Global Slave System of the Western World Europeans: Nehesy

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Global Slave System of the Western World: Nehesy

The “kingdom” of Angola has been created by Portuguese in order to create a slave supply province for their colonies but also for their slave business interests (selling slaves to spanish for instance).

Ndongo later called Angola was only one of the several south provinces of the Congo Kingdom with a congolese Vassal. Kabasa or Mbanza was the capital of the Ndongo Province, the vassal ruler was called Ngola.

The congolese vassal of Congo was controlled by Portuguese but the real king of this created kingdom was the portuguese Paul Diaz and his followers ( ie the Portuguese Governors of Angola) . This criminal portuguese (slave trader) made several plots against the congolese people, he was put in jail for 7 yrs in 1561 ( with 2 portuguese Priests) because he failed one of them.

After this period of 7 yrs in Jail he went back in Portugal. He was appointed Governor of Angola ( which didn’t exist yet ) by his king in April 1574. Since then he prepared an armed expedition to take control of this Congolese province.

Paul Diaz left Lisbon in October 1574 with a portuguese army : 7 ships with 700 Soldiers. The portuguese war of destruction in order to create a new kingdom ( a slave supply province) started.

” …Some slaves were stolen by Europeans ‘panyared’ as the english word was and some as ocurred often in Angola, were the victims of military campaigns mounted specifically by Portuguese proconsuls in order to capture slaves…”

Hugh Thomas, The slave trade (1997) , page 792

“Spanish records report that in mid-july, ‘English corsairs’ waylaid and captured the Portuguese slaver Sao Joao Bautista. She had below decks some 370 Angolans, who had been taken prisoner during Portugal’s bloody war of conquest in Luanda”

Don Jordan and Michael Walsh , White Cargo (2008), Page 87

The general excuse is that Africans sold other Africans which is not the whole truth.

– Europeans specially Portuguese kidnapped first many Azanaghi and others in Africa;

– The first slaves of the Portuguese and specially the Spanish of the new worlds were their white convicts brethen ( Forzados and Lançados) and some Berber or Azanaghi ; You had Berber slaves in Hispaniola (santo domingo), and cuba for instance ( see Michael Gomez , ” Black Crescent)

– Europeans furnished guns to their African allies in order to get slaves, during the political troubles;

– The African rulers who sold their subjects were actually fake kings empowered by their European Allies (Portuguese and French), like the JAGAS of congo. They made slave raids with the portuguese but the very day they rebelled against their masters , they were attacked and sold as slaves in Brazil ( see : Maroon societies by Richard Price)

– Some of the biggest slave traders in Africa were White and Mulattoes like : William Ormond, John Ormond, Faber, Gomez, Lightburn etc

The funny thing is that in historic books , Native Indians rebelled against slavery and preferred to die , it’s a big lie. Native Indians in the Caribbean have been the first slaves of the new world ( Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola), Colombus in his 3rd Trip sent 700 hundreds native indians slaves to Spain. See José Antonio Saco “Historia de la esclavitud” or Eric Williams

Nevertheless French and English allowed a Native Indian Slave trade by furnishing guns to their allies, divide and rule this is what they know best. For the Indian slavery see these 2 books:

– Barbara Olexer , ” The enslavement of the American Indian in colonial times”

– Alan Galley , “The Indian Slave Trade”

Nevertheless Africans are the only one deshumanized for supposedly selling their own (remember that there is as much difference between a French and a Spanish than between a Wolof and a Bambara).

Europeans have targeted Africa for their supply demand , in the new world there was :

– Native American and Caribbean slaves : Virgina, Maryland, Hispaniola , Puerto Rico, Cuba, North and South America, Martinique, Guadeloupe

– White slaves : Spanish, Portuguese, French, Danish, Scotts, Irish, White Berbers, Turks, Arabs and Jews ( the laters being result of the inquisition)

– Asian Slaves : Philipinos, Indians, Bengalis, Indian and chinese ‘coolies’ came to replace the blacks after emancipation in Cuba , Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad etc

And then African slaves.

We’re the only one subject to evil remarks about a supposed intern slave trade….

– English sold english, scots and Irish
– Spanish sold white female slaves for white breeding purpose in Hispaniola
– French sold poor french to their planters in Saint Domingue
– Some native Indians ( same remark : some of them didn’t speak the same language, nor did they share the same culture) sold other native indians to the French in order to get guns…

The only culprits for me are Europeans why ?

– They Planned it
– They Financed it
– They Insured it
– They Furnished the weapon on mass destruction for this purpose
( powder and guns)
– They are the only one who profited hugely for this crime against humanity : Banks, Big Families, Nations, and even their own people because it is well known that the African Slave trade was one of the biggest element which allowed the Industrial revolution (see Inikori).


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219 thoughts on “Global Slave System of the Western World Europeans: Nehesy”

  1. Lol. To the big imbecile SD: You are very funny! How can I be a “White supremacist” if I find Whites INFERIOR to all the other races??? Did you read all my previous posts? I want US Blacks back at the absolute top of the racial hierarchy! So how makes that me a “White supremacist”???

  2. Now let’s continue the debate about the Jews. Like I said for 500 times, the Khazar MYTH is SCIENTIFICALLY DEBUNKED!!!

    Here is why:

    A 1999 study by Hammer et al., published in the Proceedings of the United States Academy of Sciences, compared the Y chromosomes of Ashkenazi, Roman, North African, Near Eastern, Yemenite and Ethiopian Jews with 16 non-Jewish groups from similar geographic locations. It found that “Despite their long-term residence in different countries and isolation from one another, most Jewish populations were NOT significantly different from one another at the genetic level… The results support the hypothesis that the paternal gene pools of Jewish communities from Europe, North Africa and the Middle-East descended from A COMMON MIDDLE-EASTERN ANCESTRAL POPULATION and suggest that most Jewish communities have remained relatively isolated from neighboring non-Jewish communities during and after the Diaspora.” According to Nicholas Wade, “The results accord with Jewish history and tradition and REFUTE theories like those holding that Jewish communities consist mostly of converts from other faits or that they are descended from the Khazars, a medieval Mongol-Turkish tribe that adopted Judaism.”

    Here are more scientific findings:

    Studies of blood groups data published in 1977 and 1979 found no significant difference in Jewish populations from Iraq, Libya, Germany or Poland. They estimated that the genetic distance between Gentiles and Jews living in the same area is three fo five times greater than for Jews living in the different nations studied.

    Biological/physical anthropologists compared modern Jews and 3000-year old Jewish skeletons discovered in the Middle-East. The ancient Jewish skeletal group turned out to be far more similar to the modern Jewish populations than to every non-Jewish group studied except for one, an Arab Druse group from the 11th century.

    Geneticists investigated the genetic affinities of Jewish populations. They concluded that Jewish populations are more like one another than they are to non-Jews and that pairs of Jewish populations from different locations are more alike than pairs of non-Jewish populations. They maintained that the most economical explanation of their findings is that the modern Jewish population throughout the world was derived from a common original gene pool which underwent few changes during the dispersion of the Jewish people. They also reported that it was highly likely that the common origin of the Jewish populations was more recent than that of the non-Jews.

    In 2001, the scientific journal Human Immunology published a keynote research paper by the Spanish geneticist Professor Antonio Arnaiz-Villena and others, showing that Middle-Eastern Jews and Palestinians are genetically almost identically different from other people in the region. The Jewish reaction was intense, abusive, threatening and effective. Human Immunology’s editor was threatened by mass resignations from members if she did not retract the article. Human Immunology urged its members who had already received copies containing the article to rip out the offending pages and thrown them away.

    Now make a logical conclusion (I doubt you can do that). If you agree with me that the ancient Semites were Black and if it is scientifically proven that Ashkenazi Jews have overwhelmingly Semitic DNA, doesn’t that make them the mixed descendants of the ancient Black Semites? By the way, Ashkenazi Jews have a lot of Sub-Saharan DNA as well, as I already mentioned.

    1. Nothing to disprove. You have been duped by news-journal sensationalism. You are just another ignorant white-negro manipulated by every wave of manufactured news.

      Listen up and learn, most European Jews, approximately 95% have Y-chromosomes E, R and I like most other white men.

      You have already admitted than less than 5% of so-called European Jews test positive for male-chromosome J with its CMG clade.

      How can 5% define a people? What about the 95%?

      You have been duped, boy, you have been had.

  3. we know what happened they do not ,thats why they still studying to lie ,,the people you have were stiil studying theory in 2001,we the muurs took the religion in the 8th century ,how can they be a race when they got religion judaism in only 8th century from the muurs civilizing them ,your not mentioning the grafting of some of these people or how they got to europe from the west .only on planet 6000 years u are giving them to much credit in europe,,the the so called american indian wrote arabic an the real israelite language before yiddish they speak ,religion doesnt mention grafting nor does christian science u are using you cannot say u are superior an use inferior knowledge of those u say u are superior over to prove your point .what god created them from the sky llike they say , ,the religion is not a race an wasnt coonsidered to be untll race was created ,,race is not ancient cause 6000years is not ancient ,they make mono into poly ,verbs/adjectives into nouns to force their place into altered time europe has thrown off balance for it to exist an justify lies like doctrine of discovery ,they have no place in race except what they created to relpace the muurs who raised them from mankind ,our creations an fake a wight one on top of aanother fake wight one ,the israelites in the west call them impstors an u say they come from uus , yeah from our test tubes an chimpanzee monkey ,what are their blood types , are they all negative o if not they got positive monkey blood in them an come frrom yucatan peninsula ,,the have no creation besids the womb we gave them so we are the god they reall worship that created them ,you matierial does not mention that and allows then jjustification for lying an saying they gods chosen people , we muurs chose to raise them after we created them,they still wear our crowns in honor in secret remembering who civilized them ,they got freemasonry an religion to control their people like christains an muslims control theirs after we fell as muurs fighting over religions ,an to this day it continues

  4. No, YOU have been duped by your Jewish commy masters! I knew you lack the brains to make any logical conclusion! Jahdey and Noble Terrell Ali Bey, the sad thing is that you both don’t realize you’re heavily brainwashed and fooled by the Jewish Communists or Zionists. I’m too smart to be manipulated by inferior crackers. But you people sadly aren’t.

    The scientific evidence is overwhelming, but you even can’t comprehend/interpret the facts right. That’s very sad. The strange thing is that you use sources from White scientists as well, but only when it suits your Rastafarian nonsense. So don’t blame me for using sources from White scientists when they speak the absolute truth.

    The researches date from the 1970’s, the 1990’s and even from early 2000. Scientists have been doing a very long research to conclude this. But sadly you don’t understand the facts or refuse to.

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