Black is the Genetic Parent – Amon Hotep

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Black is the Genetic Parent – Amon Hotep

Eskimos have brown skin. Eskimos have broad, flat noses. Africans have brown skin. Africans have broad, flat noses. Scientific studies have reported that people are dark because they live near the equator—not because they are Negroid or have a Negroid admixture. There are repeated arguments made by anthropologists when referring to Arabs being brown in color because of the equalitarian closeness. So what about the brownness of skin that occurs in mankind who live the furthest from the equator—the Artic? Also, the Eskimos’ nose shape does not work to explain temperature-dependencies. Broad, flat noses are more beneficial in hot environments—Oh really!

Scientifically speaking, Black objects absorb heat very well and also emit heat very well. If heat wasn’t emitted at the same rate as was is absorbed, the black object would just get hotter and hotter until it melted. A black beaker cools down much faster than a shiny beaker that does not absorb or emit heat well at all. That is why snow does not melt in cold weather even when the sun is falling directly on it. All of the incident light energy is reflected away and none (or very little) is absorbed.

If black absorbs heat and light and white reflects it, how can we say that white people are adapted more to cold environments than warm? That insinuation that white skin is a result of environmental adaptation is the same orthodox dogma that we have been spoon fed for generations, however when subjected to scientific scrutiny it doesn’t hold water. Reports FALSELY SUGGESTED that Senegalese troops during World War I and Ethiopian troops during the Korean War showed higher rates of frostbite and frozen feet in the African soldiers than their European counterparts. The laboratory work of the researchers also suggested that black skin tissue was more prone to cold injury; however white skin also exhibited some damage. After further research the following was indicated: It was SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN that samples of black skin tissue were less vulnerable to cold damage than the lighter European tissue. This does not sound indicative of white skin being more suitable to cold climates.

Caucasians have a higher concentration of enzyme inhibitors that suppress melanin production, according to Halprin & Ohkawara, 1966. White people also have calcified pineal glands. You may ask how does this imply that white skin is a genetic defect…..The pineal gland secretes melatonin, which activates the pituitary to release M.S.H. (Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone). It is in the melanocytes that melanin (Greek “melas”=black) is produced. Melanin is somewhat analogous to chlorophyll in plants. What a lot of people don’t realize is that melatonin is also related to fertility. Those with pigmented skin have the highest counts of melanocytes in the genitalia and nipples. The pigmentation in these areas can be influenced by sex hormones like estrogens and androgens. During pregnancy, the nipples, face, and abdominal wall become darkened. These areas of increased pigmentation during pregnancy are due to the increase in the production of estrogens.

Anthropologists try to account for the fact that the genitalia are darker by suggesting that protection is needed against ultraviolet radiation damage, and has been thus evolved through natural selection. This means that protection of the genitalia against forces that may prevent reproduction was needed. Similarly, in this view, the pigmentation of the nipples during pregnancy would be a defense against ultraviolet radiation damage to the nipples. Supposedly, this type of protection would be needed while breast-feeding during the early evolution of humans in Africa. According to Robins, 1991, darker pigmentation found in the genitals, may have evolved for the “protection of reproductive capacity”, in that the pigmentation protects gametes within the genitalia from ultraviolet radiation damage. This is a direct result of why white people have the lowest birthrates of all people on the planet and are going extinct. Their melanin deficiency is why their reproduction system does not work as efficiently as it should.

Whites attribute their failure of reproduction to behavioral or societal reasons. However, the reason is more a biological one. Melanin is present at the inception of life: A Melanin sheath covers both the sperm and the egg! In the human embryo, the melanocytes (skin pigment cells), brain and nerve cells all originate from the same place; the neural crest. Melanocytes resemble nerve cells and are essential for conveying energy. When Melanin is missing or insufficient in the ectoderm of the early embryo (blastula), this causes the mother to lose her baby; in the case of whites, a defective baby is produced, and over time, through inbreeding, wears down the already pathetically low levels of melanin. Reproduction stops altogether and virtual infertility is the end result.

As far as vitamin D metabolization, white people have the lowest bone density of all people on the planet. The skin is supposed to convert sunlight to Vitamin D because of 7-Dehydrocholesterol. However, white people reflect the sunlight so that the body compensates by depleting calcium from their bones. It makes whites more susceptible to kidney stones than any other race of people. The depletion of bone mass is responsible for their low bone density. It is widely regarded that black people have the strongest bones of all people from infancy to old age.

Melanin has been proven to not only refine the human reproductive system and nervous system, but melanin also plays an important part in sight and hearing. Blue eyes are simply eyes that lack melanin. Blue eyes are more sensitive to sunlight and do not process light or produce sight as efficiently as brown eyes. Isn’t it funny how many people place divine qualities with blue eyes that are nothing but genetically defective?

Melanin is also said to be linked with hearing. Melanocytes are present in the inner ear, the eye, and in the membrane that covers the brain and spinal cord. It has been demonstrated that melanin deposits in these areas are proportional to the amount of melanin found in the skin. These areas of the body, similar to the skin, are exposed to high-energy free radicals that can damage the surrounding cells, and thus causes a lower threshold for hearing. Evidence shows that black people, on average, hear better than whites, and that within both races, women surpass men. A partial explanation of the differences may lie in the abundance in the inner ear of melanin pigments. Also, numerous studies have found that people with light eye colors, such as blue, green, and hazel are more vulnerable to hearing damage than are people with black or brown eyes.

The late renowned Anthropologist, Dr. Margaret Meade, in an experiment with indigenous Australians, Black Melanesian Islander children and white Anglo-Saxon children in the US, revealed that the “memory bank” of black children was greater and their “instant recall ability” from memory, outstanding. She, like most renowned researchers, concluded that black children have a deeper memory bank and hence higher IQ than their counterpart European and American Biochemists have attributed this great phenomenon to ‘neuro-melanin’ – a chemical responsible for black.

In his book, “The Chemical Key to Black Greatness” American Biochemist, Carol Barnes, described melanin as, “a civilizing chemical that acts as a sedative to help keep the black human calm, relaxed, caring, creative, energetic and civilized”. Research also revealed that melanin enables black skin to actively interact with the sun, to produce Vitamin D from a biochemical substance, 7- dehydrocholesterol. The study also detected that, melanin has spiritual dynamics as well as physical, since it acts as a sensory ‘receptor’ and ‘transmitter’; communicating with cosmic energy fields in the vast universe converting light energy to sound energy and back. Dr. Richard King, MD, stated that, “melanin, by its ability to capture light and hold it in a memory mode, reveals that blackness converts light into knowledge”.

With all of this information, we can plainly see that melanin is ESSENTIAL for the efficient performance of all of the body’s natural functions. It seems a little ironic, that white people deem themselves genetically superior with the oxymoron of white supremacy. There is nothing supreme about a genetic defect. White people are merely mutated inbred albinos. This alone adds credence to them being an inferior stock. To feel better about themselves they develop totally senseless propaganda to flatter them and to make they feel better about their genetic condition at the expense of people of color. The doll test, where it has been reported that both white kids and black kids prefer WHITE dolls is solely out of ignorance, that I have termed “centuries of BRAINWASHARY.” It has clearly been shown that white skin is actually indicative of albinism. Albinism is a genetic defect. Who in their right mind would prefer a genetically defective condition to one that is Nature’s normal and has been proven more efficient?

This is why we need to continue our crusade to decolonize the minds of the original genetic template (black people) to see through the nonsense propagated by white people to flatter themselves. Total ignorance can be fought with knowledge. A more recent tactic white people use to appease themselves is the “Implicit Association Test.” They have devised a means to make it seem as though white people are supposed to be the most desirable people on the planet and that everyone wants to be like them and be around them. If you can see through the nonsense, then you will know what I mean. Would you want to be around a bunch of paranoid genetic defects with psychological problems and with intermittently inferior genes? In a nutshell, black people, being the original genetic template are the only fully NORMAL people on the planet. White people are albinos (recessive genetic defects) and other ethnicities are merely admixtures in between.

Always remember these points, and you should never have to hold your head down to any recessive genetic defects. All phenotypes exist within the black family. Asian people are only the semi-recessive descendants of their ancestors who were a black African tribe with slanted eyes. White people are the albinos of a specific group of Africans and have inherited those people’s phenotypes. They try to imply that their phenotypes were originally theirs and that if you see people of African descent with these features, they inherited them from white people. Nothing is further from the truth. Blacks are the genetic parents. Remember, whites cannot reproduce anything else but themselves. They cannot reproduce genetic material they don’t have…. melanin. Therefore, they cannot reproduce us, but we can reproduce them and all others in humanity.

This should also convince you that all of the great civilizations from antiquity had to be started by us. White people with their recessive genes and poorly refined reproductive systems, could not have lasted that long, seemingly that they are disappearing faster than anything now. Breeding with us, or breeding without us.

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46 thoughts on “Black is the Genetic Parent – Amon Hotep”

  1. I’m a white person of Irish, Italian, and Native American descent. You know, I could buy your theory if you were not downing the entire white race for the flagrant disregard of but a few. The majority of white Americans these days have no use for the racist diatribes of people of the past. True, racism still exists in varying degrees. I’m married to a black person, so I see it daily. I truly do believe that we are all from the same human race. I realize some don’t, but the way you rant about white people doesn’t help. The Implicit Association Test is test to see if you are more acclimated to see blacks or whites as different than you. I took the test twice, and both times I was told that I felt more comfortable around blacks than whites.

  2. Mr. Schultz, I suggest you re-read this article again.

    It simply states natural/biological/genetic/ historical facts.

    Its not about cooking up facts and claims & mere racist propaganda. We are all human beings and nobody is denying white people or anybody else their humanity.

    But facts are facts.

    Remember the 19th century white pseudo-science of phrenology (skull-measurings across races) to justify white supremacy? This is not that kind

    You yourself have admitted that racism against Afrikans (BLACK PEOPLE) exists even now.

    It is all based on a construct developed by white slavers/colonialists/neo-colonialists/globalizing capitalists in conjunction with their superstructures like CHURCH/MOSQUE/MEDIA/SCHOOL/UNIVERSITIES etc.

    These have continued to spew the lies of white supremacy in ever new/innovative ways and it is buttressed by an unbelievably humongous WHITE DEFENCE/OFFENCE BUDGET.

    Those are the facts.

    Now, for centuries Blacks have been bludgeoned, infiltrated and our heads filled with lies of our innate inferiority.

    This article exposes the truth for what it is. It is objective, science-based and anybody (even a white person who is frank) will see its manifest truth.

    Fact: White people to initiate and maintain their superiority have the WILL to do so (as your military expenditures reveal.

    FACT:No liberal white even if married to a black person can really contemplate/comprehend or even wish for TOTAL BLACK LIBERATION.

    You imagine what that means.Can you?

    Fact: Many Afrikans the world over have been socialized (see white-conjured superstructures above) to believe that they are of lesser intelligence.

    So we do have a moral breakdown in Afrika at home & abroad.

    Amon Hotep’s article opens Black peoples’ eyes to reality.

    When the scales of Babylon fall off our MELANINATED EYES, we begin to see what we must do to arise from this stupor of white madness.

    Only objective study will do. No empty propaganda from Blacks or whites will do.

    And guess what? When this happens, even white people may experience a CATHARSIS from their hate/fear-driven ideologies/phantasies & sciences.

    But first, Afrikan Minds must clean up BLACK UP and CIVILIZE AGAIN.

    1. Jahrateng Skabelli, Liar. Yes it is mere Whitey hating, Kill Whitey , Black racist, Black supremacist propaganada & yes it is denying White people our humanity. Whites are NOT Albinos, we are NOT lepers, we do NOT have a genetic defect. We are NOT inferior.

  3. I just have a question in regards to albinism. If two people who have albinism have
    a baby what are the chances that the baby will be born with or without this trait?
    I also thought that even though a person is born with albinism they would still inherit their
    parents blood type and mdna and Y dna sequence. So if they intermarry they would
    inherit the good genes as well as the bad? The point I am trying to understand is
    if the albinism trait was inherited from a group of ruthless, egotistical, divide and conquer blacks then that would be inherited. Then again if the black group was peaceful, spritual in nature, compassionate, builders, that would be inherited. If your theory is correct you
    don’t have to look far to see who is related to who.

    With that being said I also think it is terrible what has been done to the children and people suffering albinism in Africa. If what I have read is true.

    Peace & Harmony

  4. @Ms Deja,

    These are fair comments/queries. Indeed it is true that albinos are mistreated in many parts of Afrika and that is wrong. In East Afrika (that I am most conversant with) some sorry Afrikans believe that Albinos have some sort of magical powers!

    These kind of silly beliefs fueled by fear-mongering & profiteering witchdoctors lead to the murder of albinos (eg. Tanzania) to get their body parts.

    Now that is Afrikan at its lowest,depraved level:

    Ignorant/superstitious/exploitative and MURDEROUS.

    We Afrikans have to clean up our act with OUR CLASSIC ORGANIC BLACK SPIRITUALITY.

    These will never be achieved via little white slave gods like allah & jesus. Its almost self-explanatory to anybody who chooses to think a little.

    Two wrongs dont make a right:

    Just because Afrikans have (in some places/aspects) mongrelized their original spiritual teachings with evil practices based on ignorance/fear does not then translate to white christianity or islam as the way to salvation or whatever.

    These are mental traps and are as bad as such practices as kidnapping & killing albinos.

    The above should have by now addressed your other concern.

    You are essentially saying that white people being our genetical albino chidren have therefore inherited our black ruthless ways……so what is our problem, right?

    Well that is a logical nonsense because you are asking us to accept the status quo of white supremacy in philosophy/religion/culture/education/science/economics/military:

    a) Albinos in Afrika remain Afrikans and live in the culture that is spiritual in essence. This is inspite of the bad influences from within (like witchcraft) and without (like white slave deities).

    Its like the way women in some Afrikan cultures undergo female genital mutilation (FGM )

    In nutshot these albinos in the motherland are PURE AFRIKANS who have been dealt bad hand by society (Afrikans) and this is our shortcomming as Afrikans. We Afrikans must confess our sins.Fact.

    b) The self-perpetuating albinos who went off to what is now called europe today are a different kettle of fish.

    Over millenia and extreme conditions & inadequate melanin, they developed a culture (for lack of a better term) that essentially became DE-SPIRITUALIZED & MILITARISTIC.

    They were mere barbarians and this they say even in their own books.

    Now, when a thing like PLATO (half-civilized by BLACK TEACHERS OF KMT)came along with his ideas(Un-Afrikan) that “ideas” describe the ESSENCE OF A THING/FORM in purity more than even the thing itself, these albinos found an intellectual conception for their DE-SPIRITUALIZED NATURE.

    They were no longer Afrikan in CULTURE but of course will forever remain Afrikan in blood. All human beings are Afrikans, right?

    This is why today they can say things like “collateral damage” -its the idea. Not the real thing which means women & children killed in an invasion are just nuisance wastage.

    Others are “third world”/first world”. Just an idealization. It means nothing.Just a MENTAL CONSTRUCT.

    Seth/Shetani the devil as Kemetians said of such unbalanced ideations.

    WE AFRIKANS ARE DUAL in Spirit/Matter-philosophy.

    Now look at them:

    “Globalization” All such ideas come from a VERY SPECIFICALLY DE-SPIRUALIZED PHILOSOPHICAL OUTLOOK. The white culture.

    The result is an epidemic of cynicism and Afrika is in a mess because of it. Black people have forgotten BLACK GOD.

    In short we are saying that due to an inadequate melaninated peoples living and in-breeding together over millenia, they are now different in outlook from their genetical parents.

    We are identifying & isolating the problem in order to free our minds from the grip of white fantasy.


    1. In response to J. Skabelli, you have commented on issues that have nothing to do with my comment. The last three lines of your comment is only your explanation on what I have already read in the article. When I wrote about some black groups being more ruthless I did not say all blacks, I said some. In your comment you named examples, I didn’t. We as human beings inherit traits some good, some bad, some in between. As far as in-breeding
      some blacks do that too. A person should be judged by their deeds not by how melaninated
      they are. The MOST HIGH is the judge of us all anyway! Good Day.

  5. Mrs Deja

    You say your bad genes come from ruthless blacks… I say no. I say to you, what about the genes you inherited from Neanderthals in Europe? They must surely be the bad genes you carry…the ones responsible for your murders, your thefts and your lies. Scientist recently discovered that whereas Black Africans have no neandethal genes, Europeans, Albions, and Chinese all have the neanderthal thing. So what about your neanderthal animal genes?

    Here read it yourself from Time Magazine:

    Researchers compared the Neanderthal genome with the genomes of five living people: one San from southern Africa, one Yoruba from West Africa, one Papua New Guinean, one Han Chinese and one French person. Scientists discovered that 1% to 4% of the latter three DNA samples is shared with Neanderthals — proof that Neanderthals and early modern humans interbred.

    Read more:,8599,1987568,00.html#ixzz0tLHeeEwm

    1. Jahdey, I am sorry to disappoint you but I did have my dna tested and I don’t have the
      Neanderthal mix. My haplogroup matches with Ethiopia and blood type O positive.
      My ancestors were around thousands and thousands of years before your Neanderthals.
      Of course it is not by any of our choices who are ancestors are.
      We just need to thank God for all the blessings seen and unseen.
      Let me guess I bet your dna matches with west africans and you are blood type A or B positive. Maybe even O negative.

      1. hehe..another “white”…full of flimsy arrogance?

        Ms Deja, what is your DNA haplogroup since u are now Ethiopian?

        When did you do this test?

        Please answer honestly, if you have the courage…


  6. @Ms Deja,

    As you can see for yourself, we are not prejudiced. That is why I gave you unsavoury examples of how Albinoes are mistreated in Afrika.

    We are stating what WHITE CULTURE has done to Afrika (the earth) as a result of factually inadequate melanin in their bodies.

    Surely I dont need to enumerate what the malevolence of white culture has wrought on us via their slaving (medieval to modern) constructs?

    Your deviations about not judging “individual good” vs judging a race is cpmpletely out of whack in this discussion.

    If you are Ethiopian at all as you dare claim here, then you are merely a weak-minded apologist of white intellectualism.

    You fear calling a spade a spade because it sits uneasy with your carefully but ill-acquired self-identity ( a COSMOPOLITAN/LIBERAL/WORLDLY/AFRIKAN?)

    My question to you is :

    whose world (cosmopolitan) do you belong to?
    Liberal about what?

    And dont give me that white universal god thingie

    1. It seems that there are certain individuals Ms. Jahdey,and Ms. Skabelli who have a problem
      reading and interpreting the ENGLISH language. No problem. Since I do not have the time
      to school them, and I don’t believe in beating dead horses, I will no longer comment. However, I will say to the administrator that I enjoy reading your articles you post on your website.

      Black but comely, Ms Deja

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