Global Slave System of the Western World Europeans: Nehesy

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Global Slave System of the Western World: Nehesy

The “kingdom” of Angola has been created by Portuguese in order to create a slave supply province for their colonies but also for their slave business interests (selling slaves to spanish for instance).

Ndongo later called Angola was only one of the several south provinces of the Congo Kingdom with a congolese Vassal. Kabasa or Mbanza was the capital of the Ndongo Province, the vassal ruler was called Ngola.

The congolese vassal of Congo was controlled by Portuguese but the real king of this created kingdom was the portuguese Paul Diaz and his followers ( ie the Portuguese Governors of Angola) . This criminal portuguese (slave trader) made several plots against the congolese people, he was put in jail for 7 yrs in 1561 ( with 2 portuguese Priests) because he failed one of them.

After this period of 7 yrs in Jail he went back in Portugal. He was appointed Governor of Angola ( which didn’t exist yet ) by his king in April 1574. Since then he prepared an armed expedition to take control of this Congolese province.

Paul Diaz left Lisbon in October 1574 with a portuguese army : 7 ships with 700 Soldiers. The portuguese war of destruction in order to create a new kingdom ( a slave supply province) started.

” …Some slaves were stolen by Europeans ‘panyared’ as the english word was and some as ocurred often in Angola, were the victims of military campaigns mounted specifically by Portuguese proconsuls in order to capture slaves…”

Hugh Thomas, The slave trade (1997) , page 792

“Spanish records report that in mid-july, ‘English corsairs’ waylaid and captured the Portuguese slaver Sao Joao Bautista. She had below decks some 370 Angolans, who had been taken prisoner during Portugal’s bloody war of conquest in Luanda”

Don Jordan and Michael Walsh , White Cargo (2008), Page 87

The general excuse is that Africans sold other Africans which is not the whole truth.

– Europeans specially Portuguese kidnapped first many Azanaghi and others in Africa;

– The first slaves of the Portuguese and specially the Spanish of the new worlds were their white convicts brethen ( Forzados and Lançados) and some Berber or Azanaghi ; You had Berber slaves in Hispaniola (santo domingo), and cuba for instance ( see Michael Gomez , ” Black Crescent)

– Europeans furnished guns to their African allies in order to get slaves, during the political troubles;

– The African rulers who sold their subjects were actually fake kings empowered by their European Allies (Portuguese and French), like the JAGAS of congo. They made slave raids with the portuguese but the very day they rebelled against their masters , they were attacked and sold as slaves in Brazil ( see : Maroon societies by Richard Price)

– Some of the biggest slave traders in Africa were White and Mulattoes like : William Ormond, John Ormond, Faber, Gomez, Lightburn etc

The funny thing is that in historic books , Native Indians rebelled against slavery and preferred to die , it’s a big lie. Native Indians in the Caribbean have been the first slaves of the new world ( Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola), Colombus in his 3rd Trip sent 700 hundreds native indians slaves to Spain. See José Antonio Saco “Historia de la esclavitud” or Eric Williams

Nevertheless French and English allowed a Native Indian Slave trade by furnishing guns to their allies, divide and rule this is what they know best. For the Indian slavery see these 2 books:

– Barbara Olexer , ” The enslavement of the American Indian in colonial times”

– Alan Galley , “The Indian Slave Trade”

Nevertheless Africans are the only one deshumanized for supposedly selling their own (remember that there is as much difference between a French and a Spanish than between a Wolof and a Bambara).

Europeans have targeted Africa for their supply demand , in the new world there was :

– Native American and Caribbean slaves : Virgina, Maryland, Hispaniola , Puerto Rico, Cuba, North and South America, Martinique, Guadeloupe

– White slaves : Spanish, Portuguese, French, Danish, Scotts, Irish, White Berbers, Turks, Arabs and Jews ( the laters being result of the inquisition)

– Asian Slaves : Philipinos, Indians, Bengalis, Indian and chinese ‘coolies’ came to replace the blacks after emancipation in Cuba , Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad etc

And then African slaves.

We’re the only one subject to evil remarks about a supposed intern slave trade….

– English sold english, scots and Irish
– Spanish sold white female slaves for white breeding purpose in Hispaniola
– French sold poor french to their planters in Saint Domingue
– Some native Indians ( same remark : some of them didn’t speak the same language, nor did they share the same culture) sold other native indians to the French in order to get guns…

The only culprits for me are Europeans why ?

– They Planned it
– They Financed it
– They Insured it
– They Furnished the weapon on mass destruction for this purpose
( powder and guns)
– They are the only one who profited hugely for this crime against humanity : Banks, Big Families, Nations, and even their own people because it is well known that the African Slave trade was one of the biggest element which allowed the Industrial revolution (see Inikori).


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219 thoughts on “Global Slave System of the Western World Europeans: Nehesy”

  1. Are you blaming all europeans/white people or just the elite rulers that created and benefited from the system?

    Have you examined who the elite class were?

    As a white laboring class person, I see the white who rule as having no loyalty to white people. They may look pretty much like us but have no loyalty ro white people.

    Since the elites have inter bred to much for hundreds or thousands of years, might they not actually be a separate race or sub-race if genetic testing was dome?

    My speculation.

    1. George

      You are darn right. Right on point! That is why Rasta is here to unite all Jah children, Muurs, so-called black and so-called white, asians, whoever. Let’s come together and feel alright!

      One Love


  2. This Nehesy is really an idiot. He is insulting the Africans their intelligence, if they never had the brains to create high civilized empires. Claiming that the so-called Portuguese slave traders – who were in reallity Jewish slave traders – established the Angola Kingdom and the Angolese were dumb apes who were only exploited. NONSENSE!!! Niggers like you sicken me enormously!!! Ofcourse there was a Global Slave System, but it was NEVER established by the Europeans. Again, WE BLACKS invented slavery. We were the very first enslavers of the world. We Blacks first enslaved millions of Whites for thousends of years. But ofcourse the Black tribes fought each other too. Tribal wars are from all times and from all cultures. Why don’t you realize this, you f*cking idiot??? You’re just degrading our race. Africans build *ALL* their kingdoms themselfs, understand fool!!! And again, Asians were the first to create gunpowder and Africans invented the actul gun. They used it long BEFORE those inferior crackers. The Portuguese first tryed to kidnap Africans. Only a few of them were kidnapped, but the Africans fastly became aware of the new danger and started to compete with the Portuguese. For example, in 1446 a Portuguese ship attempted to land in the Senegal region. It was attacked by African warriors in canoes and the crew of the ship was TOTALLY WIPED OUT. And in 1447 another Portuguese ship was killed, along with most of his crew, when local African boats attacked. As a result of all this losts the king of Portugal dispatched his ambassadors to negotiate treaties of peace and trade with the African rulers along the coast. From that point on and for 400 years THE AFRICAN SLAVE TRADE WAS CONDUCTED AS A MATTER OF COMMERCE AMONG EQUALS. Eat this, idiot!!! The highly advanced, rich and powerful African kingdoms kept European armies off their soil until the beginning of the 20th century. Bear in mind that the transatlantic slave trade could never have existed without their ( the Africans) cooperation and support, it’s that simple. The African kingdoms needed those slave trade for the wellness of their economy. For example, the Kingdom of Benin on the Wast African coast (Nigeria) was becoming wealthier from the export of cloths and pepper. Thus they needed the slaves within Benin itself to produce these valuable products wich even could bring more wealth to the king than the sale of human beings. Indeed, when African kingdoms decided to stop trading in slaves ( for their own reasons) THERE WAS NO WAY FOR EUROPEAN NATIONS TO FORCE THEM TO CONTINUE!!! The king Tegbesu of Dahomey made $ 250 000 A YEAR for selling Africans in 1750 wich was FAR more than any English duke’s annual income. This is the absolute truth of the transatlantic slave trade, you dumb f*ck.

  3. By the way, the so-called “African Holocaust” is alos a myth. The African slaves were ofcourse never mistreaded because they wer way too expensive!!! Wy would the Europeans abuse their extremely expensive cargo??? Researchers discovered that the slave ships were very rarely overcrowded and dreadful simply because they wanted to spare their very expensive and valuable cargo. In fact there were much more deads under the White crew than that there were deads under the African slaves. And if you want to use the term “Holocaust” then there was White Holocaust too and these was FAR WORSE!!! Ships carrying White slaves to Amarica often lost their slaves to death. The mortality for White slaves at certain times equaled that for Black slaves in the “middle passage” and during other periods even EXEEDED the death rate for Black slaves. The death rate of the Black slaves over the entire 18th century was only 10% (and sometimes 20%) while the death rate of the White slaves enroute to Amarica was 25%!!! You see, all my Black brothers and sisters, in EVERY part of history we Blacks have a victory over Whits. We Blacks were ALWAYS on top and the overdog, while Whites were ALWAYS at the bottom and the underdog. That’s because it has been scientifically proven that Whites are genetically inferior to all other/non-White races. Even in the New World there wer much more Black slave holders than White. 28% Black slave owners in comparison to LESS than 1.4 White slave owners. By the way, inside the White society the most slave owners were actually JEWS wich makes so-called “White slave holding” ridiculous little. The Great American Slave System is established by the Black colonist Anthony Jonson!!! Blacks were very succesful and powerful at that time. You also keep wining about retarded myths of Native Amricans. You forget that the Spanjards were NOT the conquerors of South America, but native Indian tribes themselves AND the BLACK conquistadores. The rival Indian tribes fought each other and used the arriving Spanjards as weapons to defeat and kill each other. The arriving Spanjards were nothing but pions in an Indian conspiracy. The vast majority of the Indians (Mayas and Incas) governed themselfs, kept their own language and culture. For the Black conquistadores such as Juan Garrido and others, they were the first FREE Blacks in the Americas. They traveled to Spain and were then brought to South America or their fathers (African chieftains) sold them to the Spanjards and then they were directly brought to South America. When they were there they almost were freed immediately, after a succesful conquest. They could start their own career. They gained their own ranch and territory. They also owned Indian and Black slaves. Juan Garrido, for example, was the first cultivator to harvest a wheat crop which played an important cultural role as a marker of elite social status.

    1. Nimrod- “The African slaves were ofcourse never mistreaded because they wer way too expensive!!!”

      Once again ignorant Babylon nonsense slithers its way onto Rastalivewire.
      INI cannot stand for this!!! You basically just claimed that slavery does not mistreat people. In fact, African and “White” slaves were beaten, bound, and treated as sub-humans. Jah forgive these wicked men for they know not what they are doing. Give up this misinformation and look to better the future.

  4. Nimrod you’re a little p@ssy hidding behind your computer and with an argumentation really weak, you the brain bird

    1. Slavery was an institution in Europe since antiquity : Branded, Whipped, raped, Killed by their masters and compared to animals/cattle/chattel…

    – Moses Finley : Rome , Greece
    – Henri Wallon : Rome Greece
    – Charles Verlinden : High Middle Age
    – Jacques Heers : Middle Age
    – Pierre Bonnassie : High Middle Age
    – Gregoire of Tours : High Middle Age
    – Pierre Dockes : Rome, Greece , High Middle Age

    2. European Slaves in Europe were got through INTERNAL European WAR Tribes (and many Marruni in Lartin, or Maroons in Europe)

    – Pierre Bonnassie
    – Marc Bloch
    – George Duby
    – Charles Verlinden
    – Pierre Dockes
    – Robert Bartlett

    3. Europeans exported these White slaves to Muslim Spain , North Africa (Egypt), and the Middle East to be sold

    – Bernard Lewis
    – Evariste Levi Provencal
    – Charles Verlinden
    – Alexandre Skorda

    4. Genoese and Venetians organized a huge slave trade in Eastern Europe (white folks or SLAVS)

    – Jacques heers
    – Charles Verlinden
    – Alexandre Skorda
    – Bernard Lewis

    5. When Turks blocked the Mediterranean seas and by the same time Eastern Slave Market of the Black Sea, they Turned to Africa

    – William D Philips
    – Charles Verlinden : This scholar shows that Europeans were already highly trained with slave control techniques (due to Antiquity, High Middle Age, Middle Age ) when they reach the new world : Indians and Black had no chance to escape this secular system
    – Jacques Heers

    6. In Africa they (Portuguese) Kidnapped Africans in Morocco (Senhaji Berbers) and other Parts

    Gomes de Azurara : Witness
    Jacques Savary : “Parfait Négociant” 1675 , this French author will tell you how Europeans THEMSELVES kidnapped, burnt, killed any resistant in African villages
    Eric Williams
    WE Dubois
    Jacques Heers
    Basile Davidson
    John Spears

    7. They destroyed the remaining African Kingdoms (the others had already collapsed): this why we could not resist

    – Mali destroyed : Portuguese involved
    – Congo destroyed : Portuguese involved
    – in All African kingdoms , European Traders furnished guns and powder for civil wars ==> see John Spears

    Some Africans kingdoms were no more powerful to resist. Joseph Inikori the African Master can explain you all of this, In Europe the huge slave trade stopped when strong kingdoms were built.

    Arabs tried first in Makuria in the 7th century in Christian Nubia (Makuria) they were kicked bad…

    8. Slavery as known in the New world did not exist in Africa

    – In Ancient Egypt you can’t find one term to design a slave (in medu neter : sekher ankh designed a captive war )
    – Pyramids have been built by paid workers ( all inhabitants participated ==> way to educate people in craft industry and get mastery) : the Semites/European captives were integrated in the society : Bernadette Menu, Flinders Petrie, Donald B Redford

    In Africa the so called slaves (captives) could be Kings: so they were not slaves as determined by European terms: It was a kind of serdom, if you’re thruthful tell me what you call a slave (exact definition of the new world)

    9. Benin/Dahomey

    Benin/ Dahomey is a recent kingdom (18th century) who raised up during the slave trade : Alain Anselin

    Who helped many of these Benin Kings? The slave traders themselves like CHA CHA DE SOUZA (Brazilian Mulatto) helped a prince (who became king) against his brother in Benin : more lucrative for his business : an information for you BRAIN BIRD…

    Toussaint Louverture’s FATHER was the minister of defence of the Benin Kingdom, and he has been sold as a slave in HAITI, you IDIOT. He was part of the royal family and still sold as a slave. European slave traders had the upper hand, they supported with guns and powders their allies and would rid-off , of any resistant ( not good for the business)

    In Congo the JAGAS ( “kings” crowned by their Portuguese allies) raided slaves with their Portuguese Allies, when they refused to continue, Portuguese made war with them and sold them to Brazil : see Richard price “Maroon Societies”

    The point is, Europeans choose their own women/ men to do the bad work , within Africans ( Benin, Congo = Jagas), Mulattos (Signares of Senegal, the Portuguese Mulattoes of Congo, Sao Tomé, Cabo Verde), or doing it themselves : Tangomaos, Pombeiros, Lancados ( all of them being white folks leaving in Africa). Google John Ormond, Lightburn etc you may learn more.

    10. Africans sold Africans ?

    It’s a f@cking lie : Even if we had many traitors between us

    Europeans turn to African slavery because Indian slaves and White slaves could not do the jobs, Brandon Morris, Emerson Smith, Jordan and Walsh, Saco, Gabriel Debien

    Africans Kings, Queens, Princes, Princess have been sold to the new world as slaves : Who sold them to the whites if they were the sellers and controlled the trade ?

    Europeans in all the continent they were present created an insecure climate of kidnapping : Asia, America, Africa, Europe

    Majority of the slave traders in Africa were Europeans (Portuguese, French, Spanish, English, Americans etc) or Mulattoes , their name is known…(see Spears “American Slave Trade”)

    In Asia (under the Dutch) natives were kidnapped and sold as slaves in South Africa as slaves : William Howitt

    In North America (US, Canada): Europeans gave guns to some Indian tribes to catch other Indians : Barbara Olexer , Allan Gallay

    In Europe : Children, Adults (men and women) were stolen/Kidnapped (by “Spirits) in London, Bristol, Liverpool, Nantes, La Rochelle etc, streets

    Africans resisted (freeing the slaves on the ships), attacked the many forts (with canons and guns..) all around Africa

    Europeans Traders of that time would tell you that many months (sometimes 1 year) was needed to fill up their ships (William D Philips) , this is why the slave ships were overcrowded , because finding slaves was not so easy (resistance, people fleeing from the coast, people hiding in the forest)

    11. Slaves Trades

    The 1st Slave Trade was done by Colombus : Tainos sold to Seville slave markets to finance the slave trade

    The 2nd Slave trade : Indentured Servants to the colonies

    The 3rd Slave trade : African slave trade started in the 16 th century ( first Africans slaves deported in the Spanish colonies in early 15th century) until the 19 th century. 18th and 19th century being the worst

    12. African Slave Trade responsibilities:


    Who NEEDED a huge labour force for the new world Native Indians and Whites being the 1st and 2nd solution ?

    2. MEANS

    Who Built the “special” ships for this purpose ?
    Who Financed these Huge Investments ?
    Which Industry created chains, powder, guns specially for us Africans ?
    Which Banks financed the Slave Trade : Barclays, JP Morgan, Lloyds etc ?
    Who created the harsh law system for the slaves (Codo Negro Carolino, Code Noir)in order to control them ?
    Who Created the many forts all around Africa with Jails, Guns, Canons and Many Powder ? Why Having so much arms if you do only “commerce” ?

    The most respected African or Afro/American/ Caribbean scholars will not agree your b@llshit (Internal Trabe wars true reason and so called African internal slavery or slave trade) :

    Joseph Inikori : Best African scholar on that topic
    Michael Angelo Gomez
    W E Dubois
    Jean Charles Coovi Gomez

    Or others Europeans/Carribean scholars:

    Patrick Manning
    José Antonio Saco
    Fernando Ortiz
    Serge Daget : This French scholar call the action of the European slave traders in AFFRICA (ACT OF TERRORISM..)

    Now about Juan Garrido he was from congo/angola ( his picture is available in Old San Juan : museo de nuestro raiz africana) , Juan Valiente, or Pedro mejia , you don’t learn anything to anyone here… Spanish on the most part were highly Africanized, and black and mulattoes conquistadores were part of the conquest.( see, Matthew Restall or all Black and Mulattoes conquistadores)

    Juan Valiente was an encomendero with Indian slaves in PERU; Pedro Mejia married a Taino Queen in Puerto rico in actual town LOIZA (named after YUISA/LUIZA this same native queen)

    I’m more trained than you bro! keep your head from the @ss of your afrocentrist teacher/master you may see the light…I suggest you to check (gave all references) then you’ll see how much you’re ignorant…Africans travelled all over the world to spread civilization (Hindus, Sumer, Spain, Arabia, Palestine etc) not to make slaves (even if of course they had white slaves too : but it was NOT the reason of their conquest…)

  5. @George Wells

    Europeans in general are not to be blamed; it’s the Action of their elite. As you may know Indentured Servants where raped, killed, whipped, branded on the face ( “R” for runaways) by their white (elite) masters in North America and British Colonies.

    The European elites (English, Portuguese) also decided to deport innocent children in the colonies to work as slaves in the West Indies (English) or India (Portuguese)

    The European elites oppressed us all: Native Indians, Europeans, Africans, Tasmanians, and Australians etc

    The heritage of this oppression is RACISM, since Blacks are in the History records the last slaves, they’re seen as inferior because they were slaves from roughly the 15th to the 19 th century.

    But Europeans forgot that the bulk of slaves in history times = slavus = slav = Eastern man from Europe sold in muslim countries (Saqaliba) , in Spain (sclau ), in Italy (Schiavo), in France (Esclave). Even in Russia the Serfs were freed in the 19 th century (1861 if I’m not worng)

    Nevertheless Africans/ Blacks are not the last slaves in History records; the last ones were Europeans again. In last WWII, 8 millions of forced workers ( the survivors will tell you that they were slaves) from Europe ( Poland, Ukrainians, Russians, French etc) , in Germans industries.

    Fritz Sauckel was called by the French Historians: “Le Négrier de l’Europe” or “European Slave Trade” because he was in charge of this slave trade. You can note that he has been killed in Nuremberg; ONLY because of his action against the white race (he did not run any Concentration camp). Nazis oppressed Europeans like The European elites oppressed the rest of the world.

    Nazis practised slavery against Europeans but scholars are very quiet on that matter, save a few (Pierre Dockés and Aimé Césaire)

    Once again they hid this type of information from the common people, but anybody who can do his research will find out by himself.

    White, Black, Red, and Yellow: We’re ONE nation. None is better to the other


    The only ressent I have is against these elites who organized this slave trade, Europeans benefited it though ( via the national wealth) but are not responsible.

    1. Nehesy wrote:

      “Nevertheless Africans/ Blacks are not the last slaves in History records; the last ones were Europeans again. In last WWII, 8 millions of forced workers ( the survivors will tell you that they were slaves) from Europe ( Poland, Ukrainians, Russians, French etc) , in Germans industries.

      Fritz Sauckel was called by the French Historians: “Le Négrier de l’Europe” or “European Slave Trade” because he was in charge of this slave trade. You can note that he has been killed in Nuremberg; ONLY because of his action against the white race (he did not run any Concentration camp). Nazis oppressed Europeans like The European elites oppressed the rest of the world.

      Nazis practised slavery against Europeans but scholars are very quiet on that matter, save a few (Pierre Dockés and Aimé Césaire)…”

      Jahdey writes:


  6. Jahdey

    Yeah Bro ! Fritz Sauckel aka “Le Négrier De L’Europe” aka ” European Slave Trader” aka “El Negrero de Europea” enslaved millions of Europeans in German war industries, still they don’t write it in their history books .

    These Forced workers were freed only when Germany was invaded and freed by the allies (many delivered by Black American soldiers).

    Beaten by the germans ( some beat to death) , some mutilated themselves (to stop the work = sabotage), fed badly (lost 15-20 kgs), some were worked to Death (Hundred Thousands), some killed by the German overseers, some deported in the concentration camps : It reminds me the slave system which oppressed our ancestors in the new world.

    Fritz Sauckel and Nazis get these slaves by war :

    – Some were prisoners of wars : Russians
    – Some were beaten by Germans and then collaborated : French authorities delivered their own population (by official laws or decrees) to the Germans

    NAZIS were the biggest slave owners of history ( 5 to 8 millions) , but their slaves were whites/Europeans (Russians, Polish, French, Italians, Ukrainians etc). It was a white on white slavery, yet they call us the savages who enslaved each other by internal war tribes LOL.

    Fritz Sauckel was executed at Nuremberg because he supplied millions of white slaves to the German War Industry (also Farming Industry).When European slaves were producing the bombs, guns, ammo, planes, or crops in Germany, the German master could focuse on his war…

    At Nuremberg they called this act “Crime against Humanity” , and the survivors were paid by the German government until their death. So Europe (England, Holland, France, Spain, Portugal etc) should do the same with our people who have been deported all over the New world.

    1. Ulrich Herbert : “Hitler’s Foreign Workers: Enforced Foreign Labor in Germany under the Third Reich ”

    2. “A Mutual Responsibility and a Moral Obligation”: The Final Report on Germany’s Compensation Programs for Forced Labor and Other Personal ” by Gunter Saathoff, Michael Jansen ==> Compensation program for European slaves who worked in Germany during WWII

    3. Video : STO (2010) by Jérôme Lambert and Philippe Picard (French)

    – With Many French survivors telling that they were indeed true slaves

    Peace Bro !

  7. Where are you from Nehesy? I bet you are a jew with all this bullshit you wrote. And the last country to end slavery was Mali because the pressure of international nations, so I would say that if was not the whites today the blacks still slave theyselfs. In fact, whites ended the slavery.

    And nazis didn’t had slaves from other white countries. They just finish the jewish slavery against whites, as Jews specially the rothchild branch owns mostly of the banks and were slaving germans and were the elite before Hitler took power.

    Please people, stop to hate whites, if were not us, you didn’t had computer with electricity and internet in your house, you would still hunt to eat.

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