Global Slave System of the Western World: Nehesy
The “kingdom” of Angola has been created by Portuguese in order to create a slave supply province for their colonies but also for their slave business interests (selling slaves to spanish for instance).
Ndongo later called Angola was only one of the several south provinces of the Congo Kingdom with a congolese Vassal. Kabasa or Mbanza was the capital of the Ndongo Province, the vassal ruler was called Ngola.
The congolese vassal of Congo was controlled by Portuguese but the real king of this created kingdom was the portuguese Paul Diaz and his followers ( ie the Portuguese Governors of Angola) . This criminal portuguese (slave trader) made several plots against the congolese people, he was put in jail for 7 yrs in 1561 ( with 2 portuguese Priests) because he failed one of them.
After this period of 7 yrs in Jail he went back in Portugal. He was appointed Governor of Angola ( which didn’t exist yet ) by his king in April 1574. Since then he prepared an armed expedition to take control of this Congolese province.
Paul Diaz left Lisbon in October 1574 with a portuguese army : 7 ships with 700 Soldiers. The portuguese war of destruction in order to create a new kingdom ( a slave supply province) started.
” …Some slaves were stolen by Europeans ‘panyared’ as the english word was and some as ocurred often in Angola, were the victims of military campaigns mounted specifically by Portuguese proconsuls in order to capture slaves…”
Hugh Thomas, The slave trade (1997) , page 792
“Spanish records report that in mid-july, ‘English corsairs’ waylaid and captured the Portuguese slaver Sao Joao Bautista. She had below decks some 370 Angolans, who had been taken prisoner during Portugal’s bloody war of conquest in Luanda”
Don Jordan and Michael Walsh , White Cargo (2008), Page 87
The general excuse is that Africans sold other Africans which is not the whole truth.
– Europeans specially Portuguese kidnapped first many Azanaghi and others in Africa;
– The first slaves of the Portuguese and specially the Spanish of the new worlds were their white convicts brethen ( Forzados and Lançados) and some Berber or Azanaghi ; You had Berber slaves in Hispaniola (santo domingo), and cuba for instance ( see Michael Gomez , ” Black Crescent)
– Europeans furnished guns to their African allies in order to get slaves, during the political troubles;
– The African rulers who sold their subjects were actually fake kings empowered by their European Allies (Portuguese and French), like the JAGAS of congo. They made slave raids with the portuguese but the very day they rebelled against their masters , they were attacked and sold as slaves in Brazil ( see : Maroon societies by Richard Price)
– Some of the biggest slave traders in Africa were White and Mulattoes like : William Ormond, John Ormond, Faber, Gomez, Lightburn etc
The funny thing is that in historic books , Native Indians rebelled against slavery and preferred to die , it’s a big lie. Native Indians in the Caribbean have been the first slaves of the new world ( Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola), Colombus in his 3rd Trip sent 700 hundreds native indians slaves to Spain. See José Antonio Saco “Historia de la esclavitud” or Eric Williams
Nevertheless French and English allowed a Native Indian Slave trade by furnishing guns to their allies, divide and rule this is what they know best. For the Indian slavery see these 2 books:
– Barbara Olexer , ” The enslavement of the American Indian in colonial times”
– Alan Galley , “The Indian Slave Trade”
Nevertheless Africans are the only one deshumanized for supposedly selling their own (remember that there is as much difference between a French and a Spanish than between a Wolof and a Bambara).
Europeans have targeted Africa for their supply demand , in the new world there was :
– Native American and Caribbean slaves : Virgina, Maryland, Hispaniola , Puerto Rico, Cuba, North and South America, Martinique, Guadeloupe
– White slaves : Spanish, Portuguese, French, Danish, Scotts, Irish, White Berbers, Turks, Arabs and Jews ( the laters being result of the inquisition)
– Asian Slaves : Philipinos, Indians, Bengalis, Indian and chinese ‘coolies’ came to replace the blacks after emancipation in Cuba , Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad etc
And then African slaves.
We’re the only one subject to evil remarks about a supposed intern slave trade….
– English sold english, scots and Irish
– Spanish sold white female slaves for white breeding purpose in Hispaniola
– French sold poor french to their planters in Saint Domingue
– Some native Indians ( same remark : some of them didn’t speak the same language, nor did they share the same culture) sold other native indians to the French in order to get guns…
The only culprits for me are Europeans why ?
– They Planned it
– They Financed it
– They Insured it
– They Furnished the weapon on mass destruction for this purpose
( powder and guns)
– They are the only one who profited hugely for this crime against humanity : Banks, Big Families, Nations, and even their own people because it is well known that the African Slave trade was one of the biggest element which allowed the Industrial revolution (see Inikori).
OK, it’s clear that you don’t accept the biological fact of race. Again, if race doesn’t exist, then why do MORE than half of all biological/physical antropologists today believe in the traditional view that human races are biologically valid and real? Why can they easily trace your race back based on your skeleton?
your scentists are lying to put theirs in our positon your scientists are not from any indiginous people of the lands they speak of here.your scientists an u are zion cause its not spoken on or cared about now we n know who we are an who they yur insistance on race an religion it os clear to the readers who works for zion an if u notice only me an jah even answr u.because u hide behind false ttles an use the eevidence of cchristian science N JEWISH SCIENCE STILL LOOKIN TO LIE that u say is inferior ,,they are lying an ur view the reADers can hear o the news thats why thy come here,,READ MEREDITH QUINN—–THE BOOK TIMEWALKER THEN U WILL C ITS U AN YOUR WHOLE BLACK WORLD THAT HAVE BEEN FOOLED BY LEAD BOULE BLACKS WHOS BLOODLINE DID NOT COME FROM THE EAST AFTER SLAVERY BUT WAS HERE LONG BEFORE,prophet cherry was an israelite,THE NATION OF ISLAM TAUGHT US ALL ABOUT THE JEWS AS DID THE HEBREW ISRAELTES WHO STAND IN THE STREET AN TEACH THE PEOPLE EVERY DAY IN AMERICA ,THERS A LOT WHO DONT AGREE WITH U BUT THEY FEEL UR SOME TYPE OF AGENT SO THEY DONT ENGAGE WITH U ,,WE CAN TAKE UR NEGATIVE N TURN IT POSITIVE BY PROVING YUR POINTS ON THE ALBIONS AN RACE WRONG WHICH S A TEACHING TOOL SO YOUR VIEWS PROVIDE A WHAT IS WRONG GUIDE TO THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE THE DISEASE OF COLOR IDEATION STUCK IN THE DNA an the guise of fake religion derived an twisted from our science ,,we will accerpt the fact the race as created by mankind an not the deminic god of sacrifice from their religious books we gave them they altetered to their christian aalter to the alistar crowely negro alter,,,,go to blog cosmodrmium may 2009 also negro zoos in your european territory are festured from 1888
I’m not an imposter. I’m a Black racialist and truthseeker and the truth is that race really exists, like it or not. I can give you overwhelming scientific evidence again, but you won’t understand and accept it. That’s the big problem.
Another big problem is your silly and naive ideology. It goes like this: “Until the philosophy which holds one race is superior and another inferior is finally destroyed, the human race will be caught in destructive wars. We don’t want no more wars, we want peace and justice.” Come on, Noble Terrell Ali Bey, are you that naive?
Rastafarians even believe in the dumb Holocaust myth. It’s obvious that Jewish commies infiltrated in the Rastafarian movement and changed the ideology of real Black people in order to think Communistic and have been dominated by them.
Now I have some questions for you and this time I want a smart answer. If race doesn’t exist, then how come that MORE than half of ALL SCIENTISTS worldwide conclude that it’s real? And if you are convinced that other races are equal to us, then in which way are they equal to us?
Nimrod the foolish sectarian
thinks genetics means Aryan
But Iman the contrarian
Stop talk like them Barbarian!
Iya whisper ina flash
a few known facts about the past
the Christian whited-sepulcher ask
extinguish them or make it last?
in HIM eyes its all the same
for all the righteous who take his claim
and rise up upon what HIM say
and do what is good unto this day
So, Nimrod..Life is not a game
Stop doubting and break the chains
and think about the words you say
cuz Iman tired of trying to explain
your truly confused about from where you came..
Are you people going to answer me in a scientific way?
Agent Nimrod, you have been answered in a mathematical manner yet you dodge. Again, what about the 95%?
Iman Bo, you talk like a drugged Rastafarian as usually. Now get real for once and discuss race with me in a smart, scientific or expert way, please. I’m sick and tired of all that Rastafarian blablabla. Why I have to blame the Jews? Simply because they happen to rule and terrorize the planet! And as long as you are willing to believe in their silly fabricated Holocaust fairy tale you will never understand it.
I assume that you foolishly don’t accept the biological fact of race. So proof to me IN A SCIENTIFIC WAY that it doesn’t exist!
I never gave my views on race. I just simply told you that Ashkenazi Jews are so-called white people, despite whatever racialist fantasy you dream up for them.
If you deny that, you unmask yourself as an agent from some so-called white supremacy group looking to get some attention.
But now, since you got nothing more to say other than your boring drivel, no more attention will be given you.
You should go read up more Rasta Livewire articles to save your life.
christian black people say no justice no peace an they march muslims in the east infiltrated by cia say no justice an blow people or cut them up into pieces on tv,,religion n race an waste , we the muurs are the original no justice no peace ,,our wars are on the record from ancient times ,we are before allthe science an tists u are speaking of an we created all the ones u speak off soooooooooooo technically its not their fault the are here ot they were created like any other child what scientists are u speaking on ,whos scientists ,our scientists are muurish ,yours are not , they are the race we created, thats why we dont liseten to them or u ,since the roth childs start an fund wars race is a factr in keeping control cause the fact that race distracts an keeps ones mind of what the govt is doing an racial unrest makes the mob look as if they need someone to control it ,,what is the difference between aa republican form of govt an a democratic one ,nost people in america cant answer that question correctly but the say they are one or the other ,, cause they to busy worrying bout the race of tthe people they see every dy ,,then obama won an they get muur scared then ever as u seee muur murs have been killed bypolice an other albions then ever before cause raeis first an formost in color of law,,,the master teacher duce ali taught garvey for the ones who wanted to o back o the east an noble drew ali for us who are from the west ,you attack on a race indicaes u dont know that protocols book to well ,,every war there ever was since adam weishaupt has been set up accoring to religion an race by the zionists,,what war could u have with ou one sid or another funding u like they do usa a russia a make believe they are enemies after ww2,,,,fred hampton was killed by set up by his right hand man who turned out to be fbi agent ,, fbi infiltrated black panthers an killed fred hampton,,,khalid muhammad poisoned ,khadafy killed cause he wanted to bring hthe gold standard back to akebula a stop taking those american dollars as the highest doesnt take science to know religion is not a race ,,the satmar jews say they not a race an the ones from europe like them have no buisines at temple mount or in israel or jerusalem cause its tnot theiir holy land nor are they semites ,,,israel is from 1947 an they invade from europe like crusades . this is not my opinion i am telling u what it was when we ruled u are telling me what they old u when they ruled or the ones who religious ones who expelled us from egypt an execute today people who they say practice magic cause thts the vibrational frequencies that they cant penetrate to control when applied properly right n exact ,,the grafting created mankind not religion so your religion as race is a total ideology of the european an even that arab u sid invented race didnt say muslims/mohammadans were a race the capital j is the numbe4 turn it side ways after u write it. or upside down , u wil c 4 on the way up or down,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,race was crated by those that we raised an to them race means ERACE ERASE THOSE WE RAISED ERASED US AN DREW UP A NEW ONE WITH ST MAURICE BLACK A MOOR STARTS R IGHT THEIR THE E BEING NUMBER 3 OR M TURNED DOWN M FOR THE GOD MARS AN JESUS CHRIST NUMBER 13 [M] 12 JURORS ONE JUDGE FROM EGYPT HEIROGLYPHICS.THE LETTER J WAS NOT CREATED UNTIL THE 1600S IN ENGLISH HOW OLD ARE UR JEWS FROM EUROPE ,,WE TOLD U ABOUT THE BLOOD TYPES THIS IS AS SCIENTIFIC AS IT GETS BLOOD TYPE VS CHROMOSOMES ,,THERE NO BLOOD TYPE ON PLANET EXCEPT -O UNTIL AFTER THE GRAFTING 6000-7000 YEARS AGO,,WE COME FROM THE NETER AN THEY DO NOT ,,IF THEY DONT COME FROM HEAVN FOM THEIR GOD THEM THEY ARE THE ORIGINAL NEGRO DEAD PEOPLE WE RAISED FROM MANKIND INTO HUMANITY AN FELL DOING IT CAUSE U FORGOT WHO WE ARE BEFORE ST MAURICE IN THE EAST AN UNTIL U READ BOOK TIMEWALKER YU NEVER KNOW WHAT REALLY HAPPENED IN WEST FIRST BEFORE RELIGGION EAST,,JEW IS A SLUR AN 3RD OR 4TH HAND PHRASE IN TIME CREATED BY PATRIARCHY,YOUR IDEOLOGY IS BASED AFTER RELIGION BEGAN AN THEY BECAME SCIENTISS AFTER 1492,ASK UR ANTHRO ARCHEO BIO PSUEDO SCIENTISTS THE HOW THE PYRAMIDS WERE BUILT IN EGYPT BY IMHOTEP,HOW THEY WERE BUILT IN THE AMEXUMS BEFORE AMERICA EXISTED HOW OTHER BLOOD TYPES SUDDENLY APPEARED 6000 YEARS AGO THAT NOW CLAIM THEY WERE THE CHOSEN PEOPLE CREATED BY GOD ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,YOUR THAT GOD NIMROD THEY HIDE WITH BLUE EYE JESUS IIF U ARE A MUUR ,, WHEN THEY FIGURE THAT OUT WE WILL LISTEN WE WERE MUUR BEFORE THEY CAME OVER THEN WE ARE AFTER WE HAD TO OVERCOME GENOCIDE AN BOW TO EITHER JESUS OR ALLAH THE PENIS GOD SATURN EL OR DIE ,YOUR IDEOLOGY BEGINS THEIR WITH BLACK SKIN OUTSIDE ONLY WELL AFTER OUR BEGINNING HOW IT STARTS IS HOW IT ENDS AN HOW IT ENDS IS HOW IT BEGINS AGAIN,,WE ARE THE INNER INFINITE