How BBC planned for political crisis in Northern Nigeria – By Mazi Omeife Jideofo

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How BBC caused political crisis in Northern Nigeria

It has come to the attention of Rasta Livewire that western intelligence had plotted to create chaos and war in Nigeria after its 2011 presidential elections. The CIA had announced two years ago that the election would probably led to the break-up of Nigeria along regional lines. Yet, they discounted the overidding will of this African family to live together, as one people.

Just before the elections, the Nigeria government in December 2010 discovered a large cache of arms and ammunitions illegally imported to facilitate election violence. Many arrests were made; and many traditional Binghi ceremonies were held by the conscious Muurs of Nigeria to drive out the vibration of violence.

The elections actually went through peacefully on April 16th 2011. The sitting President, Goodluck Jonathan was confirmed for another four year term. This was followed by riots in the northern part of the country. The riots have been quickly brought under control.

Meanwhile, it turns out that the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Hausa Service had been meddling in the events that lead to the riots.

The security services of Nigeria have blamed BBC for the riots and confusion in the Northern Nigeria state of Adamawa, due to its false broadcast that the Congress for Progressive Change (CPC) presidential candidate, General Muhammadu Buhari, had won the election in Adamawa State, at a time when the electoral commission in the state was still collating results.

It appears to be deliberate mis-information sent out to prepare a stage for discontent and violence.

The election was eventually won by President Goodluck Jonathan of the PDP. Riots erupted shortly after by the losers who cited BBC reports as evidence that their candidate was robbed.

Just in line with the CIA plan/announcement of two years ago, the BBC broadcast sought to exploit and exacerbate ethnic tensions, and regional divisions.

Thankfully, they were not aware that the wise men of Nigeria had decided to take over vibrational control of the country. As such, the riots quickly ran out of energy. The CIA plan failed! It could not withstand the vibrational energies of the wise men and the Binghis of Nigeria, who had decided that there would be no more wars in that country.

The Special Adviser to the Adamawa State Governor, Aminu Iyawa, told journalists that the BBC broadcast was simply orchestrated to cause mischief and chaos. He pointed out the initial ferocity of the riots following BBC broadcast, and thanked the Nigerian security services for their quick actions which saved many lives and properties.

Rastalivewire congratulates Nigeria on its successful election. We believe the time has come for Nigeria to shine. Nothing can stop you now you great people. Arise, arise and take your stands again.

We will be watching this great country rise to great heights in the next few months.

Mazi Omeife Jideofo

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One thought on “How BBC planned for political crisis in Northern Nigeria – By Mazi Omeife Jideofo”

  1. To think I listen & view the BBC since they have more positive reports on the African Diaspora than ABC,NBC,CBS,etc.that they along with the CIA would cause election turmoil in Nigeria is despicable.Obviously its an attempt to control oil so the greedy west can manipulate supplies versus the greedy east.Malcolm X spoke so eloquently on how
    Africa has minerals the east & west want to control world finances & power balances.

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