Are the Cherokee Racists Really Europeans?: Studying the Effects of Genetic Warfare on the Cherokee Nation – By (Amir) Ishaq D. Al-Sulaimani

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Are the Cherokee Racists Really Europeans?

Studying the Effects of Genetic Warfare on the Transitional
Developments of the Cherokee Nation
By (Amir) Ishaq D. Al-Sulaimani

Are the Cherokee Racists Really Europeans ?

“ In March 2007 the Cherokee Nation voted to revoke the tribal citizenship of an estimated 2,800 descendants of the people the Cherokees once owned as slaves.” – New York Times March 4th 2007.

Those rejected by the Cherokee are also known as “ Black Cherokees ” and or “ Freedmen ”. By 1835 the Cherokee were known to be the owners of more African descended slaves than any other Native-American tribe. In addition the Cherokee were often times known for the brutal mistreatmentof their slaves. An interesting point is that full blooded Cherokees rarely if at all owned slaves.

The Cherokee slave owners were the patrilineal descendants of British (European) descended males who infiltrated the tribe in a strategic policy of containment which targeted pure Cherokee males for genocide. The success of this crime against humanity is revealed in the DNA test results of present day Cherokee males of whom the vast majority are of Y-Chromosome Haplogroup R1B. R1B is distinctly a European Haplogroup accounting for 95% of Irish males and 80% amongst the British. Haplogroup R1B is universally defined by every accredited DNA testing center as the most common Y haplogroup in all of Europe.

As the inheritors of Y-Chromosome Haplogroup R1B, the modern day Cherokee male stands alone in the midst of countless Native-American tribes who are all defined by Y(MALE)Chromosome Haplogroups Q and C.( In accordance with the containment policies outlined by Willie Lynch the British descended Americans likewise targeted the African-American male with a campaign of genetic warfare which resulted in an entire generation of mulattoes who would pass on the R1B Y-Chromosome to the general African-American Male population. However due to the large numbers of African-American males entering the Americas the success or extent of replacing the original(African) Y-Chromosome which is E3A remains checked at about 30%).

Y-Chromosome Haplogroups Qand C are acknowledged as the only two authentic Native-American Haplogroups,while R is known to be the result of European admixture.

Native-American Testing of Genele Health and DNA, Accredited DNA Testing Pioneer Since 1987 stated:

“ Three major haplogroups account for 96% of Native-American Male Y-Chromosomes. The haplogroups are called Q,C and R. Haplogroups Q and C represent early Native-American founding male lineages. Haplogroup R lineages present in Native-Americans are believed by scientists to most likely have come from recent admixtures with Europeans.”

The published Y-Chromosome results of a Cherokee DNA Project recently started by family TreeDna have been posted at 100% for European Haplogroup R. MtDNA(Matrilineal) Haplogroups define maternal lineages. Native-Americans belong to one of 5 MtDNA Haplogroups which are classified as A,B,C,D, or X. Cherokee MtDNA results are dominated by European Haplogroup H. In fact acccording to the early test results of the FamilyTreeDNA, Cherokee DNA Project
only one Cherokee participant tested positive for an authentic Native-American MtDNA(matrilineal) Haplogroup(C),while the remaining results were all positive for a number of European haplogroups with the majority recorded as H.

All of the DNA results mentioned above support the fact that at one point the original Cherokee males of Haplogroups Qand C were exterminated and replaced by European males who are the carriers of Y-Chromosome R1B. The male offspring of the European fathers(Y-Chromosome R1B) and the original Cherokee mothers (X-Chromosome A,B,C,D,and X) would then bring European wives into the tribe thus accounting for the dominance of European MtDNA(maternal) Haplogroup H amongst the modern day Cherokee women. This process helped reduce the ratio or percentage of the original Cherokee women who were the carriers of the authentic Native-American MtDNA Haplogroups A,B,C,D and X and thus the genocidal policies of European genetic warfare not only targeted Cherokee males but Cherokee females as well. In the same manner that the freedmen are referred to as “Black-Cherokees” the so-called modern day Cherokee should be referred to as “White-Cherokees” for they are just as much European as the “Black-Cherokees” are African.

The European genetic takeover of the Cherokee Nation began in 1673 as the English realized the value of developing a trading alliance with the Cherokee which would allow them to bypass some of the other Indian tribes who were serving as middlemen for most trade routes and transactions. In order to secure the trading alliance with the Cherokee many of these English traders began taking Cherokee wives. The number of these intermarriages were so great that it is historically acknowledged as the source of corrupting the native Cherokee
matrilineal clan system as the European husbands demanded full patrilineal rights thereby refusing the Cherokee woman’s tribal right to claim property,children and inheritance.

As the European male presence began to grow within the Cherokee Nation the original Cherokee males were being forcibly taken from the tribe for slaughter and enslavement. This policy was strongly supported by Governor Moore of South Carolina who decreed the right to assault,kill,destroy and enslave as many Cherokees as possible.

The destruction and or removal of the original Cherokee males from the Cherokee Nation resulted in the “ mysterious” disappearance of the traditional Cherokee social structure known as the Red-White system of elders. This system was based on a council which is divided into a peace faction (Talalewequa) and a war faction (Danawa). Debating between the two factions would ultimately lead to the appropraite method for addressing conflict.

Between 1820 and 1863 the Cherokee Nation fully transitioned to a European based social structure. 1820 marked the founding of the modern Cherokee Nation. In 1821, a Cherokee named Sequoyah introduced a written language designed to eliminate illiteracy. Sequoyah was the son of Nathaniel Gist and the grandson of Christopher Gist the latter being an English explorer who served as a scout for George Washington. Sequoyah’s great grandfather Richard Gist helped plot the city of Baltimore. Sequoyah was also known as George Gist. In addition to Sequoyah’s efforts a number of University teachers arrived from the Northeast. These were accompanied by a new influx of Christian missionaries. The Cherokee beneficiaries
of the “ teach and preach” policies became known as progressives.

In 1827, the Cherokee constitution which was modeled after the U.S. Constitution was established and a Cherokee version of Amazing Grace became the National Anthem. The following year in 1828 John Ross became the Chief of the Cherokee Nation. He was the son of a Scotsman named Daniel Ross. His mother was ¾ Scottish and ¼ Cherokee making the prominent Chief 7/8 White and 1/8 Cherokee. Ross served as Chief until his death in 1866. John Ross earlier served as a Lieutennant fighting under the command of general and future President Andrew Jackson during the U.S. War against the Creek tribe known as the Battle of Horsehoe Bend in which 600 Creek warriors were killed.

President Jackson later signed the Indian Removal Act of 1830 which intended to relocate the Cherokee Nation to lands in Oklahoma. This led to the 1836 Treaty of Echota which gave the Cherokee Nation $ 5,700,000 and lands in Oklahoma in exchange for the relinquishing of rights to all lands East of the Mississippi. On May 26th 1838, 17,000 Cherokee and 2,000 of their Black Slaves departed for Oklahoma in what became known as the Trail of Tears.

Once settled in Oklahoma many Cherokees became merchants, bankers and lawyers while others worked with their African descended slaves on farms and ranches. The Cherokee Nation went on to establish the first free and compulsory school system and the first institution of higher learning West of the Mississippi River. The Cherokee were so successful that the people of Oklahoma would often say that “ The Cherokee all became White ”. This held true in both the literal and metaphoric sense,as the Cherokee Nation became both genetically and culturally White. It is also commonly stated that all Whites in Oklahoma are part Cherokee.

The original and authentic Cherokee Nation no longer exists and that which is recognized by the U.S. Government as “ The Cherokee Nation ” should be referred to as that of the “ White Cherokees ”.

According to David Cornstalk the son of a Cherokee father and a White mother and of whom is an advocate for the recognition and equality of “ Black Cherokees”:

“ The most common degree of Cherokee blood amongst the Cherokee Nation is 1/32 with nearly 90% of the tribe being less than ¼ Cherokee.”

In other words these peculiar arguments regarding Indian identity and preservation of blood lineages and tribal culture are being made by persons who are themselves of low blood degree and culturally not Cherokee and are for all intent and purposes White. In fact the dissenting justice in the Allen case Darell Matlock is only 1/16 Cherokee, yet in his dissent he talks about the preservation of Indian identity while he is married to a White woman,does not speak the Cherokee language, is not phenotypically identifiable as an Indian.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with that. But lets get real. If someone who is 15/16 White is going to make arguments about preserving Indian identity there has to be a laugh in there somewhere.” African-Native American Genealogy Forum, Sunday March19th 2006 By David Cornstalk a response to: Cherokee Chief Moves to Remove Cherokee Citizenship

In response to the racist decrees of the “ White Cherokees ” which denies citizenship and recognition of the “ Black Cherokees ” 25 members of the Black Caucus led by U.S. Rep. Diane Watson signed a letter requesting that the Bureau of Indian Affairs investigate the circumstances surrounding the discrimination of “ Black Cherokees ”. They have introduced H.R. 2824 which is a bill seeking to remove federal recognition of the Cherokee Nation and to deny them all government allocated funds.

If the “ White Cherokees ” continue to refuse the “ Black Cherokees ” the rightto integrate with full and equal access to the greater Cherokee Nation to whom they belong then the U.S. Government will only be left with two logical alternatives.

1. The establishment and recognition of two separate but equal entities being the “ Black Cherokee Nation ” and the “ White Cherokee Nation ”

2. The dissolution of the federally recognized Cherokee Nation in accordance with historical,cultural and genetic evidences which negate the existence ofan authentic Cherokee Nation.

The British policies of containment through genetic warfare have produced pockets of R1B Y-Chromosome in the Cameroon. Actor and son of a Cameroon Prince Yaphet Kotto sheds some light on the subject. Kotto recently revealed evidence that he is a descendant of British Prince Albert Edward the VII who had an illicit affair with Princess Nakande the daughter of King Doualla Manga Bell the relationship produced the lighter skinned Alexander Bell who is Yaphet Kotto’s great grandfather.

By (Amir) Ishaq D. Al-Sulaimani
HaKhan Ibn Musa;SNP(M267)J1 CMH
Director of Research@
The Cultural Education Institute for
Innovative and Experimental Research

C.E.I. Press
Copyright July 2008

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77 thoughts on “Are the Cherokee Racists Really Europeans?: Studying the Effects of Genetic Warfare on the Cherokee Nation – By (Amir) Ishaq D. Al-Sulaimani”

  1. This essay was not written
    with the intention of questioning
    the protocol for recognition within
    the “Cherokee Nation” but rather
    it questions the legitimacy of
    the entity itself. The Cherokee Nation
    is the only ” tribe ” that has 100%
    European DNA in regards to the
    Y-Chromosome Haplogroup R1B.
    The essay further elaborates on
    the reasoning as to why the present
    day Cherokee are actually Europeans
    in terms of DNA.

    Similarly I am not interested in questioning
    the Jewish States’ standards for determining
    who is a Jew, but I question the legitimacy of
    the entire entity of a Jewish State. Judaism is
    a matrilineal religion which has nothing to do
    with the patrilineal Bani-Israil(Israelite) tribal
    identity. Judaism cannot possibly inherit that
    which was promised to the patrilineal seed
    of Abraham,Isaac and Jacob when patrilineal
    origins are irrelevant to Jewish status.

    As a proven European entity which stands in
    contrast to all other Native-American tribes
    the present day Cherokee Nation seriously
    lacks that which is necessary for inheritance
    and that which should be used as a true
    measurement for tribal origins.

    1. Al-sulaimani….I believe it is true also that larger society has manipulated other cultures/races/”sub-groups”. It has been done through “ethnic-cleansing” of the bloodlines of “dark” races so that the people of the groups will more closely resemble the culture and general phenotypes of the larger society. So many identities have been lost….The identity of the original Cherokee was clearly much different from now. Many modern-day people don’t realize how earlier people were many times “forced” to change their way of thinking and abandon their identities in order to survive in this society. Some historians have determined that Cherokees of yesteryear more closely resembled their “African” brothers and sisters in culture and phenotype.

      1. Due to voluntary and involuntary interaction
        culture,color and phenotypes would be expected
        to shift. However what makes the case of the
        Cherokee so unique is the fact that they are
        carrying 100% of the European R1B and unlike
        all other tribes they have no representation for
        the Native-American Q&C Y-Chromosomes
        which are dominant with all other tribes across
        the continent. The vanquishing of the original
        Y-Chromosome could not have taken place
        through the normal channels of domination.
        African-Americans who were subject to hundreds
        of years of involuntary interaction with those of
        European descent(R1B) still maintain a majority
        70% of the African(Bantu) Y-Chromosome,while
        carrying a significant but yet minority of 30%
        European Y-Chromosome. This all points to
        the intensity of the Cherokee takeover and should
        inspire further research and investigation.

        1. You forget that the reason why African Americans had the same resistance for old world diseases that the Native Americans did not. There were more Native male lineages lost among the NAs than among the AAs. The Cherokee Nation have stayed tribal people no matter how many times the intermarried with other races. Unlike the AAs, who wanted to intergrate with the dominant society. The Cherokee people are the descendants of the same people who first came into contact with the Europeans, nothing changes that fact. The jealousy of you and people like you will not change the fact that after hundreds of years, the Cherokee have kept strong ties to their ancestors, identity and culture, get over the jealousy for something you can never have!

  2. Why does everyone want to claim the originals spot? The real proper owner of a thing is an original, not a copy of an original . Now the original is always colored go back in the days a picture is worth a thousand words. The INDIGENOUS people that landed on these or any other shores were dark in color, negroid features, nappy hair, this is a description everyone landed here STATED the first people they saw looked like, not pale with straight hair, that was later after the cagots the French, etc. raped out the originals and took their place . Indians or like the people of INDIA the NEGAS. There is no dispute over who the original tribes were. Now the dispute is over the ones that look like the paleman. Because in the U.S.A. all the so called blacks are the real and only indigenous tribe here and all over the world. Every one has to match our DNA to be considered a true native- mixed. But no GOVERNMENT INDIAN can claim that they are Indigenous, O+ IS THE MAGIC INGREDIENT THAT MAKES U Hueman. No O+ somethings new been added unless u come through the portal a Hueman Being.
    Now something else interesting that many slaves could not have been exported over here. We were already here. When the slave catchers can’t tell u from the people u escaped and joined they must have been mighty black. Descendants of the Olmec Warriors who came by way of India, from the Mother- land, Akebu-lan meaning people of dark color, lands first and still is, we are a direct line we have always been here. We didn’t come over we sailed or walked over. We are MOORS owners and conquers of all these lands. The Louisiana Purchase was the biggest scam. All Lands and all treaties were made with the darker indigenous people that were and still here disguised as the American Negro.
    There has been a movement by people called CAGOTS, look this up to take our place in order to have an identity. That’s what the whole slavery thing was about to steal our identity by genetics. The cagots want to be back us, we in turn become them or lose our blackness by assimilation or to breed the black out,which almost happened to us master just couldn’t stay away. Then the pure got kidnapped jet black most of us are back. We mated with the pure, now they all want a colored baby. If u can’t beat them join them? The so-called Black race is every indigenous tribe on earth, any thing else is paleman creation. No one but colored races can claim that they were here first, there has not, nor is there a debate to that fact. So if any permission to join the HUEMAN race is at question, only the indigenous can grant that.The only ones who have claim to that right are Huemans.PERIOD.
    We are Moors. IN ANY VARIATION …There is but one race of people and the original is jet black. Noble Drew Ali has a way out for Moors go to we have got to file our UCC and get out of this evil system. WE KNOW WHO WE ARE AND IT’S TIME TO GO. Without the whites we can start over. Wake Up Time is HERE.. They and their offspring are carriers in bio warfare, just like when we first encountered them, remember smallpox blankets? We didn’t have any diseases until they arrived. Everybody is an imposter and trying to represent the original man & woman. Peace third eyers

  3. Haplogroup R1 (Y-DNA) is the second most predominate Y haplotype found among indigenous Amerindians after Q (Y-DNA).[43] The distribution of R1 is believed to be associated with the re-settlement of Eurasia following the last glacial maximum, and entered the Americas with the initial founding population (30,000-10,000 BCE). R1 is very common throughout all of Eurasia except East Asia and Southeast Asia. R1 (M137) is found predominantly in North American groups like the Ojibwe (79%), Chipewyan (62%), Seminole (50%), Cherokee (47%), Dogrib (40%) and Papago (38%).
    “–from wikipedia. This doesn’t correlate with this article’s claim that the R resulted from mixture with the post-Columbian Europeans as part of a policy of cultural warfare. R haplogroups came around 30,000 BCE with the initial founding population but the author of this article says “Y-Chromosome Haplogroups Qand C are acknowledged as the only two authentic Native-American Haplogroups” and gives no source for the statement.

    It seems like R should be considered an authentic Native-American haplogroup if it arrived with the founding population in 30,000BCE. And if so, the author’s thesis has some issues.

    1. R1b propaganda and its mystification revolves much around the distorted information about the subclades. The majority of Western Europeans belong to Haplogroup R1B(M269). A popular subclade amongst certain Native-American tribes is R1B(M173) and in the Cameroon most of the R1B Chadic groups belong to R1B(V88).
      Although geneticists agree that R1B amongst Native-Americans is the result of European admixture there are those propagandists that are trying to focus on the appearance of Subclade R1B (M173) as a sign of distinction from the majority Western European subclade R1B(M269). The fact is that R1B(M173) appears heavily in Northern France and Native-American tribes such as the Ojibwe received it through French male Fur Traders who had extensive interaction with Native-Americans. The Ojibwe have the highest percentage of Haplogroup R1B(M173) at 79%. Accordingly the Ojibwe also had a history of trade and alliances with the French as well. During the wars between the French and the British(1689-1763) the Ojibwe were staunch allies of the French. Like other Indian tribes, the Ojibwe allied themselves to the French militarily and economically. Jean Baptiste Cadotte was a well known trader of French and Ojibwe descent. A brief summary of French-Ojibwe relations can be read about in the link below:

      Concerning the Cameroon certain propagandists are promoting subclade R1B(V88) as being ancient and unique to Africa. R1B(V88) can easily be traced back to Berber tribes in West Africa who received it through interactions with Southern Europeans. R1B(V88) can still be found in Southern France and Sardinia. The majority of Berbers belong to Haplogroup E3B while a minority have tested positive for R1B(V88).” Black-Berber” tribes such as the Hausa were active in bringing the flow of R1B(V88) into the Cameroon. Through Family Tree DNA R1B Jewish Project I was able to personally document a number of Ashkenazi Jews who belonged to Haplogroup R1B(V88). Through a phone conversation with a Family Tree DNA representative it was revealed to me that a number of Eastern and Western Europeans have tested positive for R1B(V88). There is absolutely nothing African or Native-American about this Haplogroup whose chain of transmission can be easily documented from initiating points in Europe.

    2. Don’t forget the Clovis people that were in north america even before the the people came over on the land bridge from asia then they inner mixed together. Now does anyone still believe that there is such a thing as a pure race after all this migration and trading? for those who still do take a DNA test! I dare ya!

      1. There are also pre-Clovis People, but The “Clovis People” are NOT a People but a Tool kit style, and the just because a person uses a “Clovis Point” doesn’t change his DNA. All people that came before the Inuit and Maybe the Athabaskans, were the same exact people, and it doesn’t matter it they were Pre-Clovis, Clovis, Cascade, Folsom or whatever, those are just the names of the stone tools or lithics they used, they are all Amerindians, Native Americans, and Indigenous. Inventing and using tools does change their genetics , all it means is that they were inventing and borrowing different styles of hunting in their different environments.

    3. There is zero evidence of R haplogroup in the thousands of remains found in all of the Americas. If it was Native it would be found in All populations with as much diversity a Q. Why is the R1b haplogroup that is found in some. Populations exact carbon copies of the Settler/Invaders R1b? And not unique, which it would be if it was a Native Haplogroup.

  4. @ VROB: The statistics that clearly identify Haplogroup Q and C as authentic Native-American Haplogroups and R1B as European are available on any DNA Testing Center that specializes in Native-American Testing: NATIVE-AMERICAN VERIFICATION DNA TESTING:

    “Paternal Line Native American Test or Common Male Ancestor (Y-chromosome for males only) examines DNA from the paternal line (i.e., the Y-chromosome comes from the participant’s Father’s, Father’s, Father, etc.) for genetic markers unique to Native Americans. Three major haplogroups account for 96% of Native American male Y chromosomes. The three haplogroups are called Haplogroup Q, C and R. Haplogroups Q and C represent early Native American founding male lineages. Haplogroup R lineages, present in Native Americans, are believed by scientists to most likely have come from recent admixture with Europeans.”

    Geneticist agree that R1B amongst Native-Americans is a result of European admixture. Even the Wikipedia source that VROB uses states that this is the accepted belief.However it is then followed by a subjective opinion that attempts to refute scientific fact. ”


    In Indigenous Americans groups, R1 is the most common haplogroup after Q, specially in North America in Ojibwe people at 79%, Chipewyan 62%, Seminole 50%, Cherokee 47%, Dogrib 40% and Papago 38%.[8] It is believed that these populations could be the result of European admixture, however the high frequency of haplogroup R1-M173 (formerly known as haplogroup P-M45b) in native North Americans also makes it unlikely that all these chromosomes result from admixture, since such a predominant European ancestry seems inconsistent with the preservation of the cultural identity of this population.[9]

    The preservation of cultural identity has no bearing on the European genetic infusion

  5. The European propagandists are hoping to distort the facts and deceive the masses by promoting the deception that Haplogroup R1B is an ” Authentic ” Native-American Haplogroup. If this propaganda is accepted then 95% of Americans of Western European descent will be able to claim ” Native-American ” ancestry, while indigenous Moors(Black-Indians) who have the E3A Bantu Haplogroup of their Mandingo and Igbo Moorish ancestors will be denied recognition. Isn’t it interesting that Western European R1B is found amongst Native-Americans but Eastern European R1A1 is not! Native American Haplogroups Q and C are both found amongst the Mongols which is consistent with their Asiatic ancestors. Being that Haplogroup R1A1 is Eurasian it would be more likely to be found in Asiatic descended populations than Western European R1B. The reason R1B is found amongst Native-Americans as opposed to R1A1 is that the early European colonialists were Western European and NOT Eastern European.

    1. Neither white men or black men will be able to claim any real Native identity that matters, since Native Americans own genetic groupings, and genealogy has already been documented, so what are you on about?’

  6. The FACT remains that slavery was a centuries old custom in central Africa. The slaves that were brought to the Americas were NOT rounded up and thrown in nets by Europeans like some would have us believe. They were sold by other Africans. I’m not trying to justify the acts of the European slavers, but the FACTS are that the Africans created the slave trade. No one else.

    1. Are you quoting a scholarly authority or are you pulling stinky air out of your ass? If you are quoting a scholarly authority then cite it. If it is just stinky air, then shut your dirty ass and slink off!!

  7. @ JB

    This is what the racist historians teach in Europe, but unfortunately you can’t find any clues. Slave Trade in Central Africa started with the Portuguese arrival.

    The Congolese King (Dom Affonso I ) sent a letter to the Portuguese King Manuel , asking him to stop his slave raiders countrymen. They were called Pombeiros.

    So Portuguese Terrorists with guns attempted to kill The Congolese king during a church ceremony.

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