Starbucks strikes Ethiopia Coffee deal (The Coffee TradeMark Dispute)

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Starbucks strikes Ethiopia deal

Starbucks and the Ethiopian government have reached an agreement which could help end a dispute over trademarks.

The two sides agreed in principle to sign a licensing and marketing deal which recognises the importance of Ethiopia’s speciality coffee beans.

Cultivation of the coffee bean first began in Ethiopia, and the country has been seeking to trademark its best-known coffee beans.

‘Positive change’

Ethiopia hopes to substantially lift the income of its coffee farmers through the trademarking plan.


Oxfam welcomed news of the licensing agreement between Ethiopia and Starbucks, adding it could add momentum to the country’s trademarking project.

“This action by Starbucks could represent a huge step towards a real positive change for the 15 million Ethiopians who depend on coffee for their livelihood,” the charity said.

“The eyes of Africa will be on this agreement, which could even set a precedent for further deals beyond Ethiopia in the future.”

More @: BBC NEWS:

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