Don’t be fooled!
There were black and white slaves in America!
And in today’s plantations;
There still are….
black and white slaves in America!
Now, arise ye oppressed ones,
Unshackle the chains in your minds,
Rise again to your feet, dare to be free,
Rise, I urge ye, uprise and fly!
You have nothing else to lose but your bounds and your chains!
So rise brother, rise up sister, rise up!
Poem by the IronLion
Images Sent in by Terrizzell Ali Bey
who is amen rah??
pace quod insula,, check kemetian astrology craft of amen rah metu neter the great oracle of tehuti and the egyption system of civilization,ra nefer amun…also ashra kwesi afrikan origin of freemasonry,where christians get saying amen from in church
its u an me brother ,the suns of the creator ,, callled egyption sun god
you tube ashra kwesi the craft of amen ra