By Jide Uwechia
Barack Obama visited the shrine of his forefathers in Egypt June 04, 2009. He got a very personal close up tour of the Pyramids and other ancient sites of ancient Egypt courtesy of the curator of the Egyptian museum Hawis.
Upon getting into one of the tombs, one could not help but notice the very striking resemblance between President Obama and the portrait of the Egyptian dignitary buried in the tomb. The name of the ancient Egyptian dignitary was Kar. One must note here that spelt backwards Barack comes up as “Karab” (omitting the “c” which is just a variation of the spelling convention). “Kar-ab” does sound very close to “Kar” the man buried in the Egyptian tomb. In ancient Khemit “ab” is a word that designates the heart. Kar-ab could then mean “the heart of Kar”. Is Barack the heart of Kar?

Kar lived about 4,600 years ago in ancient Egypt. Kar was a great and devoted Black African (Khemitian) who had served one of the Pharaohs of Egypt. Just like President Barack, Father Kar was a priest, a scholar, a lawyer and an advocate. He later became a great judge.
According to reports and video footages coming out of this visit, the portrait of Kar looked eerily similar to President Barack Obama. The resemblance was so much that he, Obama was the first one to point this out in complete astonishment. Others visiting with him were called over to view the portrait of Kar and without doubt all confirmed the close similarity between this ancient judge and the modern President, including the famous big ears.
Zahi Hawas, the two-faced curator of Egyptian antiquities who constantly down plays the fact that Egypt was a Black African civilization was suddenly falling over his head to confirm the amazing physical resemblance between Obama and the ancient Egyptian dignitaries.
According to Hawas, President Obama looked like King Tut, the same king that Hawas had slyly sought to depict as a pale skin so-called white man barely two years ago. Yet, standing before the Black President and King, Mister Hawas made this recantation: “Mister President, you look like King Tut. It’s true. I said this the whole time – two years ago. You were a king in ancient Egypt.”
Dr. Zahi Hawass is hardly “two-faced”, and perhaps you should have checked for the correct spelling of his name before you posted this piece.
Gee, McGee
Tell me…were the ancient Egyptians the modern Africans? Is Obama a reincarnated Egyptian King? Did Mr. Hawas ever claim that King Tut was caucasiod? Gee, Mcgee, what are your responses?
What do you mean were the ancient Egyptians modern Africans? If you are suggesting that they were black skinned, or Negroid the answer is no, they were not. And yes Dr. Hawass has also attested to that fact. The characteristics and structure of the skull as seen in x rays and CT scans are the best evidence of this. The most distinguishing difference between Negro, Caucasian and Asian skulls are the shape of the eye sockets. Caucasian’s would be angular, Negro’s more rectangular and Asians round. King Tut’s eye sockets were angular.
And no, I don’t think that President Obama is a reincarnated Egyptian King, but the resemblance to the image of Kar was quite cool. But IMO Obama certainly is a “Prince” among men!
Oh my Gee, McGee is Obama negroid? Is his father negroid? Are you negroid Mcgee or are you pinkoid?? Hear what scientists that went through proper schooling have to say about ancient Egyptians:
“The predominant craniometric pattern in the
Abydos royal tombs is “southern” (tropical African
variant), and this is consistent with what would be
expected based on the literature and other results.
(Keita, 1990)
Here is what Aristotle who lived in the time of the Egyptians and saw them had to say:
Why are the Ethiopians and Egyptians bandy-legged? Is
it because of that the body of itself creates, because of
disturbance by heat, likeloss of wood when they become dry?
The condition of their hair supports
this theory; for it is curlier than that of other
nations…” (Aristotle,
_Problemata_ 909, 7)
Racist as that sodomite Aristotle was, his views provide even more evidence for the Egyptian ethnicity:
“Those who are too black are cowards, like for
instance, the Egyptians and Ethiopians.
But those who are excessively white are
also cowards as we can see from the example of women,
the complexion of courage is
between the two.” (Aristotle, _Physiognomy_, 6)
Gee, Mcgee did you hear all that? Gee, what do you have to say now??
More like the antichrist
Pinkoid? Is that supposed to be a word? I see your spelling is in line with your comprehension. I am by the way an educated medical professional, and suggest maybe you should study some forensic anthropology. It seems that you have some intent desire to believe that the ancient Egyptians were all black, to the point of even sounding racist about it. Sorry to disappoint, they were not. There were black people in ancient Egypt, but they were not all black. Even your friend Dr. Keita says the same thing. Egyptians were Egyptian.
And what difference does it make anyway? The color of a persons skin does not matter. People are just people. Some black, some blue eyes, some curly hair, some fat some short, etc.. Just people.
Good day to you Sir
Oh my Mc Gee, you are still buzzing around. But gee, your song appears to have changed.
Mcgee had submitted on 2009/06/05 at 12:46pm the following abominable lie:
“What do you mean were the ancient Egyptians modern Africans? If you are suggesting that they were black skinned, or Negroid the answer is no, they were not. And yes Dr. Hawass has also attested to that fact.”
On 06/05/09 Jahdey responds to Mcgee:
“….Here is what Aristotle who lived in the time of the Egyptians and saw them had to say:
Why are the Ethiopians and Egyptians bandy-legged? Is
it because of that the body of itself creates, because of
disturbance by heat, likeloss of wood when they become dry?
The condition of their hair supports
this theory; for it is curlier than that of other
nations…” (Aristotle,
_Problemata_ 909, 7)
Racist as that sodomite Aristotle was, his views provide even more evidence for the Egyptian ethnicity:
“Those who are too black are cowards, like for
instance, the Egyptians and Ethiopians.
But those who are excessively white are
also cowards as we can see from the example of women,
the complexion of courage is
between the two.” (Aristotle, _Physiognomy_, 6)
Gee, Mcgee did you hear all that? Gee, what do you have to say now??”
On 2009/06/07 Mcgee has changed her tune:
“There were black people in ancient Egypt, but they were not all black.”
On 2009/06/07 Jahdey responds:
“Gee, Mcgee that was a recantation a tad too fast. Welcome to Rastalivewire. We make the blind to see. Don’t go away!”
Well, it seems this site won’t allow the posting of links. I attempted to post a link to a video of Dr. Keita discussing the subject of ancient Egyptian race. If you Google the title of the article “What Dr Keita actually says about the race of the ancient Egyptians.” It will take you there, the article was dated March 22, 2009.
..and Mcgee what did Aristotle say about the race of ancient Egyptians … what did Herodotus say??? Gee Mcgee what do you say?
There are black people in every country of this planet but that does not make this a black planet. I think you have very serious racial issues. The only lie I see here is your reference to this site being a place for online enlightenment. Looks to me more like a black supremacy site, for which I have no use, as I have no use for the white supremacists. As I said, people are just people, and you should try to just get over that.
Live long and prosper… and enjoy your irrational beliefs
Gee, Mcgee don’t get ticked off unecessarily. You have failed to answer my question…what did Aristotle say about ancient Egyptians and their colour, what did Herodotus say, what did Plato say…what about Socrates?? Are you more reliable than those sources? Gee Mcgee, are you darker than your shadow???
It appears that not only is ‘Daisy McGee’ one of those dissident Europeans seeking to refute – LOL – the notion of a BLACK Ancient Egypt, but s/he is also extremely condescending and pompous in his/her designation as a “medical professional”; as if one cannot be astute in any scientific discipline such as paleoanthropology w/o a title.
If ‘Daisy McGee’ was as shrewd as s/he professes to be on this subject, s/he would know that terms like “Negroid” are hardly SCIENTIFIC and that s/he would be laughed out of the scientific community for using such terms. S/he would also understand that craniometrics are hardly a predeterminate for the “race” – another deceiving yet unscientific term – of a people.
The Ancient Egytians (Kemetians) were BLACK Africans….get over it.
And tell this Medical Doctor thing that the Kmtian Civilization begun Deep in Africa in Kush/Nubia and was unified by Menar/Menes.
she can google for his statue and check if Pharoah (Peraa-Great House) was one of those Black or not because I aint never seen no caucosoids? with a BIG FULL NOSE & LIPS in a me life……..
She can google Imhotep and see that what she claims to be (medical Dr.) is in the tradition of BLACK AFRICANS millenia B4 little hypocrates came for education down in a Kmt at the feet od his Black lecturers.
so much for your “hypocritical” oath, little racist Doctor!
Then google about Pharoah Piankhe-Black as Black a Human can be. He who -from Nubia came up (down strictly speaking) with a mighty BLACK NUBIAN army to chase invaders and their pretender collaborators who had come in from uncivilized places in the east mess up Kmt.
So Doctor if you continue to get stuck in your racist anti-African rut with latter day egyptians from the invasions of the Assyrians to the Greeks, Romans & even now Arabs-of course you will happily conclude that Kmt was not BLACK AFRICAN.
So be it.
But remember that before the 7th Century BC Kmt had Peaked and was BLACK in Population.Period.Pyramids had been built. Dr. Imhotep, Pharoah Khufu (Giza Pyramid) Ramses All BLACK as can Be (google for yourself or visit your museams where they steal keep our stolen artifacts) had long gone.
In a nutshell-those ‘white egyptians’ you fantasize about added zilch, zero, NOTHING to the long-established civilization……only pillaged, plagiarized and pretended about.
Do your research. I recommend Martin Bernal (he is a white Ivy league Prof so you will believe him) BLACK ATHENA for starters.
Remember too that the Kmtians in their words stated that their ancestors came from the MOUNTAINS OF THE MOON deeper in AFRICA. Google that too.
Kmt is BLACK AFRICA’s Classical Civilization. It was real and it is the LIGHT OF THE WORLD.