Genetic Linkages Between West Africa and Ancient Greece:
HLA genes allele distribution has been studied in Mediterranean and sub-Saharan populations. Their relatedness has been tested by genetic distances, neighbour-joining dendrograms and correspondence analyses.
The population genetic relationships have been compared with the history of the classical populations living in the area. A revision of the historic postulates would have to be undertaken, particularly in the cases when genetics and history are overtly discordant. HLA genomics shows that: 1) Greeks share an important part of their genetic pool with sub-Saharan Africans (Ethiopians and west Africans) also supported by Chr 7 Markers.
The gene flow from Black Africa to Greece may have occurred in Pharaonic times or when Saharan people emigrated after the present hyperarid conditions were established (5000 years B.C.).
2) Turks (Anatolians) do not significantly differ from other Mediterraneans, indicating that while the Asians Turks carried out an invasion with cultural significance (language), it is not genetically detectable.
3) Kurds and Armenians are genetically very close to Turks and other Middle East populations.
4) There is no HLA genetic trace of the so called Aryan invasion, which has only been defined on doubtful linguistic bases.
5) Iberians, including Basques, are related to north-African Berbers.
6) Present-day Algerian and Moroccan urban and country people show an indistinguishable Berber HLA profile.
Arnaiz-Villena A, Gomez-Casado E, Martinez-Laso J.
Department of Immunology and Molecular Biology, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain.
Tissue Antigens. 2002 Aug;60(2):111-21.
PMID: 12392505 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
I think skeptic and all should keep in mind that Egypt later became mixed with caucasian hittites, mulatto Semites, caucasian greeks and others. This contributed to the fact that they got lighter. Their descriptions will differ from earlier to later. I’ve read where Herodotus says that the Egyptians are black LIKE the Ethiopians. There are further diagrams of Ancient Egyptians where they see themselves almost identical to southern Nubians. Now they became more mulato and lighter as they mixed with Romans, greeks, hittites, and then Arabs. Alot of the population was also driven to the south. In northern Egypt and Southern Egpypt you will still see blacks (including mulattoes whose african ancestry is evident). In Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Oman there are still blacks who have always been native.
Now lets not change our perception of black when it comes to ancient peoples or non-American blacks. We all know that you don’t have to be jet black with deep “negroid” features to be black. In American Mulatoes (from long-standing mulatoe families and first generation mulatoes) have always been considered black if their African ancestry could be seen.
So, if there are non-black Egyptians, berbers, etc, it is because the original black populations mixed with the white ones to create the mulatoe phenotypes which range from “caucasiod” to “negroid” and from dark brown to white without always matching brown to negroid and white to caucasiod. There are plenty of brown to jet black berbers as well as the more white mulattoe berbers.
All southern Europeans have high amounts of African blood in them, from mulatoe ancestors. The inquistion did its best to get rid of any obvious indication of African(Muslim or Jewish) ancestry.
The Egpytians started off as black, now only some of them are.
The Arabs began as a black people, now only some of them are.
The Berbers started off as a black people now their are equally what we would consider black, medium mulatoe and dark-skinned white.
Has anyone not looked at the carribean and its history and looked at its people? Any “dark” white people have black in their background. That is all of the Middle East, India, the south meditteranean and north Africa.
In the case of the Americas, Sudan, the coast of West Africa Noth Africa those blacks who are lighter have Caucasion in their background even if it came by way of the majority mulatto Arabs.
Yo, bro!!
Alaxandros o Makedon
ancient greek men
Original Africoid Greeks: Pictures…/HarrowingHell.jpg
why greeks are ashamed?..
..greek coffee?..
it`s true..
yes..GREEKS are like COFFEE..
in face..
cofee olive skin call it what you may…. cool jaydey.. most of the terms used by a particular poster i.e caucas,negro,mongolo (ids),are aga neo supremacists creations,and show the user’s intention of keeping their status quo.Remember hitler?
Interesting how you neglected to post the many Minoan Frescoes that depict Minoans as tanned and fair people with caucasian features.