are tens of millions of original aboriginal Muurs with brown and dark skins living in the Melanesian Islands. The name “Melanesia” implies the dark complexion of those southern pacific based brothers and sisters.
These beautiful brown and black people span Vanatu, New Caledonia, Paupa New Guinea, East Timor and large parts of Indonesia.
These Africoids are our brothers and sisters and just as the so-called Caucasians in the U.S., England, Europe, Australia, South Africa, Canada and New Zeland are brothers.
We must unite to protect our interests. We bring back the first love and treat one another as the original Gods and Goddesses of this earth.
We all from the Muurs of Marrakeshi (House of Kush) to the AfricanAmericans, to the Dalits and Sudras in India, the Australian Aboriginals, we are all the original Gods and Goddesses of this earth.
For all the original and oldest deities of the earth, and its saints and mystics and prophets are all depicted in brown and black complexions. For it was said that “Prophesy will never depart from the house of Ham.”
So unite in love and oneness, and spread your celestial mystical righteousness all over this earth and change back the vibrations to positivity.
Here Rasta Livewire presents to all yous, the Beautiful Black and Brown brothers and sisters of the Melanesian Regions:
The Muurs of the Southern Pacific Vanatu, New Caledonia, Paupa New Guinea:
Yes, they are dark skinned, but they are different from African blacks. Your comparison to whites around the world doesn’t work, as the whites in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and the Americas immigrated from great Britian and Europe. Melanesians aren’t African immigrants and Africans are Melanesian immagrants.
To put it correctly, Melanesians are not Africans. They are different race of people who came out of somewhere in Africa who of a different ethnicity. Melanesians are brown skinned and not black as people of earth classed as black. Their close brothers and sisters are Australian Aboriginals, Polynesians and American Aboriginals. Micronesians are made up of mixture races from Polynesia, Melanesia and Asia. The whole of Oceania to America are inhabited by the brown skinned people who are descendants of Shem, one of the three sons of Noah. Yes, Melanesians came out of Africa, but they are of different ethnicity dwelling among the descendants of Ham and Japheth, who are so different in many ways from them, they never had land of their own, until the Lord lead them to their promised lands of many rivers. REMEMEBER, MELANESIANS DON’T HAVE POWER OF CONNECTION WITH AFRICANS, AND THAT’S THE FACT. I am a Melanesian and I have few African friends, but never had a power of connection like I felt with the people of Oceania and America. If you believe in this scripture;
….this is what the prophet Joel spoke about:
‘This is what I will do in the last days, God says:
I will pour out my Spirit on everyone.
Your sons and daughters will proclaim my message;
your young men will see visions,
and your old men will have dreams.
Yes, even on my servants, both men and women,
I will pour out my Spirit in those days,
and they will proclaim my message. (Acts 2:16-18 )
then see what the Lord has shown me by the Power of His Spirit through the links below;
Yuutube Link:
Facebook link:
Melanesians are not African. And a lot of these comments are purely based on opinion rather than truth. Melanesians are actually closer genetically to Asians and Europeans. Alot of these comments had me laughing so hard, because some of them are so far fetched from reality that it is in deed funny.