talk . what small gains made by blacks ; have been made by a focus ; collective ; well planed campaign by those brave blacks in our pass. the intellgent white man knows that blacks are the forfathers of all ancient history; why the hell do you think he has made such an strong effort to hide this fact. no we dont have to convince him ; we have to stop him from convincing unwary blacks that they has no history . until someone can created a central base for blacks to make a unified thust to halt his assault on all ancient black images { not just talk forum ; nor grand speachees about our great a gorious pass. not some leader with lip service; but a collective front armed with money funded by the us .

    a. petision the world count
    b. boy cott any media that keeps presenting whites as ancient kemits
    c. create a black foundation armed with black lawyers to address the defacement of our black ancestor tombs ; world wild.
    isn;t it againt the law to dessacrete a woed heritage site ; ….. well the poers that be have been doing just that wihout one black with inflence and power saying a dam thing. let;s wake up a push together.

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