Genetic Linkages Between West Africa and Ancient Greece:
HLA genes allele distribution has been studied in Mediterranean and sub-Saharan populations. Their relatedness has been tested by genetic distances, neighbour-joining dendrograms and correspondence analyses.
The population genetic relationships have been compared with the history of the classical populations living in the area. A revision of the historic postulates would have to be undertaken, particularly in the cases when genetics and history are overtly discordant. HLA genomics shows that: 1) Greeks share an important part of their genetic pool with sub-Saharan Africans (Ethiopians and west Africans) also supported by Chr 7 Markers.
The gene flow from Black Africa to Greece may have occurred in Pharaonic times or when Saharan people emigrated after the present hyperarid conditions were established (5000 years B.C.).
2) Turks (Anatolians) do not significantly differ from other Mediterraneans, indicating that while the Asians Turks carried out an invasion with cultural significance (language), it is not genetically detectable.
3) Kurds and Armenians are genetically very close to Turks and other Middle East populations.
4) There is no HLA genetic trace of the so called Aryan invasion, which has only been defined on doubtful linguistic bases.
5) Iberians, including Basques, are related to north-African Berbers.
6) Present-day Algerian and Moroccan urban and country people show an indistinguishable Berber HLA profile.
Arnaiz-Villena A, Gomez-Casado E, Martinez-Laso J.
Department of Immunology and Molecular Biology, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain.
Tissue Antigens. 2002 Aug;60(2):111-21.
PMID: 12392505 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
so what if ancient greek and modern greeks are connected to etheopians? the two cultures are from a history of 5000 years plus. The others who are claiming macedonians? the modern day people who think they are macedonians are only RUSSIANS! basically a SLAVIC PEOPLE! so of course they do not have any dna similar to greeks, the so called macedonians of the ‘republic of macedonia’ are of SLAVIC decent, and this ‘macedonian’ language is derrived of serbian, bulgarian and is basically a DIALECT. and why the 80% is turkish??? UMMM why can I as a modern greek read and understand 60% of the ancient greek language? why can i read in the same letters? I can post pictures of modern day bulgarians and russians and “macedonians” and say,,look, they look the same. If they say i have a DNA match with the Etheopians i am PROUD since both these cultures PRE date any barbarian SLAVI whannabee macedonians. the ancient macedonians were of hellenic decent. the dorian people! the modern day so called, are of SLAVIC origin. even the name ALEXANDER is greek, no alexandrovski,,when i ask a person from this fake country ‘macedonia’ what the name ALEXANDER MEANS? they dont udnerstand, greek language has MEANING..what does ALEXANADER mean in “macedonian” they reply…alexande. WRONG IGNORANT IDIOTS ALEX=protector in ancient greek. ANDER=man alexander was a protector of man, just like ALEXIPTO meaning ALEX=protector IPTO=FLYING..thats the name greece gives to parachuters, it protects a man when flying…if they say i am etheopian/ greek THANK YOU GOD BECAUSE WE ARE BLESSED WITH 5000 YEARS PLUS HISTORY!!! when slavic people realize that this “macedonia” country is NOTHING to do with the ancient people of macedonia, they will grow up. Talking to them is like talking to a wall though. the athenians? spartans? thracians? who were they then? Seperate people NO they were all of greek decent, who came from thhose areas. Just like in countries who have different cities, we like to identify more of which city we came from. but hell, TITO and the communist party did a very good brainwashing job. and NO WAY will the so called “study” from people who are from “republic of macedonia” they are not biased at all right? MORONS WAKE THE HELL UP!
Wake up fellow greeks, you should be proud that we mixed with the best and most sophisticated cutltures of this planet, the egyptians and EHTEopi (etheopians). To any modern day person who comes from the newly established “macedonia” which is STOLEN. the original pre 1991 A.D!! 1991 NOW 1991,,,is VARARSKA a BULGARIAN word, sorry slavic people, the faster you realize you are of slavic decent, the better for all of us.
some greek people will think that its a shame that our ancestors mixed with others, but fact remains that cleopatra? was half greek, our culture and people only chose the best people to establish relations with. they did not establish with BARBARIANS. only GREEKS,,IE GREEK THINKING PEOPLE. when greeks in ancient greece would say “pasi mi ellin kai varvaros” means if you are not greek you are a barbarian. they were not only refering to culture, but to thinking. EDUCATION was the greek way, you were GREEK thinker. so yes if you are not greek you are barbarian. etheopians and egyptians and greeks pre date any russian-bulgarian race in the area.
Now go praise TITO and the communist party of Yugoslavia and make him your alexander, YOUR protector do NOT confuse your slavic heritage with my HELLENIC!!!
either way, your government of FYROM is all talk, if your people want greece so bad, come take it! when you say go back? YOU go back, YOU go back to bulgaria and serbia. do the area a favour and wake up and realize YOU ARE SLAVIC NOTHING will change this no matter even if this “dna” test was done. your language can be understood by bulgarians, and serbs. VARDARASKAN republic, or better yet the BANOVA rebublic. oh for sure georgovski, and lukovsi ovski,,yes im sure alexander and PHILLIP were of bulgarian decent. wake up moron and learn the truth. Phillip phil=friend
ippos=horse, what does phillip mean in your modern language? NOTHING. it means we THINK we are macedonians, not even close, good try though.
Sam, ancient and modern Greeks are not “mixed” with Etheopians, sorry to break the news to you but Greeks have as much connection to Etheopians as they do with Slavic people zero to none although being Caucasian they closer related to Slavic people then they are to Africans.
The study you are relying on has been DEBUNKED.
Furthermore, East Africans where e3b1 originated were the proto eurasians who migrated out of africa and peopled asia and europe…Somalis, Ethiopians etc are more closely related to eurasians than they are to other africans. And e3b1 M78-alpha originated in europe and is the most common clade in europe.
Also check out these for more interesting info…
this does not make us any less of what we as a nation are (hellenic) I love saying that i am hellenic, that my ancestors had connections with the world, the best civilizations interacted with us, everyone wanted to think ‘greek’ to speak greek was education. if you did a dna sample of me, you might not find that i am “100%” greek. even if i did find this out, i know where my country is, i know what culture and people i love which is mine the Hellenic!
The Spanish study has been proven by many unbiased scientists who study genetic to be false. Every single study done by legit scientist on this subject matter very clearly show that Greeks are not related to Ethiopians at all. Greeks both ancient and modern cluster with other white European people not Africans. Which is why all their statues and even today Greeks depict themselves as caucasian Europeans and not black Africans.