Global Slave System of the Western World: Nehesy
The “kingdom” of Angola has been created by Portuguese in order to create a slave supply province for their colonies but also for their slave business interests (selling slaves to spanish for instance).
Ndongo later called Angola was only one of the several south provinces of the Congo Kingdom with a congolese Vassal. Kabasa or Mbanza was the capital of the Ndongo Province, the vassal ruler was called Ngola.
The congolese vassal of Congo was controlled by Portuguese but the real king of this created kingdom was the portuguese Paul Diaz and his followers ( ie the Portuguese Governors of Angola) . This criminal portuguese (slave trader) made several plots against the congolese people, he was put in jail for 7 yrs in 1561 ( with 2 portuguese Priests) because he failed one of them.
After this period of 7 yrs in Jail he went back in Portugal. He was appointed Governor of Angola ( which didn’t exist yet ) by his king in April 1574. Since then he prepared an armed expedition to take control of this Congolese province.
Paul Diaz left Lisbon in October 1574 with a portuguese army : 7 ships with 700 Soldiers. The portuguese war of destruction in order to create a new kingdom ( a slave supply province) started.
” …Some slaves were stolen by Europeans ‘panyared’ as the english word was and some as ocurred often in Angola, were the victims of military campaigns mounted specifically by Portuguese proconsuls in order to capture slaves…”
Hugh Thomas, The slave trade (1997) , page 792
“Spanish records report that in mid-july, ‘English corsairs’ waylaid and captured the Portuguese slaver Sao Joao Bautista. She had below decks some 370 Angolans, who had been taken prisoner during Portugal’s bloody war of conquest in Luanda”
Don Jordan and Michael Walsh , White Cargo (2008), Page 87
The general excuse is that Africans sold other Africans which is not the whole truth.
– Europeans specially Portuguese kidnapped first many Azanaghi and others in Africa;
– The first slaves of the Portuguese and specially the Spanish of the new worlds were their white convicts brethen ( Forzados and Lançados) and some Berber or Azanaghi ; You had Berber slaves in Hispaniola (santo domingo), and cuba for instance ( see Michael Gomez , ” Black Crescent)
– Europeans furnished guns to their African allies in order to get slaves, during the political troubles;
– The African rulers who sold their subjects were actually fake kings empowered by their European Allies (Portuguese and French), like the JAGAS of congo. They made slave raids with the portuguese but the very day they rebelled against their masters , they were attacked and sold as slaves in Brazil ( see : Maroon societies by Richard Price)
– Some of the biggest slave traders in Africa were White and Mulattoes like : William Ormond, John Ormond, Faber, Gomez, Lightburn etc
The funny thing is that in historic books , Native Indians rebelled against slavery and preferred to die , it’s a big lie. Native Indians in the Caribbean have been the first slaves of the new world ( Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola), Colombus in his 3rd Trip sent 700 hundreds native indians slaves to Spain. See José Antonio Saco “Historia de la esclavitud” or Eric Williams
Nevertheless French and English allowed a Native Indian Slave trade by furnishing guns to their allies, divide and rule this is what they know best. For the Indian slavery see these 2 books:
– Barbara Olexer , ” The enslavement of the American Indian in colonial times”
– Alan Galley , “The Indian Slave Trade”
Nevertheless Africans are the only one deshumanized for supposedly selling their own (remember that there is as much difference between a French and a Spanish than between a Wolof and a Bambara).
Europeans have targeted Africa for their supply demand , in the new world there was :
– Native American and Caribbean slaves : Virgina, Maryland, Hispaniola , Puerto Rico, Cuba, North and South America, Martinique, Guadeloupe
– White slaves : Spanish, Portuguese, French, Danish, Scotts, Irish, White Berbers, Turks, Arabs and Jews ( the laters being result of the inquisition)
– Asian Slaves : Philipinos, Indians, Bengalis, Indian and chinese ‘coolies’ came to replace the blacks after emancipation in Cuba , Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad etc
And then African slaves.
We’re the only one subject to evil remarks about a supposed intern slave trade….
– English sold english, scots and Irish
– Spanish sold white female slaves for white breeding purpose in Hispaniola
– French sold poor french to their planters in Saint Domingue
– Some native Indians ( same remark : some of them didn’t speak the same language, nor did they share the same culture) sold other native indians to the French in order to get guns…
The only culprits for me are Europeans why ?
– They Planned it
– They Financed it
– They Insured it
– They Furnished the weapon on mass destruction for this purpose
( powder and guns)
– They are the only one who profited hugely for this crime against humanity : Banks, Big Families, Nations, and even their own people because it is well known that the African Slave trade was one of the biggest element which allowed the Industrial revolution (see Inikori).
The link you posted is about the Ashanti. I’m of Ashanti descent, so I’m very flatterd, lol. Maybe I have some Israeli blood in me…
However, the link contains a lot of bullcrap too. There is even a link to the lying, deceitful Jew Arthur Koestler. But the worst of all is that the so-called “Black site” betrays its own Black nationalist and racialist brethren. It seeks to rob Blacks their ethnical pride and awareness.
Look, I told you already that the White race is the most inferior, lowest and weakest race on the planet. Did you know that Whites are genetically inferior to all the other races? Doesn’t that say enough to you? All their mythical achievements are not invented by themselves, but by the Zionists. They created the myths of White supremacy and White supremacism to keep us people of color down. to feel inferior to Whitey, while in fact we are far superior to all the other races on the planet. We easily can destroy them all and become the supreme Master Race again, if we finally exterminate the Zionists first!!!
It’s up to you to make the right choice, my Black brethren!
Where are you, Jahdey? What do you think of my plan?
Hehehe… you are nutz Nimrod. I believe you work for Mossad as an agent provocateur.
Oh, my gosh, All you posted is really moron bullsh1t from your own moron site, again! You are really the DUMBEST person I’ve ever talked with! That Noble Terrell Ali Bey clown is at least a smartass who tries to fool me with all his jokes and nonsense, the Nehesy loser is at least smart enough to realize he lost the debate and to stay away, but YOU are really a BIG IDIOT who doesn’t know anything better!!! That’s why you keep repeating the VERY retarded bullsh1t from your own retard site over and over! It’s highly time for Rasheeda to come back and to make a rational choice and to take sides!
How can I operate for the Mossad if I want to EXTERMINATE the f*king Jewish assholes, so that we Blacks can become the Supreme Race and overlords of the world again, dumbo??? To make things clear, there is nothing more that I hate than a f*cking Jew!
Again, dumbo, Ashkenazi Jews of course have NEVER been White!!! They ARE the HYBRID seed of the ancient Black Semites!!! Genetically they are even MORE Black than the mixed, light skinned Arabs of today. This also explains Jewish success. The Jew is ONLY in able to excel because he carries the Black man’s DNA!!!
I’m sorry, Jahdey, but you are really AN IDIOTIC, WORTHLESS, RACE BETRAYING PIECE OF N*GGER SH*T!!! Now you are going to deny race too, right?
It seems that YOU are under Zionist control! I want to DESTROY them, but you seem to want to protect them. That’s why you keep denying race, the Global Communist System and the existence of THE JEWISH RACE!!!
Do you agree with me that Whites are inferior to all the other races and we Blacks superior to all the other races or not?
And again, stop posting the Wikipedia rubbish, because it is controlled by the Zionists themselves!!!
Hello all!
Please I would ask you to pay attention to this Nimrod. He’s no black as he claims to be. It’s a white supremacist trying to discredit this very “useful” website. Please just don’t listen to him and ignore him.
indeed sd peace be unto u we know this but he just slipped again, the n word he comes from backwards its an indication of one he is talking to being right , dormin the clown is you with yut three ring of satirn circus alpha fail alpha male zionist control is color of law hanky man on goyim ,you know what goyim is all not fake askanasi ,i know what that is better then u like u claim u know that website c cause u ashanti you speak on that ill speak on zion where all are goyim an u are one of their players whether u signed in or not they like what u are saying they can control u they doin it now they dont like wwhat we are saying about the muurs an us being that cause it peels back the black hybrrid bannana they created from the muurs that hides their natural un natural origin from mankind ,,they are civilized with freemasonry our family gave them ,the total foundattion of the so called white man who has replaced who an what he was raised by us ,,to ignore u created this your son fron europe you hate an they ask then why did u create us dad in the temples ,,yeah sellouts put them there cauuse they ws they sons ,, 37 muurs 22 european sons started america from the amexums terra incognito ,,,yacoub was u so its our fault they here if u lose religion a know the black inside their womans womb i what we gave then to reproduce , to be human an we lost our power making these grafted blonde woman of islam bow dow to a male god to which they created the crosss to fight the crecent then lost that in europe ,,that what started in the west south america peru to alaska then went to europe ,not in hzzztory books