Original West Africans Of Ancient Greece!!! The Black (First) Europeans III

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Genetic Linkages Between West Africa and Ancient Greece:

HLA genes allele distribution has been studied in Mediterranean and sub-Saharan populations. Their relatedness has been tested by genetic distances, neighbour-joining dendrograms and correspondence analyses.

The population genetic relationships have been compared with the history of the classical populations living in the area. A revision of the historic postulates would have to be undertaken, particularly in the cases when genetics and history are overtly discordant. HLA genomics shows that: 1) Greeks share an important part of their genetic pool with sub-Saharan Africans (Ethiopians and west Africans) also supported by Chr 7 Markers.

The gene flow from Black Africa to Greece may have occurred in Pharaonic times or when Saharan people emigrated after the present hyperarid conditions were established (5000 years B.C.).

2) Turks (Anatolians) do not significantly differ from other Mediterraneans, indicating that while the Asians Turks carried out an invasion with cultural significance (language), it is not genetically detectable.

3) Kurds and Armenians are genetically very close to Turks and other Middle East populations.

4) There is no HLA genetic trace of the so called Aryan invasion, which has only been defined on doubtful linguistic bases.

5) Iberians, including Basques, are related to north-African Berbers.

6) Present-day Algerian and Moroccan urban and country people show an indistinguishable Berber HLA profile.


Arnaiz-Villena A, Gomez-Casado E, Martinez-Laso J.

Department of Immunology and Molecular Biology, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain.

Tissue Antigens. 2002 Aug;60(2):111-21.

PMID: 12392505 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

Article: Population genetic relationships between Mediterranean populations determined by HLA allele distribution and a historic perspective.

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146 thoughts on “Original West Africans Of Ancient Greece!!! The Black (First) Europeans III”

  1. Unfortunately for jaydey, those pictures do not show “Africoid” origins of Greeks but “Caucasoid” and skin tone is not a factor in determining ones race, genetic is, and genetics in ancient Greek skeleton remains show no “Africoid” origins.

  2. greek DNA science?…
    why greeks dont give Vlachs DNA from Macedonia..
    but from Trakia?…
    why are afraid?…
    i know..
    several times i`m visit “greece”..
    and Istanbul..
    no difference between people (faces)..
    for greek liars..

  3. HELLO all

    In reading all your text here, I find the same fight in all text and blogs dealing with E3b M35 linage, I ask why? So I reflected for a long while. I came to this conclusion, your all prejudice to race! Your all still fighting over what color of skin or how deep a person is from Africa! My gosh get over your hate over who is what. We are all human from the beauty of the blacks to the beauty of the lighter skinned peoples of the world. I find the purpose of this whole gene adventure is to be found in our lineage not to fight over who is darker or who is lighter. Grow up! Learn that we are from the same gene pool and how that gene wishes to express its looks is nature. I find that people expressing pride over other peoples by virtue of there birth, that they had nothing to do about it just by being born sickens me and is a faulty pride that I hope one day be irradiated from the human race. I have learned much by participating in the National Geographic’s project, for both my mother and fathers linage and found we all come from a common African linage. I took pride in this fact that we all had to start somewhere that we are here and that we all share this planet. Stop fighting over the myth of race and start thinking like grown up men.

  4. No one is claiming that humans did not originate from African but the thousands upon thousands of centuries that passed since then evolved human genetics creating subgroups, the tribes who are the ancestors of Europeans, Asians, Native Americans etc, are part of those subgroups. Genetic testing has shown that Greeks, ancient and modern, are genetically Caucasian Europeans, not black Africans. They were and are still closely related to the groups of people who live within the Balkan and Anatolian region, in other words their neighbors not black Africans. Sorry but no matter how ones wants to spin it, genetics do not lie.

  5. In my genetic testing my fathers side is from the Bulkins and my mothers is from Germany. I understand that as a culture we can pride ourselfs but to me even a millon years may pass that does not change where we come from. The big lesson for me in my genetic study was, we as a human race are all connected. I have read may blogs and found so many are trying to distance themselfs from all our African roots. I am not trying to spin nothing but as you stated “DNA does not lie”. So walking away from my genetic study I have become color blind! I see us as a family that have many differnt ways to cook and dance.

  6. Sorry but genetic testing by the worlds lead geneticists has proven a million years not only change who you are genetically but who you are culturally and no amount of political correctness will make what you claim as “true”. This whole “we are all the same” theme people like to spin is for the birds. No we are not all the same, nice ideology but human history has proven there are too many differences between the human race, both genetically and culturally to play this kumbaya game.

  7. I see then where your true spirit is then you see the diffrance in us all I see we are all from one place. With your transparent face you now proved my point why all you people aruge over color and race. I see your world is filled with them and us, or if your not one of us your them. I see your filled with hate you dont want to understand you want to see how we are all diffrent. Sorry but your arument is very weak and shows your true color. Good luck to you and your hate what you reap so shall ye sow. Sad very sad. I am glade you spell it out to all who can read what your true agenda is a world filled with hate.

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