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It is said that “Oshun is beneficient and generous, and very kind. She does, have a malevolent and tempestuous temper, although it is difficult to anger her.”

It is said that “Oshun has excellent cooking skills.”

Oshun is the Mother of the African sweet or fresh waters. In her form as the mother of salt waters, she is known as Yemaya.

Like Egyptian Isis and later Greek Diana, Osun is the goddess of love and is widely beloved. She is known for healing the sick, cheering the sad, bringing music, song and dance, as well as bringing fertility and prosperity.

She is the protector of the poor, the mother of all orphans, she is the one who brings them what they need in this life through periods of weakness or strenght.

Like Queen Isis of the Ancient Egyptian Kemitic Pantheon, Oshun was taught the art of divination with the cowrie shells, cards, tarots, visions, possessions, songs, chants and meditations by her father Obatala, the first of the created gods.

Like Isis, She brought the teaching of divinations, mysticism, agriculture and culture to humans. She is known as the mother of the fishes of the seas and the birds of the forest. Isis used to be represented as the mother of the fishes and the Queen of the seas.

Oshun is the essence of love, sweetness and good cheer, beauty and flowing joy.

Among the Yorubas of West Africa, She is also known as Yalode- the mother of things outside the home or the mother of wealth, due to her business acumen.

She is also known as Laketi, “She who responds”, because of how quickly and effectively she answers prayers.

Possession of her devotees is one of her principal manifestation and in such states, devotees are filled with clarity, confidence, joy, love, bliss and laugher. Yet, they are filled at the same times with the terrible aspects of her power which activates to fight injustice against humanity and irreverence against the gods.

It has been said that “When She possesses her followers she dances, flirts and then weeps- because no one can love her enough and the world is not as beautiful as she knows it could possibly be.”

The peacock and the vulture are sacred to Her. Offerings to Oshun could be in form of songs, chantings, meditating on her name, devotion to her love, and/or adherence with her compassionate laws.

Her manifestations of love include being the source of all fresh waters, all warmth, all knowledge, all culture, all society, all motherhood, prosperity, fertility of the land and the water.

Food offerings could include sweet things such as fresh water, honey, mead, white wine, oranges, sweets, or pumpkins, as well as essential oils and incense.


In the high Yoruba mystical teachings, Oshun has many roads, or dimensions and some of these include:

Osun the Queen of Witches:

Oshun Ibu Ikole — Oshun the Vulture. This dimension of Oshun is (as was Isis of ancient Kemitic Egypt and the later Greek Diana) associated with Witches (Aje). Her symbols include the vulture, and the mortar and pestle (both of which are symbols of witchcraft).

Witchcraft in Africa is a high science practised by a few who are fortunate enough to have the time and resources to acquire that science of life. The science is so powerful that the adepts are reputed to have powers over life and death and the ability to deliver their will and affect reality as they wish.

It is said today that this power of witchraft is abused in today’s Africa. We cannot comment other than to ask those who make accusations to take a look at their inner most thoughts ensure that those thoughts are sincere.

The craft is a neutral science that can be deployed to serve what ever ends. But a disciplined and well educated practitioner of the craft is a great help to whatever community he or she lives in. For she carries on the beneficience of her chief goddess, Osun, quietly, loyally and annonymously waxing love and judicious judgement in line with the omni-potent and the omni-present will of the beloved lady, blessed Osun.

Oshun the Diviner, Sophia Wisdom

Oshun Ololodi — Oshun, the diviner. Oshun is a particularly sensous goddess and has been associated with many lover and husbands. In her form of the diviner She is the wife or lover of Orunmila, the first prophet of Ifa divination.

It is said that Oshun’s father Obatala the first of the among the Gods (similar to the Amen of New Testament Book of Revelations Chapter 1 verse 18. He bequeathed unto Her the secret of divination and mysticsm just live Kemitic Father Ra(s) bequeathed unto daughter Isis the secret of divination and mysticm.

As such Oshun has the key and the secrets of Ifa, the fount of sacred wisdom. Oshun is then a synonym for Wisdom.

In the Old Testament Book of Proverbs Chapter 3 Verse 13 to 18, this beautiful praise of Oshun is embedded in the Bible under her Holy name Wisdom, or Sophia (the Greek goddess name used in the original Septuagint Greek New Testament Bible), which is of the same roots and essence as the Yoruba Ifa. It goes as follows:

13. Happy is the man that findeth [wisdom/sophia] Osun, and the man that getteth understanding [of her arts and science].

14. For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold.

15. [She] Oshun is more precious than rubies: and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her.

16. Length of days is in her right hand; and in her left hand riches and honour.

17. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.

18. She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retaineth her.

See King James Version.

Osun the Beautiful and the Sensual

In the Yoruba/Cuban pantheon of gods and goddess, Oshun is represented as a beautiful, charming and coquettish young woman, often with long flowing dreadlocks. In some tales She is said to be a mermaid, with a fish’s tail, in other more urban legends some claim She is the equivalent of Mami-water.

With Oshun there are no sensual repressions and inhibitions. She is a leader in Her father’s house. She is an independent woman, a matri-focal and androgynous matriarch.

Unlike the Roman catholic neutered and denatured “Virgin Maria”, Osun our mother, the Empress is a passionate and hot-blooded woman. Lover of many accomplished princes and gods, Her symbolism recalls days of strong women principalites who were rich, powerful knowledge enough to have many men dangling by her strings. Oshun has had affairs with Erinle, Orunmila, Oshosi, Orisha Oko, and Aje-Shaluga. She is also the sexual partner of Shango, and Ogun.

She was at one time the wife of Shango, the storm god, as was Oya, the goddess of the winds and tempests. There are many interesting stories about the romantic, passionate inter rivalry that existed between Oshun and Oya. In fact a certain confluence of two rivers at a rapid in one of the wetern state of Nigeria is named after Osun and Oya due to the intimidating turbulence that marks the point of intersetion.

In the Yoruba/Cuban religious view Osun is associated with the color yellow, the important metals gold and copper, peacock feathers, mirrors, and anything of charm, lightness, beauty and sweet taste. Her best day of the week is Saturday and her favourite number is 5.

Jide Uwechia

October 17, 2009

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  1. I have been trying to find the identity my spiritualty/ spirit. I am an aquatics expert swim instructor/lifeguard trainer. I have save and taught over 2000 people. I am an artist ; painter, carpenter, seamstress, and poet. I custom paint guitars. I find that i am attracted to other great spirits (artists and professional leaders). I was searching African goddess of love and I found this. I often refer to myself as an afro mermaid. I would like to embody the spirit of Oshun for my 33 birthday next week. What is the ritual?

  2. Newbie, I am very inspired in learning about myself in this life and pass life, my cousin has told me so much i decided to do research and see who is the top of my crown, i can defiantly relate to Oshun., but im still researching any advice or resources you guys would like to give.

  3. i came across this site by synchronicity. I am not African but Semitic Eastern European descent and have crossed the Sahara in West Africa and spent some time in Egypt where I always remembered ancestral memories in my DNA. I have had dreams and visitations of fresh water and an Ocean Goddess. I am an initiated High Priestess of Isis Serpentarius. I am a seer a professional psychic tarot reader dream worker Goddess Spirituality workshop leader and ceremonialist for the past 26 years. I have done much reading and research and all you say about the Egyptian and even pre-Egyptian origins of the Old Testament are true. The Christian Bible is a man-made religion. All three Patriarchal religions were all man-made. God as masculine is a projection of that and was expressly created to control women and their sexuality. Although there are secret mystical Jewish teachings where the Goddess and God are equal and constitute the “God” concept as a whole. These teachings are the same as eastern Tantra. Your clear insights have given me further needed reference for an article I am writing about the significance of 2018. Thanks and Blessings Tara

  4. I am here because I had a dream of a beautiful very dark skinned woman. There was a gathering as if we were to be wed in a place that reminded me of homes I’ve seen in Africa (I am African-American). She was beside me and I felt compelled to shower her in praise for her beauty as she seemed unsure of herself. I caressed her face making note of some type of ornament that adorned her head that looked almost like a mahogany rose. I told her she reminded me of a panther, dark, majestic, elegant, yet powerful. There was a young man who became very with upset the moment we were having and was asked to leave. The woman told me he was envious and not to let him anger me. On his way out of the house who threw something at me which I dodged, but remained calm. At this point of the dream there were also children who were being mischievous and a man who came off as some type of priest with a white marking on his face who was to initiate a trial of some sort. The woman told me no matter what happened, I was not to interfere as we stood outside. The priest began to open boxes/packages I don’t know what they were, but whatever he found in each of them he would dicipline the mischievous children with them. I was startled but again the woman asked me not to interfere and to trust in the love I had for her. She began to weep and cover her ears and though it was very unsettling, I stayed with her and did not interfere. My first thoughts were “oh no, he is killing them!” but when it was over everyone gathered back into the house and no one was harmed and there was celebration. I saw a few famous celebrities and one had an encounter with envious young man from earlier who I told if he ever threw something at me again I would put hands on him just before waking from the dream.

    I have had many dreams throughout my life that have helped me to understand myself, others, some things about life, show me future events before happening, etc. but never have I dreamt of a woman I felt so compelled to love, protect, and devote to. I felt so much warmth and care in her presence I feel tears welling in my eyes as I write this. I searched for African goddess/goddesses immediately after waking leading me here.

  5. Oshun Madre mía
    Enséñame a actuar
    Entra en mí
    Y has que sienta la sinceridad
    Del verdadero amor
    Acudo a ti pues mí
    Mayor necesidad es sentir
    El amor en mi vida
    Es poder lograr esa emoción
    Quiero aprender a ver la vida
    De distinta manera
    Quiero un amor puro
    Un amor verdadero
    Que haga de mí una persona mejor
    Una persona de bien
    Quiero poder sentir el amor en mi vida
    Poder tener la dicha de sentir
    Que soy una mujer de amor
    Una mujer bondadosa
    Quiero sentir la presencia
    De ese hombre en mi mente
    Y en mi corazón
    (Decir el Nombre de la Persona a Doblegar)
    Oshun madre mía
    Una vez más hazme instrumento
    Y transmisor de tu paz de tu amor
    Oshun madre mía
    Quiero ver en mí
    Lo que un día tú lo hiciste
    Quiero sentir y saborear la paz, la confianza
    Ayúdame a encontrar el amor que necesito
    Para poder atraer a mi vida
    (Decir el Nombre de la Persona a Doblegar)
    Que su corazón solo se fije en mí
    Que sus oídos solo me escuchen a mí
    Oshun madre mía
    Lo que tú quieras concédeme
    Lléname de amor
    Lléname de valor, de gracia
    Lléname de bondad
    Oshun madre mía
    (Decir tu Nombre)
    Mi corazón te lo entrego a ti
    Cámbialo por uno mejor
    No pido que borres mis errores
    Solo que me des la oportunidad
    De poder hacer que mis experiencias
    Sean compartidas con
    (Decir el Nombre de la Persona a Doblegar)
    Oshun madre mía
    Me sirvan de algo y yo así
    Poder llegar a tener
    El verdadero en mi vida
    Oshun madre mía
    Ayúdame a que
    (Decir el Nombre de la Persona a Doblegar)
    Sienta el verdadero amor por mí
    Con tu paz tu bondad,
    Confió en que así será, gracias
    Oshun Madre mía,
    Así sea.
    Para que llame hoy mismo a mi celular.
    Lee atentamente esta oración y haz lo que te dice sin ignorar los pasos que te pide seguir. Porque si no solo obtendrás los resultados contrarios de lo que pidas. Piensa en la persona con la que quieres estar y di su nombre para ti 3 veces. Piensa en lo que quieres que ocurra con esa persona en la siguiente semana y repítelo para ti 6 veces. Ahora piensa en lo que quieres con esa persona y dilo 1 vez. Ahora di: Rayo de luz yo te invoco para que desentierres a ___ donde esté o con quien esté y le hagas llamarme hoy mismo enamorado y arrepentido.
    Desentierra todo lo que está impidiendo que ____ venga a mi _________. Aparta a todos los que contribuyan a que nos apartemos y que él no piense más en otras mujeres, que solo piense en mi _________. Que él me llame y me ame. Gracias, gracias por tu misterioso poder que siempre cumple con lo que se le pide.
    Luego tienes que publicar la oración 3 veces, en tres sitios diferentes. Suerte.

  6. Great information. However it explains the nature of all three major feminine entities in ifa Oshun, Yemaya and Oya we cannot call them all oshun. We should recognize and respect them as a single entity

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