The Natufians: The Original Black Africans of Israel Pt 1

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The Natufians: The Original Black Africans of Israel

By Jide Uwechia

Seven or eight thousand years ago in what geologist call the Holocene era (i.e. modern times) a black tribe from Africa established themselves in Palestine. The New York Times reported this spectacular fact in many of its editions between the years 1857 and 1932.

Skulls and thighbones of the indigenes of this culture were unearthed and studied for the first time between 1928 and 1932. The archelogical sites were first pin-pointed at Shukbah near Jerusalem and later in caves at Mount Carmel.

As always happens with the discovery of the earliest African global Diaspora, the western archeologists who carried out the digs designated them with an almost meaningless and obfuscating appellation the Natufians.

The first authoritative account of the first and original Black African Israelites aka the Natufian was given by Sir Arthur Keith to the congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences. It was perceived then to be one of the greatest riddles of archaeology.

Black African Israelites

According to Sir Arthur, these original Israelites were clearly a Black people of African descent. Osteological analysis gave scientific backing to this theory. They had classical west African facial features as well as doliocephalic skull index (i.e. long large heads). Sir Arthur had stated:

“Several features stand out quite definitely first the Natufians were a long-headed people – they had cap-shaped occiputs (the lower back part of the head). Secondly, the dimensions or their heads were greater than in the pre-dynastic Egyptians. Thirdly, their faces were short and wide. Fourthly, they were prognathous (with projecting jaws). Fifthly, their nasal bones were not narrow and high, but formed a wide, low arch. Sixthly, their chins were not prominent, but were masked by the fullness of the teeth-bearing parts of the jaw.”

Many of them were short and stocky with remarkable developed thighs and legs. They also had a custom of extracting the two upper central incisor teeth of their women.

On a lighter note, it is recalled that some eminent Eurocentric scholars had taken exception to Sir Arthur’s conjectures. One Professor Smith had objected too, that it was hardly possible that these people (meaning Natufians) had had Negro blood, but Sir Arthur speedily corrected him.

By the word Negroid he meant merely Negro-like characteristics such as are found throughout Europe and even in Scandinavia.

Sir Arthur drew the inference that the Natufians had carried Aurignacian culture into Palestine after the last glacier age, which was approximately 35000 years ago.

Fast forward to 2005 and note the tedious musings of C.L. Brace (2005):

“If the late Pleistocene Natufian sample from Israel is the source from which that Neolithic spread was derived, there was clearly a sub-Saharan African element present of almost equal importance as the Late Prehistoric Eurasian element.”

Unlike Any present Race.

These original African Israelites may have been ancestors of all the later day Semites including the later day Jews and Arabs of the biblical times in Sir Arthur’s opinion.

The close connections of those original African Israelites to the wider Mediterranean coastal civilizations are underlined by noted physical and cultural resemblances between the two populations.

Larry Angel (1972) noted: one can identify Negroid traits of nose and prognathism appearing in Natufian latest hunters.

The Natufians had physical and cultural affinities with the Neolithic or late Stone Age men of Malta (the founding people of the Aegean and Greek cultures) and the remoter Aurignacian men of Southern Europe (who established much of the modern European stratum). Linkages have also been noted between the African Israelites and the ancient Ur of the Chaldees and the prehistoric man of South Africa.

However, to mollify the angst of his more Eurocentric scholars and promote the pale-skin supremacist agenda which underlies all mainstream establishment scholarship Sir Arthur had defamed the memory of the African Natufians of Israel with hasty and flimsy accusations of cannibalism. Suffice it to say that those baseless inferences are no longer supported by any serious research work on the culture of the Natufians.

It is generally accepted today that the Natufians were an advanced, cultured, and highly innovative people to whom we owe the gifts of agriculture and urban civilization.

Agriculture and Natufians

Modern wheat was a fertile mutation of wild wheat. It made much better food. But its seeds don’t go anywhere. They’re bound more firmly to the stalk, and they cannot ride the wind. Without farmers to collect and sow wheat, it dies. Thus modern wheat is one of those quintessential Agricultural innovation of humanity.

To better state it, it can be said with certainty that it took great scientific leap based on observation, followed by eons of experimentation before a crop as hardy and as successful as the modern wheat could have been bred. Even today thousands of years down the line, with intimidating knowledge and technological tools, humanity is not able to surpass the creation of those Black Africans of Israel.

For it is generally conceded by all authorities on this matter, that the earliest evidence of agriculture was found among those Black Africans of Jericho and the Dead Sea. It is said that in 8000 B.C. the Natufians were the first to cultivate modern wheat. They were also the first farmers. And notably they were the first Israelites. Eminent European researchers also claim that a branch from this same stock of people later moved on to Europe and became the first Europeans.

Feb 11, 2008

BONES OF CANNIBALS A PALESTINE RIDDLE; Wireless to THE NEW YORK TIMES; New York Times 1857; Aug 4, 1932; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The New York Times (1851 – 2003) pg. 21

Wireless to NEW YORK TIMES London Aug. 3 1932.

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29 thoughts on “The Natufians: The Original Black Africans of Israel Pt 1”

  1. The truth has been hidden from the world purposely by God for his reasons and his time. Nothing happens and is allowed without God allowing it. Yes the true Israelites will return back home very soon as the 400 years all almost up. And yes those who say they are jews will see and understand who the original Hebrews are. The world will marvel in disbelief at first, but Christ will put his protection and seal on his true people (first to the jews) and then the final truth will prevail forever and ever. As true children of Israel we need not to fill ourselves with anger. The truth will come out without racial overtones or scriptures to prove who we are. This proof and truth has been snuffed by God for a reason, and only he will lift the blinds off the worlds eyes at HIS appointed time. So lets sit back, relax and let God finish his work of prophesy which will be fufilled in the very near future.

  2. I am so blessed by God to have read this today.. I beliebe in my heart everything that was written, the Holy Spirit revealed to me a long time ago.. Black people have been oppresed for way too long and they will rise again together with Christ in the second coming.. Halleluija!!!

  3. i am so grateful I came across the site it has answered many question that I have talked with God about. I thank Him that he always reveals the truth to me. I hope that many of our peopl get the opportunity to read this referenced all the scriptures you gave and it just blew my mind I have considered myself a sudent of the word but this has just opened an whole new revelation to me. I have always known since I met the Lord that we are a chosen generation, a holy people whom in the midst of everything that happens to us still choose to praise our God. We as a poeple need to gird up the loins of our strength and let our people know we need to stop acting like a Godless people, that we do not have to wait until the sweet bye and bye. Knowledge is so powerful, I shout it to the roof top every where I go that My Father is the King of Kings what does that mean who are the Kings, we are. We must rule the territory right where we are, in our own communities, we must teach our children whose they are, they can hold there heads up and stop submitting themselves to the worlds system of their god wich stands for gold,oil and drugs. Our people have the God given potential to command and to change the atmosphere, I do understand about the curse, but I also know that when Jesus died on that cross we have been redeemed from the curse. I know that God the Father is coming back for the His people but we can at least create an atmosphere right in out own lives of royalty. Well I look forward to more study and information from this site. Again thank you so much

  4. The bible states in Deuteronomy Chapter 28 curses of the Isralite people, mainly for them
    turning to other gods(religions) and their turning from the 613 laws statues and judgements given to them by Moses being rejected. The laws taught them how to treat each other and have their own government. With the comming of Islam they turned from what Moses told them, then the force of Christianity made things even worse. El Shaddai is our saviour not Jesus. According to Deuternonomy Chapter 30 when the people
    recgonize the fact that the gods(religions) of other nations will not save them and they turn their energy and beliefs back to what was given by El Shaddai(God Almighty) the curses will be reversed and put on their enemies. So called black people have to do this as well as be right with one another. DIVIDED WE FALL, DIVIDED WE FALL, DIVIDED WE FALL!
    This laws start from Exodus Chapter 20 and ends in the book of Deuteronomy. Read!
    Your enemies have lied to you, their god has not and will not save you. Face it!

    1. zahi, my friend the problem is the white skins feed they are superior then the black skin resulting in racism. Blacks have to fight for our position in history and in the now if, not genecide can be the next crime. in america blacks for over 100 years has been asking for peace and brotherhood with our european brothers

  5. may g-d bless each and every one of you.
    there is no need to deny the real jewishness of current day israelis and white color jews all over the world the, same as there is no need to deny the real jewisjness of black jews.
    the two truths can easily co-exist like they do on a day to day basis in the great state of israel where former european jews , arab jews and ethiopean jews live hapily together , inter-marry and celebrate g-d. g-d created all men not jus black or white or yellow or purple or whatever.

    1. My question is how can Edom and Israel co-exist in peace,Edom hates his bro. Israel and when to great steps to to have to Israel (the blacks jews) gone from the pages of history, just look today how they treat the Black Jews in the land, hate, hate, and more hate.But a warning to them The LIVING GOD (YHWH) IS GOING TO MAKE THEM PAY!

  6. This is great! I believe the African origin of civilization will be taught in schools in two generations. History (and evidence) are on your side.

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