Black is the Genetic Parent – Amon Hotep
Eskimos have brown skin. Eskimos have broad, flat noses. Africans have brown skin. Africans have broad, flat noses. Scientific studies have reported that people are dark because they live near the equator—not because they are Negroid or have a Negroid admixture. There are repeated arguments made by anthropologists when referring to Arabs being brown in color because of the equalitarian closeness. So what about the brownness of skin that occurs in mankind who live the furthest from the equator—the Artic? Also, the Eskimos’ nose shape does not work to explain temperature-dependencies. Broad, flat noses are more beneficial in hot environments—Oh really!
Scientifically speaking, Black objects absorb heat very well and also emit heat very well. If heat wasn’t emitted at the same rate as was is absorbed, the black object would just get hotter and hotter until it melted. A black beaker cools down much faster than a shiny beaker that does not absorb or emit heat well at all. That is why snow does not melt in cold weather even when the sun is falling directly on it. All of the incident light energy is reflected away and none (or very little) is absorbed.
If black absorbs heat and light and white reflects it, how can we say that white people are adapted more to cold environments than warm? That insinuation that white skin is a result of environmental adaptation is the same orthodox dogma that we have been spoon fed for generations, however when subjected to scientific scrutiny it doesn’t hold water. Reports FALSELY SUGGESTED that Senegalese troops during World War I and Ethiopian troops during the Korean War showed higher rates of frostbite and frozen feet in the African soldiers than their European counterparts. The laboratory work of the researchers also suggested that black skin tissue was more prone to cold injury; however white skin also exhibited some damage. After further research the following was indicated: It was SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN that samples of black skin tissue were less vulnerable to cold damage than the lighter European tissue. This does not sound indicative of white skin being more suitable to cold climates.
Caucasians have a higher concentration of enzyme inhibitors that suppress melanin production, according to Halprin & Ohkawara, 1966. White people also have calcified pineal glands. You may ask how does this imply that white skin is a genetic defect…..The pineal gland secretes melatonin, which activates the pituitary to release M.S.H. (Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone). It is in the melanocytes that melanin (Greek “melas”=black) is produced. Melanin is somewhat analogous to chlorophyll in plants. What a lot of people don’t realize is that melatonin is also related to fertility. Those with pigmented skin have the highest counts of melanocytes in the genitalia and nipples. The pigmentation in these areas can be influenced by sex hormones like estrogens and androgens. During pregnancy, the nipples, face, and abdominal wall become darkened. These areas of increased pigmentation during pregnancy are due to the increase in the production of estrogens.
Anthropologists try to account for the fact that the genitalia are darker by suggesting that protection is needed against ultraviolet radiation damage, and has been thus evolved through natural selection. This means that protection of the genitalia against forces that may prevent reproduction was needed. Similarly, in this view, the pigmentation of the nipples during pregnancy would be a defense against ultraviolet radiation damage to the nipples. Supposedly, this type of protection would be needed while breast-feeding during the early evolution of humans in Africa. According to Robins, 1991, darker pigmentation found in the genitals, may have evolved for the “protection of reproductive capacity”, in that the pigmentation protects gametes within the genitalia from ultraviolet radiation damage. This is a direct result of why white people have the lowest birthrates of all people on the planet and are going extinct. Their melanin deficiency is why their reproduction system does not work as efficiently as it should.
Whites attribute their failure of reproduction to behavioral or societal reasons. However, the reason is more a biological one. Melanin is present at the inception of life: A Melanin sheath covers both the sperm and the egg! In the human embryo, the melanocytes (skin pigment cells), brain and nerve cells all originate from the same place; the neural crest. Melanocytes resemble nerve cells and are essential for conveying energy. When Melanin is missing or insufficient in the ectoderm of the early embryo (blastula), this causes the mother to lose her baby; in the case of whites, a defective baby is produced, and over time, through inbreeding, wears down the already pathetically low levels of melanin. Reproduction stops altogether and virtual infertility is the end result.
As far as vitamin D metabolization, white people have the lowest bone density of all people on the planet. The skin is supposed to convert sunlight to Vitamin D because of 7-Dehydrocholesterol. However, white people reflect the sunlight so that the body compensates by depleting calcium from their bones. It makes whites more susceptible to kidney stones than any other race of people. The depletion of bone mass is responsible for their low bone density. It is widely regarded that black people have the strongest bones of all people from infancy to old age.
Melanin has been proven to not only refine the human reproductive system and nervous system, but melanin also plays an important part in sight and hearing. Blue eyes are simply eyes that lack melanin. Blue eyes are more sensitive to sunlight and do not process light or produce sight as efficiently as brown eyes. Isn’t it funny how many people place divine qualities with blue eyes that are nothing but genetically defective?
Melanin is also said to be linked with hearing. Melanocytes are present in the inner ear, the eye, and in the membrane that covers the brain and spinal cord. It has been demonstrated that melanin deposits in these areas are proportional to the amount of melanin found in the skin. These areas of the body, similar to the skin, are exposed to high-energy free radicals that can damage the surrounding cells, and thus causes a lower threshold for hearing. Evidence shows that black people, on average, hear better than whites, and that within both races, women surpass men. A partial explanation of the differences may lie in the abundance in the inner ear of melanin pigments. Also, numerous studies have found that people with light eye colors, such as blue, green, and hazel are more vulnerable to hearing damage than are people with black or brown eyes.
The late renowned Anthropologist, Dr. Margaret Meade, in an experiment with indigenous Australians, Black Melanesian Islander children and white Anglo-Saxon children in the US, revealed that the “memory bank” of black children was greater and their “instant recall ability” from memory, outstanding. She, like most renowned researchers, concluded that black children have a deeper memory bank and hence higher IQ than their counterpart European and American Biochemists have attributed this great phenomenon to ‘neuro-melanin’ – a chemical responsible for black.
In his book, “The Chemical Key to Black Greatness” American Biochemist, Carol Barnes, described melanin as, “a civilizing chemical that acts as a sedative to help keep the black human calm, relaxed, caring, creative, energetic and civilized”. Research also revealed that melanin enables black skin to actively interact with the sun, to produce Vitamin D from a biochemical substance, 7- dehydrocholesterol. The study also detected that, melanin has spiritual dynamics as well as physical, since it acts as a sensory ‘receptor’ and ‘transmitter’; communicating with cosmic energy fields in the vast universe converting light energy to sound energy and back. Dr. Richard King, MD, stated that, “melanin, by its ability to capture light and hold it in a memory mode, reveals that blackness converts light into knowledge”.
With all of this information, we can plainly see that melanin is ESSENTIAL for the efficient performance of all of the body’s natural functions. It seems a little ironic, that white people deem themselves genetically superior with the oxymoron of white supremacy. There is nothing supreme about a genetic defect. White people are merely mutated inbred albinos. This alone adds credence to them being an inferior stock. To feel better about themselves they develop totally senseless propaganda to flatter them and to make they feel better about their genetic condition at the expense of people of color. The doll test, where it has been reported that both white kids and black kids prefer WHITE dolls is solely out of ignorance, that I have termed “centuries of BRAINWASHARY.” It has clearly been shown that white skin is actually indicative of albinism. Albinism is a genetic defect. Who in their right mind would prefer a genetically defective condition to one that is Nature’s normal and has been proven more efficient?
This is why we need to continue our crusade to decolonize the minds of the original genetic template (black people) to see through the nonsense propagated by white people to flatter themselves. Total ignorance can be fought with knowledge. A more recent tactic white people use to appease themselves is the “Implicit Association Test.” They have devised a means to make it seem as though white people are supposed to be the most desirable people on the planet and that everyone wants to be like them and be around them. If you can see through the nonsense, then you will know what I mean. Would you want to be around a bunch of paranoid genetic defects with psychological problems and with intermittently inferior genes? In a nutshell, black people, being the original genetic template are the only fully NORMAL people on the planet. White people are albinos (recessive genetic defects) and other ethnicities are merely admixtures in between.
Always remember these points, and you should never have to hold your head down to any recessive genetic defects. All phenotypes exist within the black family. Asian people are only the semi-recessive descendants of their ancestors who were a black African tribe with slanted eyes. White people are the albinos of a specific group of Africans and have inherited those people’s phenotypes. They try to imply that their phenotypes were originally theirs and that if you see people of African descent with these features, they inherited them from white people. Nothing is further from the truth. Blacks are the genetic parents. Remember, whites cannot reproduce anything else but themselves. They cannot reproduce genetic material they don’t have…. melanin. Therefore, they cannot reproduce us, but we can reproduce them and all others in humanity.
This should also convince you that all of the great civilizations from antiquity had to be started by us. White people with their recessive genes and poorly refined reproductive systems, could not have lasted that long, seemingly that they are disappearing faster than anything now. Breeding with us, or breeding without us.
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Jahdey roars: “The question is not whether Indians or Italians have nigger genes or not. The relevant question is why are you so pale-pink and hairy, Ms Pink Beauty, why do you spend so much time and money shaving your legs, thighs and backs, and tanning your pink arse to make it look like my brown back?
Please respond…
Oh dear this is just part of life…the need to shave and maintain our bodies….however hair can’t even grow on your heads properly hence the reason you may have no need to indulge in such activities as shaving your legs. Jahdey you are a sorry soul. May the lord the god of ISRAEL JEWISH PEOPLE…not black people have mercy on you. You are telling false stories concerning the people of the bible…you even talked about Jesus yet you went onto say that “THE SUN IS THE GIVER AND TAKER OF LIFE?” Had you truly been reading the bible you would know that GOD IS THE GIVER AND TAKER OF LIFE NOT THE SUN. You would have seen god all over the bible not the SUN. Did the SUN send Jesus to save the world? Did THE sun INSTUCT AND GUIDE MOSES TO FREE HIS PEOPLE THE ISRAELITES WHO I NEED TO REMIND YOU WERE NOT BLACK LOOK jewish people. Have you ever even seen one? Do they look like anything like you people? Come on JAHDEY accept the truth man. I read what you say and you are just a dilussional very bitter black man who wants to get back at the whole world for treating your people bad. You need to forgive SON. You need to put all these luny theories of yours away and trust in god. I mean Jahdey do you really think people will actually believe what you are saying. It’s a big joke. You sound very stupid son. Just give it up ok. The world will never believe this much more to accept it. Blacks have been scorned for years and have been the main victims of racism and it’s still present today. Though the world may have come a long way in this issue the racism is still there in many people who even claim NOT to be racial. They just do that cause they have alot of black friends but to actually have relationships with a black person is considered a crime against their families in many countries of the world today. I know many people whose parents warned that they will disown and disinherit if the day ever came when they came home with a black person. They will not admit it but a large portion of the world still feel that way so why will anyone even take what you are saying seriously. People want to run as far away as possible from having any trace of black in them. Come on man just forget about this ok and move on. You tried right.
And finally I will tell your heathen pink arse a few biblical truths:
The white skin was considered a curse by the black Israelites because it was often associated with albinism, melanoma, vitiligo and leprosy. It was actually called leprous skin and was associated with the children of Cain.
Why do I say that white skin was associated with bible curse:
Well, when Moses cursed his sister Mariam, her skin turned white and she was put out of the camp until she got healed and recovered her healthy black colour again.
When Prophet Elijah cursed his servant who had illegally taked a gift from Naaman the Syrian General, Gerhizo’s skin became white and he had to leave from among the children of Israel.
In the levetical laws, anything with white skin was rejected from being offered before the temple of the Lord.
In the laws of Moses, white skin was group with leprosy and was supposed to be put away from among the children of Israel until it was healed.
The Israelites were black as the Ethiopians because “the Lord” had asked them this question: Are you not as the children of Ethiopia to me, o children of Israel?
Can the leopard change its spot, can the Ethiopian change his skin?
Jesus himself was black because when he appeared in the book of Revelations to St. John he was described as having feet like burnt brass.
The white man was bred when Laban the father-in-law to Dr. Yakub, gave over speckled and pale lambs to him for genetic manipulations and in-breeding.
The Sun the giver and taker of life on this planet Earth burns your pink skin and gives you melanoma. Why?
Now go take those information and do more homework, when you get back from walking the streets and hustling men…o ye wretched pink Delialah, faking as one Shushana…
What a moron this Susana Pinkie freckled wrinkley sallow-skinned thing is!
I have never seen such fear OF BLACK MAJESTY even in their white supremacy sites!
A foul-mouthed cheap ignorant, illiterate sow is indeed a stink to marvel at.
Anyways, I and I await 2050 for this mutation in the universe to self-correct BLACK AGAIN.
Meanwhile, drop your childish Ham and the cursed rigmarole and read some science & history (this thread alone can school your stupid void immensely) then DEAL WITH REALITY AS IT IS.
Not what you think.
Pss we have seen white little haters far more intelligent in their nonsense than you. I am sure any of these maggot types who come across your chapped slit-for -a-mouth blabberings above will surely cringe…..
you low level barbarian Idiot
Oh and one more thing Susana the Pink apparition from wherever:
All Afrikans who continue to straighten their hair/conk with lye or such devil chemicals/bleach themselves with mercury are fools. Period.
They have lost their CONCIOUSNESS and bought into a fallacy of “white beauty”-if it is being white they wish to appear like.This is a fact.
This is why-you pink (mixed?)swine, this article was posted. For education of Afrikans at home & abroad.
The mess created by white supremacy (eg your bible with its Ham curse noise/islamic slavery led by white “arabs”) affects Afrikans grieviously.
Only education/facts will free an Afrikan mind.
We are not joking here. We are on a mission to cure humanity from a disease. A disease of self-ignorance.
When all BLACK PEOPLE come to a self-realization of who I and I is, this PLANET WILL BE IN BLISS.
If you read the article discerningly, you will realize that AFRIKA HAS THE MOST VARIETY OF PHENOTYPES IN THE PLANET:
We have the BLACKEST MAJESTIES (Almost BLUE if you like) FROM SUDAN. LIKE ME.
Then you have LIGHT-SKINNED Blacks like say in Azania (South Afrika) then in terms of hair, we have woolly hair (which frightens you senseless) to the straight hair of say Abysinnia (Ethipiopia)
And anything in between! Amazing BLACK RAINBOW WHICH EXISTED FROM CREATION OF I & I when ATUM (BLACK GOD OF UNIVERSE) self-created.
White adam & little eve from his ribs never existed then. So grow up and learn from your BLACK TEACHERS.
Plato, Aristotle, Pythagorus, Hippocrates did so who are you not to, you insignificant clot?
(please note though that these greeks failed and/or plagiarized Black observations on things)
I have excluded the invader/visitor descendants of North Afrika like the Egyptians in the above Afrikan phenotypes. For obvious reasons.
In a nutshell Afrika is the motherland of all.
This is science & history. Not some fancy made up tale in Rome or Mecca.
School up or shut up and wilt away… your infertile skinny paleness.
The bible Curses on the Pink Albino erroneously called “White” (Shushanna, if u think white albinos are white like the teeth of Africans then you are more mentally challenged than I thought. Albino defective mind?)
The bible contains numerous curses and put-downs of the pink skin so-called whites. Yet, there is not one passage in the entire bible where it says anything negative about black skin. Here we go:
Lucifer actually means someone with a pink skin, a pink angel, as in “luciferous”, meaning light/pink and when applied to an entity human or animal indicates the unsual light-pink skin of the subject…. Lucifer was a white boy just like he still is today.
Numbers 12: verse 9-10 “The anger of the LORD burned against them, and he left them. When the cloud lifted from above the tent, there stood Miriam leprous, like snow.” Miriam was a person of color, because if she was not there would have been no need to state that her skin became white like snow.
Leviticus 13 and 14 God discusses the plague of leprosy when a man turns white in the skin and in verse 30 the Bible also speaks of the hair turning yellow, so according to King James, white skin and yellow hair denote a plague:
Leviticus 13:2 states: “When a man shall have in the skin of his flesh a rising, a scab, or bright spot and it be in the skin of his flesh like the plague of leprosy. Then he shall be brought to Aaron, the priest, or to one of the sons of the priest”.
Verse 4: “If the bright spot be WHITE in the skin of his flesh, the priest shall shut up him that has the plague seven days.”
Verse 6: “And the priest shall look on him again the seventh day: and behold, if the plague be somewhat DARK, and the plague spread not in the skin, the priest shall pronounce him clean: it is but a scab; and he shall wash his clothes and be clean”.
The light of this world is your God yet it burns your pink albino arse to blisters and melanoma cancers! How can god be your relative then..when he is a danger to you…
Recall sunscreens, and sun blisters…LoL
Ms Pink Beauty, child of the night, tell us who made you if your god is looking to destroy you!
The Black Colour of Solomon:
“I am black but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar (Shem), as the curtains of Solomon….” The Song of Solomon Chapter 1 verse 5…