Santa Claus is a shortened form of San/Saint Nicholas. He is supposed to be this easy-go happy fat Nordic fellow (Pale skin man) from the North pole yelling ho..ho..ho.. and as he merrily brings the cheer of the Christmas season to all and sundry.
Who is the real Saint Nicholas?
Nicholas, was probably born during the third century in the village of Patara, in what is now the southern coast of Turkey. He was born of very wealthy ethnic black Anatolians of the ancient Roman Empire. He was one of those ancient and dominant black Muurs of Europe that you only fleetingly come across in today’s western history, because the Gothic Europeans would hide the true Muurish history in Europe.
St Nicholas
Nicholas’ wealthy parents, died in an epidemic while Nicholas was still young. Being a devout Christian, he followed the words of Jesus to “sell what you own and give the money to the poor.”
Nicholas used his whole inheritance to assist the needy, the sick, and the suffering. He was made the Bishop of Myra while still a young man.
The high office of Nicholas at such a young age speaks to dominant role played by Muurish black Anatolians and Africans in creating the church as we know it today.
St Nicholas
It is a historical fact that most of the early and very famous bishops of the church, who lived and gave their lives for the church were either Muurish Africans or Muurish diaspora.
Archbishop John Chrysostom, Pope Leo the Great 400-469 AD, Pope Mithilades, Bishops of Rome, Saint Peter the Bishop of Alexandria 300 – 311 AD and innumerable Saints and Matrys were all Muurish people of African descent.

Generosity of San Niclaus
Bishop Nicholas was known throughout the land for his generosity to the those in need, his love for children, and his concern for sailors and ships.
Under the Roman Emperor Diocletian, Bishop Nicholas suffered for his faith, was exiled and imprisoned.
After his release, Nicholas attended the Council of Nicaea in AD 325, where he worked with other early fathers of the church to establish the standardized christian doctrine of today.
The passing of the real Santa Claus
He died December 6, AD 343 in Myra and was buried in his cathedral church, where a unique relic, called manna, formed in his grave.
In the picture here that follows, one sees the funeral of St Nicholas.
The discovery of this liquid substance, which was said to have healing powers, fostered the growth of devotion to Nicholas. The anniversary of his death became a day of celebration, St. Nicholas Day, December 6th (December 19 on the Julian Calendar).
The fake snow-flakes they call Santa Claus
Today, the western pagans descendants of Gothic and Slavic conquerors of Rome and Christianity have built up an idolatorous image of Odin, the god of the Goths and the Norsemen, and have passed it off as the real Saint Nicholas.
The real St Nicholas
Modern joke of a Saint Nicholas or Santa Claus:
This image of the Gothic idol Odin, is what is passed off around the world as Santa Claus. But for those who have ears and eyes, Odin the pagan god of the Goths, had nothing to do with and nothing in common with the pious and devouted life of Saint Nicholas, the young, Muurish Bishop of Myra, one of the early fathers of the church.

To know your history is to know thyself
Oguejiofo Annu
Dec 26th 2010
BBC just did an article too, there are other old icons. So… St. Nick has just been in the news this 2014
Wow! If anything, I don’t have any facts to add but I learned a great deal! Great information!
Every single person that did anything good in the world is black and can totally be proven. Most can even me explained by simple semantics too, like olive skinned definitely means black because ripe olives are black. Olive doesn’t refer to some word to describe dark yellowish-green color that started to appear in Late Middle English.
Every single person that did anything bad in the world is white, and all white people try to do is rewrite history to reverse these truths but leave these obvious truths for anyone to find if they open their eyes. They rewrite history and books but don’t think to actually cover up their tracks. They didn’t even realize the obvious mistake they left in the term olive skinned. It doesn’t take a bright person to realize that it actually means black.
Sorry, but go ahead and explain how this tradition is more popular in North-West Europe compared to Turkey. There is Germanic/Nordic influence. Ofcourse, st Nick is based upon the bisshop, but he isn’t the only inspiration. None of our religious holidays are purely Christian. Wodan explains the white horse and a couple of other things. However, Moors are popular in our st Nicks story, but we associate them with Spain and Morocco, hence him coming from Spain. Your American Santa is based upon our traditions, which are based upon our views of Spain, Turkey, Greece (Myra was Greek back then I believe) and Wodan. Is Santa more black/African than a white Northpoleman? Yes, most definitly. Is his skin black? I don’t know, probably tanned and with soot. Is he white? No, just often portrayed wrongly as white, I think the Saint we have in the Netherlands is waaay to pink in his face, then again, I thought all old people had a slightly yellow face. I suppose we make him look more Turkish next time 🙂 But who cares as long as he has a long beard that covers most of his face. Be a black/white/blue or yellow Santa if you want to be. Just bring gifts.
Yes Saint Nicholas was a Mur(Muur) living in Turkey but of Ethiopian-Yemenite, Russo, German descent. Therefore a Scythian. The Mauren (Blacks) that owned white slaves were called God or sometimes Lord. I don’t know if he was a God (white slave master), but he was a Muur.
Christmas has nothing to do with the birth of Jesus, it was a ancient Black Muur ritual that was practiced long be the birth of Jesus. The Muur took all of his rituals and legislations and placed them into fairy tale books for their children. One book is called the Christian Bible. Others you can find in all Brothers Grimm books.
They are the writings of the Brotherhood of BlackHeads.