Philosopher Kings 2: The Knights Templar’s Revenge
by Paul A Drockton M.A.
Hospitaler BannerDuring and following their brutal Inquisition, the Knights Templar migrated to, or infiltrated the other religious orders, which they could easily control with their great wealth and large numbers. (Remember, the Knights Templar were the largest of all the other orders.) I believe that our modern Illuminati came from the banished and disgraced religious order of the Knight’s Templar:
Swiss Flag1. Switzerland: Where they established the Swiss Banking system and integrated into the order of the Knights Hospitallers. Thus we can trace the missing wealth of the Templars to the secret vaults of the banks of Switzerland. This makes Switzerland the world capital of Templar power. The same Templar power that is now organizing our New World order; created Communism; created Fascism and now seeks to merge the two systems into one. Its no wonder that the Swiss have enjoyed neutrality in the past World Wars! No servant, not even Adolf Hitler, would turn against his Masters! Thus, the small State of Switzerland has never been invaded by a foreign power in recent history. Another interesting tidbit is that the Pope is “protected” by the “Swiss Guard”. Calvinism had its start in Switzerland.
One thought on “European Secret Societies: Knights of Malta, Knights Templar, Knights Hospitaliers, Swiss Knights (Banking and Maritime Cults)”
My dad’s folks were born by Stonehenge and my maternal side were Gallowglasses and Huguenots from Scotland and France, to Ireland and Switzerland to Boston Mass. to Quebec Canada. I know about the past.
There is a time for peace and war..Everywhere..That’s life. If war doesn’t get you, time will. We are all travelling down that road that ends at a cliff that no one escapes. Enjoy your trip seriously everyday and good luck.
My dad’s folks were born by Stonehenge and my maternal side were Gallowglasses and Huguenots from Scotland and France, to Ireland and Switzerland to Boston Mass. to Quebec Canada. I know about the past.
There is a time for peace and war..Everywhere..That’s life. If war doesn’t get you, time will. We are all travelling down that road that ends at a cliff that no one escapes. Enjoy your trip seriously everyday and good luck.