Black Jewish Tribes of Africa (Part 3: From Ethiopia to Israel)

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Tacitus, Ethiopians and Black St. Paul

Roman historian Tacitus wrote that many of his time believed that the Jews “were a race of Ethiopian origin.”

The Bible classifies the Ethiopians & Jews together, “Are ye not as children of the Ethiopians unto me, O children of Israel? saith the Lord.” (Amos 9:7)

Black Paul is mistaken for an “Egyptian” and declares himself to be a “Jew.” (Acts 21:37-39, 22: 2,3) 

Persia and Ashanti

It has also been speculated that the Jewish presence and influence was greatly helped by the ancient gold trade between Persia and Africa.

Jews were the main intermediaries of this trade in the medieval ages since most Muslims (due to Islamic laws prohibition on usury) were wary of its usurious dimensions.

These Jewish itinerant traders came to rely on contacts with the various Jewish communities of West African who proved no mean help in sourcing the scarce commodity. Thus, for instance, the silk of the Royal Kente cloths of the Ashanti reputedly came from China. 

Various historical accounts claim that Jewish travelers from Persia had organized exchanges of Chinese silk for gold in the Kingdom of Ghana; the Ashanti needed the silk for weaving Kente cloth and the Jews need gold for their intrinsic and fiscal value. It is said that the Ashanti words for numbers relate to those in Parsi, the language of Persia. See Lichtblau.


Haplogroup E3B

The E3b haplogroup has been observed in all Jewish groups world wide. It is considered to be the 2nd most prevelent haplogroup amoung the Jewish population.

All the major studies agree that E-M35 is the second highest in prevalence next to J, for “Founding Jewish Lineages.”

It is found in moderate amounts in all Jewish populations, from Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Kurdish, Yemen, Samaritan and even among Djerba Jewish groups.

The scientific consensus is that Haplogroup E3b (M35) appears to have originated in East Africa, but has been carried from there to the Near East and then on to North Africa and Europe. Today it is most common in East Africa, North Africa, the Near East and around the Mediterranean.

Haplogroup J

Haplogroup J (previously known as HG9 or Eu9/Eu10) is a Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. T is subdivided into two subclades: haplogroup J2, defined by the M172 marker, and haplogroup J1, defined by the M267 marker.

Of special interest are maps that show the geographical spread of the J haplogroup. J1 and J2 are both common in southern Europe, central Europe, the Mediterranean region, and Africa. The J haplogroup is considered to be a signature gene of Jewish ancestry and the cohen modal gene happens to be a subgroup of J.

In fact, the highest frequencies of J1 (M267) are seen in the Middle East, north Africa, and Ethiopia. See (Thomas et al. 1999). J2 (M172) also exists in significant proportions across Africa especially among the semitic speaking peoples of Tigriniya, Amhara, and Oromiya.

The J1’s from the Middle East and North Africa seem to be distinguishable from the rest of J’s by having YCAII=22,22. Behar et al found that a significant proportion of the Jewish population of Europe (more than 20%) carry the J1 haplogroup. The other 20% carry the J2 haplogroup. See Behar et al Hum Genet (2004) 114: 354-365

Cohen Modal Haplotype

The presence among the Lemba of a disproportionate number of men carrying a particular polymorphism on the Y chromosome known as the Cohen modal haplotype suggests an ancestral link to the Jewish population. One sub-clan within the Lemba, the Buba clan, is considered by the Lemba to be their priestly clan. Among a small sample of the Buba, fifty-two percent of males were found to carry the Cohen modal haplotype CMH, which is generally suggestive of Y-DNA haplogroup J, but notably prevalent among Jewish Kohanim, or priests.

Decline of the Black Jews of Africa

Many reasons have been sought for the decline and virtual disappearance of Africa’s once thriviing Jewish communities of black Jews. Many see the beginning of this decline as contemporaneous with the advent of the Islamic religion in Africa.

Some historical accounts highlight the fact that black Jews were die-hard nationalistic traditionalists and had led the black African resistance against the influx of the black muslim jihadists and their new interpretation of morality. The most notableof these black Jewish nationalists was Queen Kahina Dahiya Bint Thabitah ibn Tifan otherwise known as El-Kahina. A descendant of one of the priestly Black Jewish families of North Africa, Kahina led the nationalist resistance against the muslim invasion until her defeat at the hands of Hassan Ibn Numan. See Margolis, “History of Jewish people”, 1927 pages 278-279. See also Remy Ilona, “The Igbos: Jews in Africa?” volume 1, Research Findings Historical Links, Commentaries, Narratives,” 2004, Mega Press Limited, Abuja, Nigeria.

Amidst this tumult, the Jews of Northern and West Africa were given a choice of conversion or emigration. Many left for the deeper forest recesses of West Africa seeking the peace and tranquility that appeared to elude them in each generation. The late incursions by the colonialist christian elements of Europe did not make matters any better. There seems to have been a direct link between the incursion of relatively modern religions in Africa and the decline of the ancient practise of the Hebrews which had a pride of place in Africa, its mother land.

For instance the Jewish enclaves of Qamnurya or Naghira in the area of modern Senegal was destroyed completely in the wake of sectarian unrest. Similarly, Al-Maghili a prominent black Muslim noble not only destroyed the Jewish enclaves of Tuat in the old Mali empire, he convinced other potentates throughout the Western Sudan to banish Jews from the empire’s cities. See Remy Ilona, supra.

Lichtblau speculates that: although “…Jewish presence is also confirmed by numerous surviving accounts of Portuguese and other European visitors in the 14th and 15th centuries, as well as North African and Arab historical records… gradually most of these communities disappeared. Since they existed largely in isolation, there was a good deal of intermarriage which for a while reinforced their influence and expansion. As a result they were increasingly viewed as a threat by Muslim rulers, and most of the Jewish communities and nomad groups south of the Atlas mountains were either forced to convert to Islam or massacred; the remainder fled to North Africa, Egypt or the Sudan, and a few also to Cameroon and Southern Africa.”

Jide Uwechia

August 19, 2007

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219 thoughts on “Black Jewish Tribes of Africa (Part 3: From Ethiopia to Israel)”

  1. The first black man.Who we had knwn was Bilal.He was the slave of habu Jahil.
    when the prophet Muhammed [S.W.A]began precheaing in mecca.The Bilal was
    first black man became muslim.The second black man was Yazid.All the married
    Arab women.The got children.
    It was not quite long,the king of Ethiopia his name was Najasi
    he became muslim. The former name of contry was Habbasha .The name which Ha
    usa tribe got.From Habbasha the chageed it Haubsa next time to hausa tribe .It is the
    origine the name.
    Muhammed bello the son of Usman dan fodio wrote in his book.
    By the time Hausa tribes were living with Ethiopia tribes under goverment of Paroh in that
    time.They were pratising the prophet Musa [W.S.A] Moses.This is Jews;s religion.It is not quite .After prophet Musa this Moses [w.s.a] died. One tribe from Arab attacked Hausa tribe , immediatly Hausa tribe retaliated with stroge force in the meddle of the night they killed more of them.They left the area .So more of the Hausa tribe were worshiping the
    prophet musa or moses’s Allah[w.s.a] some of they were unbeliver.Some of them are s
    taying in Niger other in norther Nigeria.They continu worshiping Musa’s Allah[w.s.a].They
    spent four thousad year ago.They chaged religion to ISLAMIC ,this because there is symbole of Muhammed [W.S.A] in the Jews’s religion.
    The prophet MUHAMMED[W.S.A] sent hisfriends Habbasha Ethiopia where king Najasi was.That was hausa tribe got Islamic.
    I believed seven hausa state. which Jews formed
    Arab men maried Hausas’ women.
    If you go to Ethiopian musem you should see the store wrote
    on it with Greek alphabet in Hausa tribe.One tribe is speaking as the Hausa.
    I saw in history of Arab Hausa tribe in Damaskas of syria
    they brought them by slaves trade now they are Arab also they speaking in Hausa lan
    Ali manzor wrote in his book Hausa in Isrease before chage area he said by going to MECCA they remain.

  2. Doc …. Jambo

    Where do the Bachwezi people fit in this? They lived in East Africa, believed to have magical/super powers . they disappeared?

    There are people in Zimbabwe called “Mavitoli” they also disappeared. The tower of babel according to Zim people was build by the Mavitoli. They are believed to have wanted to reach God. There is a tower in the Zimbabwe ruins.

    I just read that a senior officer in Uganda was killed by a Lugbara woman from DRC ..this week. It is said The Lendu people in DRC wanted to give the officer asylum i.e. from the UN since he was suspected of DRC smuggling. You say that Lendu are connected to the Lugbara. Idi Amin’s group the Kakwa are Lugbara

    Why is that the Lendu resort to violent means many times, Why is that Hamites resort to violence in many cases.

    Does this have anything to do with the bible?

    1. The Lendu are related to the Lugbara
      and as a matter of fact the Lugbara are the
      remnant of the ancient Igbo who remained in
      Nubia. The deity Elegbara is known amongst
      the Igbo descended Ewe in Ghana. Elegbara is known
      as Eshu amongst the Igbo descended Egba in
      Yorubaland. The Igbo also use the word Agbara
      meaning the ” Power of God “. As Akkanam stated in
      one of his earlier communications the name Igbo
      can refer to the spirits. The Lugbara believe that they
      originate from ancestral spirits called gbo-oro. The
      Igbo and Lugbara can understand much of each other’s
      language when speaking.
      The KaKwa are related to the Lugbara but are a distinct
      tribe within themselves. Idi Amin’s father was a KaKwa and
      his mother was a Lugbara. The KaKwa are the earliest ancestors
      of the Kwa identity and culture. The Igbo speak a Kwa language.
      The Zulu believe in an independent Kwa-Zulu homeland.
      There is the Kwa-Ibo River and the BaKwa of Ghana. There
      was also a famous Hausa Queen known as BaKwa. The Kwa
      and Lugbara were not violent by nature but were considered to
      be the most resistent to European colonization. The BaChwezi
      were believed by some to be aliens and are amongst the ancestors
      of the Tutsis. The battle between the Lendu and the Hima, The Hutu
      and the Tutsis, and the BaGanda and the Luo is ancient(Biblical)
      I will send to you information about the BaGanda clans, the original
      Torah and how to get proper schooling on these matters.

    2. Actually Zimbabwe means the tower built by stones and Muwanga is right one can stll see the relics of the stone buliding there however whether they have any mention in the bible I do not know but will contenue to seek the truth.

  3. Good Morning, Muwanga:

    If you mean Torah as in the first five books of the Bible, you can get one in any of the Barnes and Noble Bookstores. You have no choice here. You take whatever the Jews put out, but always compare it with other Bibles. However, if you are talking about the Jewish Bible (Tanach), I have one, and you can also get a good one in Barnes and Nobles as well. Personally, I use more of NIV Scofield Bible and Standard King James version. I find in these Bibles, the things that are found in Igboland today that are either omitted or restated in other versions of the Bible by those who do not want the world to know the truth.

    Yes, the Bible was translated and transliterated by foreigners who neither speak nor understand Hebrew, except for the alphabets they have, but the truth of the Bible is ever present and available to those who are seeking the truth. There are few changes and injections made by man into the Scared Scriptures to read the way they want it, but that does not negate the truth or the integrity of the Bible. Hence I use the two version of the Bible I mentioned above because they have least changes and injections.

    Another thing, if you are truly seeking the truth, whenever you go to buy the Torah or the Bible, God will guide you for he is the TRUTH. And when you read the scriptures, he will also teach you, for the scriptures of the Bible are new every morning and every day. Thanks.

  4. Can anyone tell me the meaning of the suffix “Ba”. If I know the meaning I give you the exact the meaning of the word “BaChwezi”. Thanks.

  5. Hallo Akannam

    Ba I think means “of ” or “belonging to”

    The Zulu King says all Swazis, zulu’s ,Shangaans, ndebeles and Xhosa people are children of Ntu. These peoples moved from North East Africa to south.

    According to last months new African there was Ntr and Ntw in egypt i.e. names refering to Gods & Godesses into one (The supreme being, who is, was and shall ever be)

    The Twa (Pygmies) in uganda, DRC used to hide in caves running away from the BA-NTU

    This week my Sotho and Swazi friends confirmed to me that they have always reffered to pygmies as BA-TWA

    UMU, MU. OMU before NTU means singular i.e. of NTU

    BA before NTU means Plural i.e they are of or they belong to.

    in Luganda they ask ABO BA-ANI ….who are those? or Whose are they

    They Zulus, Swazis etc ask BO- BANI

    answer e.g BA-Akannam. they are of Akannam or belong to Akannam

  6. Good Morning, Muwanga:

    I thank you. Now, the meaning of “Chwezi” is either (Chinweze, meaning God owns the King) or (Chinwezi, meaning God owns the way) depending on the placement of the vowels and how those who wrote the word pronounces it. So, the word “BaChwezi” means Umu-Chinwezi or Umu-Chinweze where “Umu means “Children”. For example, Umu-Chinweze, means Children of Chinweze.

    There is a remarkable similarity between the Hebrew and the Bantu but I have yet to uncover what that could be. In Igbo which is pure Hebrew Ani, Ana, Ala, Ela, and Ali all means the Earth depending on the dialect. Mu is Me in Igbo and Omu is newly budded palm leaves.

    Whether Bantu means Children of Gods and Godesses, I don’t know but there are some part of Igbo like Ihiagwa who calls themselves children of the God Ogu – the God of war. and Umuohiagu calls themselves Umu-Amadi which means children of Amadioha – the God of Lightning, and some still call themselves UmuOrisha which means Children of the Gods. So, these names may have something in common with Ba-Ntu as meaning children of gods, godesses, or the Supreme God.

    Remember that the Hebrews before Abraham were priests to the world sent to spread the ideas of peace and righeousness around the world. Hence, the ones that the scholars call Ethiopian priests or Egyptian priest are all Hebrews. And we can trace these Hebrews all the way to India and Japan where they still have Hebrew shrines that exist in Igboland to this day. People will get to the truth only when they bypass the barge of ignominy placed on black skin by the white supremacists.

    These languages that you mentioned here are all part of the first language whose meanings have changed as people moved away from the Hebrew Homestead of Igboland and encounter other people whose languages influences each other. Take for example, the Baskh language of Spain that I have seen are all Hebrew words but with different meanings. It is one of the researches that I have slated for the future.

    All the religions of far east like Hindu, Shinto, Budha, and so forth are all Igbo religions as part of the original spirituality corrupted by people overtime. Hence the Hindus do not know the meaning of the word Hindu. And they will tell you that the word Hindu is a word that came from somewhere outside India or any other part of the east. If you don’t believe mean, then ask any Hindu person the meaning of the word, “Hindu” and they will tell you that they don’t know. If they say they know, tell me the meaning and I can prove them wrong. I hope I have helped and thank you again.

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