Black Like The Ancient Europeans: The Black (First) Europeans

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The first people of Europe were prehistoric Africans. They lived mostly in the southern parts of Europe, and created many paintings and cave art throughout the region.

Pretentious scholars struggling with their self-inflicted racist diseases attach ill-fitting names to the first peoples of Europe. They call them funny names like Neanderthals, Paleolithic men, Mesolithic or Neolithic, Cro-Magnons, Grimaldi, Aurignicians, in a desperate bid to hide the cultural and historical identity of those people.

It is generally conceded by those scholars however, that the African people were the bearers of the first substantive elements of culture into the European continent.

Many thousands of years before the rise of the current pale tribes of Europe, an Afrocoid people known as the Grimaldi people, established the Aurignacian cultures. These people were anatomically modern human beings of the West African typology. They brought the first indications of cultural thoughts and rites into Europe.

The Grimaldi were Black Africans with very little body hair, black and smooth skin; they had the facial features typical of West African forest dwellers. They had kinky hair too. They arrived in Europe 40,000 to 50,000 years ago.

They ranged in height from tall to medium. Their culture had developed in Africa tens of thousands of years before they moved to Europe. It was called the Arugnician Culture. In 1994, scientists found corroborating evidence of stone and bone tools on the banks of the Semlike River in Zaire. They were finely crafted tools made between 75,000 to 100,000 years old long before modern humans migrated to Europe.

The Neanderthals non-modern human specie of man had left Africa early in time (80,000 years ago) and settled in central and southern Europe. It is speculated by bio-anthropologists that the genes of those Neanderthals are extensively sown in the modern European tribes of today.

The “Cro-Magnon,” people, late contemporaries and perhaps descendants of the Grimaldi people also existed in Central and Southern Europe many thousands of years after the Grimaldi Negroid had expanded to Europe but before the appearance of the pale version of Europe now known as Caucasians.

Actually, Caucasians as a race did not appear in Europe until about twenty to thirty thousand years after the arrival of the first Africans who by this very fact are the aboriginals of Europe.


There are many theories which seek to explain the reason for the switch in skin color of the Europeans. The theories proposed range from the Ice-Age effect theory, to those of miscegenation and others that suggest malnutrition. In all these theories lies the admission that the pale skin is a relatively recent genetic modification that occurred in originally Black Europe.

One of the more interesting propositions suggest that the change from black to pale Europe occurred as a result of miscegenation between the modern Africans arrivals in Europe and the primordial Neanderthal which had originally come from Africa. It should be noted that the primordial human Neanderthal (physiologically and intellectually) said to be among the ancestors of Europeans and Caucasians, also came from Africa to Europe about 80,000 years ago. Thus, the Neanderthal, which had apparently been forced to Eurpe from out of Africa, was also of the African genotype.

Some theories suggest that Neanderthals (who were originally black as all original Africans) later became pale-skinned and retained excessive body hair due to genetic selection responding to the need to adapt to the cold and darkness of Ice-Age Europe.

The modern day Europeans are the products of interbreeding between these mutated pale skin Neanderthals (i.e. mutated non modern-human Africa) and the later arriving modern black Africans of 40,000 -10,000 years ago i.e. the Grimaldis.

Warm blooded animals undergo de-pigmentation in the absence of light and warmth. If there were no Ice Age in Europe, the people would have remained Negroid/Black. Some of the darkest Africoid peoples still exist as the Australian Aborigines and Tasmanians. Their ancestors left Africa in the same waves as the Africans that went to Europe. It appears that of the anatomically modern human Africans who had migrated around the globe, those in the warmer southern climates retained their African pigmentation and those in the Northern climates lost theirs as a result of miscegenation with the pale skinned Neanderthals, who it should not be forgotten were originally of the African continent.

Ogu Eji Ofor Annu,

April 1, 2006

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178 thoughts on “Black Like The Ancient Europeans: The Black (First) Europeans”

  1. That was a great piece of my culture i knew nothing about thank you but my mind is still thristy

  2. You people really shouldn’t be so impressed by this. There aren’t even any citations in this one. Is it an April Fools’ joke? Well, since a simple assertion is so powerful on this site, that’s what I’ll use, and I won’t cite my arguments either.

    First of all, this Grimaldi nonsense is taken from Diop, who’s anything but reputable. The Grimaldi’s were Cro-Magnon (read: Caucasoid), not Negroid. They’re associated with the Gravettian culture, not the Aurignacian culture, which spread into Europe from the Middle East anyway. There’s no evidence of prehistoric migrations across the Strait of Gibraltar. The first Europeans came from Central Asia, as proven by genetic analysis. Later migrations came from the Middle East, and are also proven by population genetics.

    About the Neanderthals: I challenge absolutely anyone to find a source seriously claiming that modern Europeans and Middle Easterners are descended from Neanderthals. You won’t find any. I’ve looked. Rather, everything you’ll find will argue the opposite, if it’s up-to-date, that is. The Neanderthals were wiped out by modern humans as they migrated into the Middle East and Europe. There’s no genetic evidence that they miscegenated, but there is evidence that they didn’t, due to the genetic distance between them and homo sapiens sapiens.

    It’s not held by mainstream science that the first humans had black skin, nor that they were even Negroid. They rather had skin that was relatively “dark” or merely “brown”, as it’s most often put, much like that of Middle Easterners and South Asians, and it’s believed that before this it was even lighter, possibly even “white” like that of chimpanzee’s, to whom humans are most closely related. Also, many scientists believe that the humans that inhabited northeastern Africa and that populated the rest of the world were more Caucasoid rather than Negroid, again, much like Middle Easterners and South Asians, and that this is why “Caucasoid” peoples can be found around the world.

    Lastly, white skin probably first appeared in the Middle East and then spread up into Europe and around to other parts of the world.

    I touch on most of these topics here (African Roots of Ireland)

  3. I’ve decided that I left too much room for elaboration on some topics in my previous reply, so I’ll expand on them here.

    I mentioned white skin originating (in it’s modern form anyway) among ancient Middle Easterners, yet asserted that Middle Easterners have brown skin. Many Middle Easterners do indeed have brown skin, but many also have white skin, as I point out in the other article to which I’ve linked. Also, to contradict the assertion in this article that Australian Aborigines have “retained their African pigmentation”, many Australian Aborigines have white skin such as Evonne Goolagong, Troy Cassar-Daley, Anthony Mundine, and Aden Ridgway. The reason for this, as some anthropologists speculate, is that white skin re-appeared soon after those early humans left Africa and can be seen in such people around the world such as these individuals, many Middle Easterners and East Asians, and some Polynesians such as Kiri Te Kanawa, whom I mention in my other posts. However, some among the Aboriginal Australians obviously either did retain or re-acquired black or brown skin, but it’s not universal.

    Those of you who are convinced by this person’s articles should really do more mainstream reading, or get an education. The dispersion of misinformation is never a good thing.

  4. Main stream science, huh? Isn’t that the same one that defined blacks as having the brain of apes? We refuse to refer to mainstream education. And if that is what you call education, well it is hight time the Negro got miseducated.

    Now, for serious remark and work on the movement of blacks from Africa to the north during pre-historic time, please check with Paul Rivet, René Verneau, Henri Breuil, and Marcelin Boule… they have produced, in the early 20th century amazing works that support what the brother says…. But, they speak French… oops…. Maybe you should get some form of education… Pale Brother….

  5. If the original article demonstrates one thing it’s that people with an axe to grind should not post pseudo-scholarly essays on the internet.

  6. Would you please be so kind and give book references for your argumentation? I would like read it up for myself and get more into detail. Nevertheless, I give thanks that you shed light on so many things. Nuff respect. Bless.

  7. It appears that an “education” has been recommended to me, yet “mainstream” is discouraged. I suppose you suggest I become “miseducated”. If you can’t handle fact, then I suppose sticking your head in the ground is the best way to deal with history, huh? So who are these people? I looked them up, but found nothing informative. Are they *mainstream*? If so, then they write of nothing not covered by English-speakers, and if not then they have an axe to grind (assuming their arguments are concurrent with yours, and that you weren’t confused and misunderstood them). If you wish to be persuasive, then explain their pertinence.

    It’s interesting how there are so many comments about skin color in this forum. They’re always about “pale” skin, too. Now it seems that “Negro” is color-conscious as well. Aside from this obsession with “pale” skin, there’s a preoccupation with Europe, as evidenced by the recent explosion in articles pertaining to it (i.e. the “Black Europeans” series and “How Africa Civilized Europe; How Europe is in Denial”), arguing that black people have influenced Western Civilization and the white world (via Egypt, of course, which has never been black). I sense a tinge of envy. As I pointed out to another user here, when black people obsess about white people and their history, as you Rastamorons have done on this site, then they’re still in the bonds of slavery.

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