Rastafari Reasoning
On the meaning of Rastafari:
Rasta man just lives and loves. Rasta livity is rooted in natural philosophy. That is why it is said that Rastafari is a natural one.
That is to say that there is no one accepted way in Rastafari. As long as one is natural and pure in his conception and action…he is a Rasta man.
Rastafari is a vibration one attains from deep and long meditations. In Rastafari one comes to discover the gentle footpaths of nature for oneself. It is a philosophy which arises from the conviction of your own soul based on reason and intuition.
Rastafari is a rational methodology that is applied in the task of discovering eternal truths. It is a way to view life, rationalize events and react to the system. Although it emphasizes communal living, at the same time it is highly individualistic because each Ras and Empress must embark on this discovery journey for the truth alone.
Despite the teachings and advice of all the elders and brethren around, the decision of each Rasta man or woman on what is right or wrong, is a highly personal thing. Because one cannot decieve himself eventhough he deceives others by seeking to comport with Othordoxy. A Rastaman or woman is not afraid of the truth as he or she knows and truly understands it! Thus the Rasta experience is a journey to the house of truth.
When this journey is undertaken with sincerity, it is well possible that certain immutable truths of life may become obvious to one. Just like logic, geometry, astronomy, architecture, arts, music and mathematics are known to contain certain inexorable precepts that are constant and sacred in nature.
On the meaning of Love and Marriage:
When one views the institution of marriage, it is realized that its rites and other solemnities are inventions of society. But the love that endures between a man and a woman is prior and superior to any subsequent societal rites of “marital†endorsement.
One Ras may differ from another in this perspective but InI would say that developing a great loving relationship takes work. Love blossoms with care and dies with neglect. Thus building a solid relationship based on true love ought to be the preoccupation of true lovers marriage or no marriage.
Matrimony was created as a superstructure towering over natural love. It will always remain a man made rite, subject to the changing attitudes of an evolving society.
The ones that agree with and accept this super structure do so for various reasons chief of which include a need for social legitimacy and legal recognition. That may be all well and good for the long term strategy of those ones.
Yet, InI must not lose focus of the fact that, one social institution (called marriage) should not, and cannot over-ride the purity, the sheer importance of sincere love between a man and a woman.
Ah so me sight it, I.
One Love
Blessed Love. That was Very well recited, and totally accurate. It gives IanI total love when knowing that there are wise bredren and sistrens out there. Stay blessed. GUIDANCE
Why do rastas say blessed love and InI?
hi my name is semra and i live in england. i have been in love with a rasta man for a year now and he is my life. we have different backgrounds, i am a 42 year old british born muslim and my boyfriend is 23 lives in jamaica and is a rasta. i have a lot of faith in our relatinship and would appreciate any advise you have on advising me on cultural background. will it work
I would like to take the time to simply say thank you for the reasoning above. I would not classify myself as following the livity of Rastafari. I would even dare to say that I am still searching. Yes, my heart is tugging towards the Rasta livity. But I am not ready to let go and a part of me feels like I am fighting myself. I am writing this to you because I used to have my locks and I used to enjoy the company of the Brothers that I was associated with. But as stated above everyone has a different journey. Yes advice can be given but it doesnt mean anything if it doesnt feel right with the individual. So I cut my locks and I started to regret the day that I begin to search for the rasta livity. Now, I am like to the point not that I want to judge I just realize that if I take on this journey I can not listen to this one or that one elder or no. I have to listen to God. So I am being worked with and I am just so greatful that you took the time to write that reasoning. I would comment on the marriage portion but there is no need to. I am starting to realize that some things are not what they seem.
Maybe you could help me to understand how can a Rasta man have more than one woman and treat one better than the other? Better yet dont even answer that.
Blessed love all aspects i am impressed with all dat been said so ises to all idren n sistrens
rastafari bless
I agree wit da fact dat man an woman could marry ina official way, but true love mus be da root of da marriage before da eyes of JAH. ISES!
Bless bredren for sharing your truth on the subject of “marriage” and the Rasta path simple, enlightening, beautiful…as Trugh has a tendency to be. Dancing in Jah Light- Peace- One LOve…EY