The Black Kings of Morocco presented by Oguejiofo Annu

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Abu Bakr

Moulay Rashid

Mulay al-Rashid was described at the time: “He is of middle size; his face is long and thin; his beard, forked and white, his color, almost black with a white mark near the nose” – Abbé Busnot, Histoire de Regne de Mouley Ismael, Roven, 1714

Moulay Ismail Emperor and the brother of Moulay Rashid.

As far as Moulay-Ismail, this is how he was described: “Moulay Ismail, a very swarthy, bearded man with a “beauty mark” alongside his nose.” – Welch 1949, p.418”

Sidi Mohammed Bin Abdallah

Sidi Mohamed Ben Ibrahim Ben Abdallah Chikh Zaouia Ziyania Kandoussiya 1894-1918

Le Sultan ben Abdallah ce rendant a la mosquee

Moulay Hafid:

Moulay Slimane or Suliman

Mulay Slimane or Suleiman (1766 – 28 November 1822) (Arabic: ????? ???????) was the Sultan of Morocco from 1792 to 1822. Slimane was one of five sons of Mohammed III who fought a civil war for control of the kingdom. Slimane emerged victorious in 1795, and the country remained largely passive for the subsequent decades of his rule. He was a member of the Alaouite dynasty.

Slimane continued his father’s centralization and expansion of the kingdom, and most notably ended the piracy that had long operated from Morocco’s coast. As part of Morocco’s long running conflict with Spain and Portugal, Slimane halted all trade with Europe. However, he continued his father’s policies of close relations with the United States.

Sidi Mulay Abdelrahman 1822 – 1859

Sultan Abdel Al=Rahman 1822 – 1859

Syi Tabey son of the grand Vizier ruler of Casablanca 1927 – 1949

Sultan Abdel Aziz son of Hassan I From 1876 until deposed in 1908

Sidi Abdel Hafid 1908 – 1912

Moulay Hafid and his little Nephew Hassan II who later became the Sultan

Mohammed IV Current King and son of King Hassan

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