Global Slave System of the Western World: Nehesy
The “kingdom” of Angola has been created by Portuguese in order to create a slave supply province for their colonies but also for their slave business interests (selling slaves to spanish for instance).
Ndongo later called Angola was only one of the several south provinces of the Congo Kingdom with a congolese Vassal. Kabasa or Mbanza was the capital of the Ndongo Province, the vassal ruler was called Ngola.
The congolese vassal of Congo was controlled by Portuguese but the real king of this created kingdom was the portuguese Paul Diaz and his followers ( ie the Portuguese Governors of Angola) . This criminal portuguese (slave trader) made several plots against the congolese people, he was put in jail for 7 yrs in 1561 ( with 2 portuguese Priests) because he failed one of them.
After this period of 7 yrs in Jail he went back in Portugal. He was appointed Governor of Angola ( which didn’t exist yet ) by his king in April 1574. Since then he prepared an armed expedition to take control of this Congolese province.
Paul Diaz left Lisbon in October 1574 with a portuguese army : 7 ships with 700 Soldiers. The portuguese war of destruction in order to create a new kingdom ( a slave supply province) started.
” …Some slaves were stolen by Europeans ‘panyared’ as the english word was and some as ocurred often in Angola, were the victims of military campaigns mounted specifically by Portuguese proconsuls in order to capture slaves…”
Hugh Thomas, The slave trade (1997) , page 792
“Spanish records report that in mid-july, ‘English corsairs’ waylaid and captured the Portuguese slaver Sao Joao Bautista. She had below decks some 370 Angolans, who had been taken prisoner during Portugal’s bloody war of conquest in Luanda”
Don Jordan and Michael Walsh , White Cargo (2008), Page 87
The general excuse is that Africans sold other Africans which is not the whole truth.
– Europeans specially Portuguese kidnapped first many Azanaghi and others in Africa;
– The first slaves of the Portuguese and specially the Spanish of the new worlds were their white convicts brethen ( Forzados and Lançados) and some Berber or Azanaghi ; You had Berber slaves in Hispaniola (santo domingo), and cuba for instance ( see Michael Gomez , ” Black Crescent)
– Europeans furnished guns to their African allies in order to get slaves, during the political troubles;
– The African rulers who sold their subjects were actually fake kings empowered by their European Allies (Portuguese and French), like the JAGAS of congo. They made slave raids with the portuguese but the very day they rebelled against their masters , they were attacked and sold as slaves in Brazil ( see : Maroon societies by Richard Price)
– Some of the biggest slave traders in Africa were White and Mulattoes like : William Ormond, John Ormond, Faber, Gomez, Lightburn etc
The funny thing is that in historic books , Native Indians rebelled against slavery and preferred to die , it’s a big lie. Native Indians in the Caribbean have been the first slaves of the new world ( Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola), Colombus in his 3rd Trip sent 700 hundreds native indians slaves to Spain. See José Antonio Saco “Historia de la esclavitud” or Eric Williams
Nevertheless French and English allowed a Native Indian Slave trade by furnishing guns to their allies, divide and rule this is what they know best. For the Indian slavery see these 2 books:
– Barbara Olexer , ” The enslavement of the American Indian in colonial times”
– Alan Galley , “The Indian Slave Trade”
Nevertheless Africans are the only one deshumanized for supposedly selling their own (remember that there is as much difference between a French and a Spanish than between a Wolof and a Bambara).
Europeans have targeted Africa for their supply demand , in the new world there was :
– Native American and Caribbean slaves : Virgina, Maryland, Hispaniola , Puerto Rico, Cuba, North and South America, Martinique, Guadeloupe
– White slaves : Spanish, Portuguese, French, Danish, Scotts, Irish, White Berbers, Turks, Arabs and Jews ( the laters being result of the inquisition)
– Asian Slaves : Philipinos, Indians, Bengalis, Indian and chinese ‘coolies’ came to replace the blacks after emancipation in Cuba , Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad etc
And then African slaves.
We’re the only one subject to evil remarks about a supposed intern slave trade….
– English sold english, scots and Irish
– Spanish sold white female slaves for white breeding purpose in Hispaniola
– French sold poor french to their planters in Saint Domingue
– Some native Indians ( same remark : some of them didn’t speak the same language, nor did they share the same culture) sold other native indians to the French in order to get guns…
The only culprits for me are Europeans why ?
– They Planned it
– They Financed it
– They Insured it
– They Furnished the weapon on mass destruction for this purpose
( powder and guns)
– They are the only one who profited hugely for this crime against humanity : Banks, Big Families, Nations, and even their own people because it is well known that the African Slave trade was one of the biggest element which allowed the Industrial revolution (see Inikori).
SD, I’m glad you’re getting smarter. You start asking questions about the Jews, but I already answered them. Go read all my previous posts! You will see that I already stated that Ashkenazi Jews have NEVER been White, but are the hybrid descendants of the ancient Black Hebrews. It’s that simple. Ignore the big moron Jahdey! He thinks they are White, but they are certainly not White and they look very different from Whites. You will see that if you do a good research. If you investigate them very well you will finally know what I mean. I showed you overwhelming evidence that Ashkenazi Jews are genetically predominantly Semitic and African. You must know that the second most frequent DNA of Ashkenazi Jews is Sub-Saharan DNA.
You are a fucking fool! So you still don’t realize that the entire Europe tests positive for downstream sub-clades of African genes?
Listen up fool: In Europe you have Y-DNA E and its subclade, Y-DNA A and its subclades, Y-DNA R and its subclades, and Y-DNA J and its sub-clades. Hapolgroup E is prominent in East and West Africa. Haplogroup J probably arose from Ethiopia before going through a bottle-neck event in Arabia which is geographically speaking Africa. Arabia was only sectioned off from Africa in the text books after 1912.
Y-DNA Haplogroup A is one of the oldest clades in the world. Y-DNA Haplogroup R occurs in parts of Nigeria and Chad and Cameroons and Central Africa at the rate of 90% of the population.
European so-called whites all carry those genes.
Europeans are more mixed up with Africans than with anyone else.
So claiming that Jews carry a lot of sub-clade from African genes, does not help you racist reasoning. All so-called whites carry a lot of African genes.
Ashkenazi Jews are so-called white people from Khazaria, Russian, and Poland. Benjamin Netanyahu the Prime Minister of Israel is a Russian Jew, and still speaks Russian fluently. 90% of Ashkenazi Jews living in Israel came from Russia.
Russians, Khazrians and Polish people converted to Judaism between the 8th and the 11 century AD. It is all duely recorded and verified.
The true descendants of Israel live in Africa, particularly West Africa, North Africa, South Africa and East Africa, and the diaspora in West Indies, South and North America.
You are an agent provocateur working for either CIA, FBI or MOSSAD, and you are trying to see if we buy into your racialist nonsense.
Welcome to Rasta Livewire, where we burn up and expose the ignorant ones.
Moron, I’m African and if you don’t believe me then that’s your problem. I’m born and raised in Brussels (Belgium). My mothertongue is Dutch and I can also talk a little bit English and French. My grandparents moved to Belgium. There are no subtribes of Ashanti, the Ashanti are a subtribe of the Great Akan tribes. They speak dialects of Twi, but I don’t speak any African language. My parents and grandparents do sometimes. Of course I know that the Ashanti tribe is one of the 12 tribes of Israel. The Biblical word “Ashan” is also the word used for Jerusalem and its environs after the destruction and dispersion in 70 AD. Our tribe ran from the destruction and relocated in what is now Ghana, Africa.
Look, we only seem to disagree in case of the Jews. You claim that Whites are genetically closest to Africans while it’s not. Indeed, it’s true that South Europeans such as Greeks, Italians, Spaniards and Portuguese have more African admixture than North Europeans. That’s logical. From all Caucasians the Greeks are genetically closest to Africans. That’s a known fact. But the very strange thing is that you want those inferior crackers to be closer to Africans than the Jews, while in reality it’s of course the other way around. The big problem is that you’re only focussing on the rubbish of your own site. I know what the moronic Khazar myth contains, but I did some research and I discovered that this myth is destroyed by scientists for a long time. I showed you the most convincing evidence from several scientific sources that proves my point. Please, do some research yourself outside Rasta Livewire and read all the scientific findings in my previous posts. Maybe then you will understand me and agree with me…
Iman Bo, which point do I miss? Our genes determine who we are, not the environment. The environmental claim is already debunked by scientists for a while. The environment only influence us for maximum 25%, while our genes influence us for minimal 75%.
Also it’s a myth that pale skin is made for colder climates and dark skin for warmer climates. In reality, however, dark skin is much healthier than pale skin and much better for survival everywhere in the world. In other words pale skin is significantly less evolved than dark skin. So it’s better to be dark-skinned than pale-skinned on this planet. White people are slightly less developed than people of color because they are genetically closest to the Neanderthal race and scientific research has also pointed out that White people are genetically inferior to all the other races. Only racially pure Blacks are 100% Homo Sapiens Sapiens and thus 100% developed humans.
You said you must refute to honor the truth, but you honor lies instead of the truth, I’m sorry.
Iman Bo, where are your wise answers, genius?
You talk as if you believe that all “black” people are infallible. Yes, the origin of mankind is Africa. Yes, Africans have magnificent, strong, and resilient qualities. But these traits are NOT exclusive to Africans! Are you to suggest that goodness and righteousness is reserved for only “blacks”? Again, DOES A PERSON”S SKIN COLOR DETERMINE WHO THEY ARE, WHAT THEY BELIEVE, OR HOW COMPETENT THEY ARE? NO!!
I admit, dark skin has many benefits here on earth. Yes, “white” people have a few different genetic qualities than “black” people. BUT DOES THIS MEAN THAT A “WHITE” PERSON CAN DO NO GOOD? DOES THIS MEAN THAT ALL “BLACK” PEOPLE ARE SAINTS? AGAIN NO..
You refer to “scientists” as if these people are all-knowing or have the final authority…when in reality all they do is create words and theories to describe phenomenon that is fully outside their command (or grasp). What if “whites” were called “blacks” or “blacks” were called “whites”? Do these labels change anything? No, they just divide and create sectarian categorical dysfunction. DIVIDE AND SUPPLY THEORIES THAT ARE BASED ON THEIR CONCLUSIONS, A SINGLE_MINDED ILLUSION.
You do not need to fear those who appear to be different than yourself. Every human being is made of the same elements, have the same RED BLOOD, the same rhythm of heart, 2 legs, 2 arms, 2 eyes, 2 ears, and ONE soul. Your statements about the environment factors that affect our souls do not even say anything at all. “this that 25% and this that 75%”…haha its hilarious (you don’t even scientifically reference anything–just a made up statement as usual). You honestly think that our surroundings and social settings do not effect who we are? That all are the same according to what they look like? What a shallow superficial outlook.. INCONSISTENCY IS THE DECREE FOR THOSE WHO DISAGREE WITH HIS MAJESTY
That is all Nimrod..I could continue to debunk your frivolous mockeries of humanity..but I have better and more positive and productive things to do. May Jah grant you peace of mind…
Iman Bo, I start to get more respect for you. You’re at least not as dumb as Jahdey. Sadly you’re only misled by the Rastafarian doctrine that is poisoned with Communistic beliefs. I’m only here on this site to save Blacks from the Rastafarian/Communistic doctrine because it’s really pernicious for Blacks. They will destroy their own race if they continue to follow it.
Also I want to make you clear that I don’t hate White people. As I already stated before I have many White friends. But they of course don’t know that I’m a racialist. Though what is really remarkable to these people is that they generally have less selfconfidence and are very modest. I can easily manipulate them.
Yes, it are our genes who predominantly determine who we are. Our environment contributes little to our character. That’s really a scientifically proven fact, believe it or not. But you don’t understand what I mean with these facts. It’s obvious that White people are at the bottom of the racial hierarchy (they have always been at the bottom of the racial hierarchy).
Here is why:
* The White race is genetically closest to the Neanderthal race.
* Pale skin has NO evolutionary use.
*The White race is the race LONGEST held in slavery.
*Blue eyes are a genetic defect.
*All their achievements are made up by the Zionists in history books.
I’m sorry, if you’re White yourself. It’s absolutely not meant to humiliate White people, it’s only the sad truth for them.
Oh, I forgot to mention one point: The White race is genetically inferior to all the other races.