The Pyramids of Niger 2

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Discovered in Niger: a series of pyramids and a sphinx older than the Egyptian pyramids …

A Dan Baki, a village in Niger, about twenty kilometers from Zinder an extraordinary discovery was made by a specialist in Egyptology, Mr. Garba Souley.

There would have discovered a pyramid and a sphinx oldest Egyptian pyramids that … That would mean that this pyramid would be back more than 12,000 years!

Not having found any trace of this discovery in African media I wonder why our Western media did not reveal the information. I will stay on my guard against this discovery until it has not been confirmed by a trustworthy authority.

According to this expert, the pyramid of Dan Baki predates the Egyptian pyramids. He also theorizes that the language of the ancient Egyptians would have been the Hausa language spoken today by 50 million people in West Africa. It also states that the hieroglyphics of the pyramid were written in Hausa. It is through this language that has been able to decipher and decode, after several years of research, the origin or the starting point of the ancient Egyptians.

Mr. Garba Souley, 29 February 2012, announced his discovery: a pyramid in the village of Dan Baki, 20 km from the city of Zinder. There would, he said, also a sphinx in front of this pyramid, a large lion lying down (if this is true we might be lucky enough to know that she was the face of the Sphinx at Giza before the transformations made by the Egyptians).

The Pyramid and the Sphinx would be connected, he said.

The pyramid discovery, never opened, contain more than 40,000 gold objects (I ask to see …). This would mean tons of gold and rich astronomical invaluable for Niger and the world (praying that these objects if they are not looted by Nigerian authorities). This pyramid is one of the earliest of mankind. It would be in a state of advanced deterioration, said Master Souley Garba noted before that there is another twin pyramid next to the one he had just discovered. Even more incredible, he said that there would be a whole line of pyramids are located in the region of Tanout.

Master Souley Garba explains that the ancient Egyptians say “they appeared here” to “Dargaza” (Zinder) which means “the crown of God”, that is to say, “God Sun” at the time the “bull”. And their territory extends from Dargaza to the Red Sea via Egypt and Yemen today. It is well to find “the very key” to read hieroglyphics.

Read below, interview the researcher in Egyptology, Master Souley Garba, Niger with the newspaper Patriot” 15”.

What is it exactly?
Master Souley GARBA: We just made the discovery of a pyramid in the Zinder region particularly in the village near Tambari Timini. It is 20 km west of Zinder. It is in this region that we have discovered a pyramid and a sphinx. The Sphinx is a kind of large statuette or if you want a large statue of lion. Then the sphinx that we look at the pyramid. The pyramid it is these kinds of pyramids that have some sort of circular stairs, just up the summit. So what is this discovery that we have just done.

THE PATRIOTE15: Congratulations, sir.

Master Souley GARBA: This is the result of our activities we have been carrying anyway 7années. And with a private institute of the United States of America in order to understand more about the Egyptian civilization which is not only of Egypt but now we know who is also to Niger.

THE PATRIOTE15: But master Souley; what guided you to this discovery?

Master Souley GARBA: So basically if you want the original or the main cause that led us to this discovery is a study we conducted for years and especially during seven years here based on the ancient hieroglyphic texts . The study of hieroglyphs allowed us to understand the language of the ancient Egyptians was the Hawsa. The hieroglyphic text has guided us and we understood that there are pyramids in the Zinder region. Now, certainly this is confirmed very clearly. So thanks to the hieroglyphics we could access the name of the village.

This is the village of Dan Baki, a village which lies about 2 km north of the village of Tirmini. We worked on an ancient hieroglyphic text that speaks mainly of Niger. According to this text, the current Egypt is just an extension, an outgrowth of the Republic of Niger. In the distant past, that is to say in ancient times, the Niger ruled Chad, Sudan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Yemen according to the teachings of the ancient Egyptian texts. This text where we found not only to understand the history of mankind qu’one unknown or deliberately hidden but it also explains that there are not only pyramids in Egypt. There are indeed pyramids in Niger.

THE PATRIOTE15: What about pyramids found in Niger in terms of seniority? The pyramid you discover in Zinder is it older or newer than those that are in Egypt?

Master Souley GARBA: great! The pyramid that we found in the region Tirmini indeed is much older than those in Egypt today. Because this one is already in advanced deterioration But it was not open. And all those that are there in the neighborhood retain their immense treasure. If the state gives us the archaeological excavation of the pyramid, we might find more than 40,000 objects Or A short distance from the pyramid there are the twin fields of the inhabitants.

THE PATRIOTE15 Master, then we say that there would be a field of pyramids in this region of Niger!

Master Souley GARBA: Yes indeed. There is a whole line of pyramids of the city of Zinder Tanout up. So he did as pyramids there.

THE PATRIOTE15: Master where did the Egyptians finally? They had migrated to Tanout Zinder Zinder to Tanout or to go up to Egypt?

Master Souley GARBA: Exactly according to the ancient hieroglyphic texts, the Egyptians were born or have appeared in Tanout and including DARGAZA and migrated to Egypt to Yemen and then present to the Red Sea. In the hieroglyphic texts, they speak their land or their territory as extending Tanout up the Red Sea. That is why there are pyramids from Tanout to the edge of the Nile. All this forms a line boat land dotted with pyramids.

THE PATRIOTE15: Is there Tanout in the name of the hieroglyphic text?

Master Souley GARBA: The name of Tanout is there and especially the name of DARGAZA recurs constantly in the hieroglyphic texts as the origin of ancient Egyptians. DARGAZA means “the crown of God” which they called “the Sun God”! And if you like the pyramids of Cairo in the region are called Guésah or Giza. There a relationship between Giza and DARGAZA. This is the same radical.

THE PATRIOTE15: What was the reaction of the Nigerian authorities at the time of this discovery?

Master Souley GARBA: The Prefect of Miriah M. Alatmo Gaskiya reacted very favorably. It is itself informed and mobilized the mayor has Tirmini went to see the site. The people came running to the site. The international and national media came. We thank the Nigerian authorities for their prompt response and the general public and other trades who visited the site (lawyers, journalists, teachers etc..).

THE PATRIOTE15: thank you master Souley GARBA and congratulations.

Souley GARBA master: It is I who thank you. Thank you to all your readers.

Interview by telephone live from Dan Baki (common Tirmini) by Moussa NAGANOU

Mocatar Gazoby.
De quoi s’agit-il exactement?

Maître Souley GARBA: Nous venons de faire la découverte d’une pyramide dans la région de Zinder particulièrement dans le village de Tambari près de TIMINI. C’est à 20 km à l’ouest de Zinder. C’est dans cette région que nous avons découvert une pyramide à degrés et un sphinx. Le sphinx c’est une sorte de grande statuette ou si vous voulez de grande statue de lion couché. Donc nous avons le sphinx qui regarde la pyramide à degrés. La pyramide à degrés ce sont ces genres de pyramides qui ont des sortes d’escaliers circulaires, juste vers le haut, le sommet. Donc c’est cette découverte que nous venons de faire.

LE PATRIOTE15: Toutes nos félicitations, maître.

Maître Souley GARBA: C’est le résultat de nos activités que nous menons depuis quand même 7années. Et avec un institut privé des Etats-Unis d’Amérique pour pouvoir comprendre davantage la civilisation Egyptienne qui n’est pas seulement celle de l’Egypte actuelle qu’on connaît mais qui s’étant également vers le Niger.

LE PATRIOTE15: Mais maître Souley ; qu’est-ce qui vous a guidé jusqu’à cette découverte?

Maître Souley GARBA: Donc en fait si vous voulez l’origine ou la cause principale qui nous a guidés vers cette découverte, c’est une étude que nous avions mené depuis des années et notamment pendant 7 années en nous basant sur des anciens textes hiéroglyphiques. L’étude des hiéroglyphes nous a permis de comprendre que la langue des Egyptiens anciens était le Hawsa. Ce texte hiéroglyphique nous a guidés et nous avons compris qu’il y a des pyramides dans la région de Zinder. Maintenant, certainement cela se confirme de manière très claire. Grâce donc aux hiéroglyphes nous avons pu accéder au nom du village.
C’est le village de Dan Baki, un village qui se situe à environ 2 km au nord du village de Tirmini. Nous avons travaillé sur un ancien texte hiéroglyphique qui parle essentiellement du Niger. Selon ce texte, l’Egypte actuelle n’est qu’un prolongement, une excroissance de la république du Niger. Dans le passé très lointain, c’est-à-dire dans les temps anciens, le Niger gouvernait le Tchad, le Soudan, l’Egypte, l’Arabie Saoudite et jusqu’au Yémen selon les enseignements des anciens textes Egyptiens. Ce texte là nous a révélé non seulement de comprendre l’histoire de l’humanité qu’one ne connaît pas ou qu’on a délibérément occulté mais explique également qu’il n’y a pas de pyramides seulement qu’en Egypte. Il y a bel et bien des pyramides au Niger.

LE PATRIOTE15: Que dire des pyramides que l’on trouve au Niger en termes d’ancienneté?
La pyramide dont vous avez la découverte à Zinder est-elle plus ancienne ou plus récente que celles qu’il y a en Egypte?

Maître Souley GARBA: très bien! La pyramide que nous retrouvée dans la région de Tirmini en effet est beaucoup plus ancienne que celles de l’Egypte actuelle. Car celle-là est déjà en dégradation avancée Mais elle n’a pas été ouverte. Et toutes celles qui s’y trouvent dans les environs conserveraient leur immense trésor. Si l’Etat nous accorde la fouille archéologique de cette pyramide, nous pourrions trouver plus de 40.000 objets en Or. A quelques distances de cette pyramide il y a sa jumelle dans les champs des habitants.

LE PATRIOTE15: Maître, dites nous alors qu’il y aurait un champ de pyramides dans cette région du Niger!

Maître Souley GARBA: Oui en effet. Il y a, toute une ligne de pyramides de la ville de Zinder jusqu’à Tanout. Donc, il n’a que des pyramides là-bas.

LE PATRIOTE15: Maître d’où venaient les Egyptiens finalement? Ils avaient migré de Tanout vers Zinder ou de Zinder vers Tanout pour remonter vers l’Egypte?

Maître Souley GARBA: Justement selon les anciens textes hiéroglyphiques, les Egyptiens sont nés ou sont apparus à Tanout et notamment à DARGAZA et ont migré vers l’Egypte actuelle jusqu’au Yémen et donc jusqu’à la mer rouge. Dans les textes hiéroglyphiques, ils parlent leur terre ou leur territoire comme s’étendant de Tanout jusqu’à la mer rouge. C’est pourquoi il y a des pyramides depuis Tanout jusqu’au bord du Nil. Toute cette ligne forme une barque terrestre parsemée de pyramides.

LE PATRIOTE15: Est-ce qu’il y a le nom de Tanout dans le texte hiéroglyphique?

Maître Souley GARBA: Le nom de Tanout s’y trouve et surtout le nom de DARGAZA revient constamment dans les textes hiéroglyphiques comme origine des anciens Egyptiens. DARGAZA signifie ”la couronne de Dieu” qu’ils appelaient ”le Dieu solaire”! Et si vous voulez les pyramides de la région de Caire portent le nom de Guésah ou Giseh. Il un rapport entre Giseh et DARGAZA. C’est le même radical.

LE PATRIOTE15: Quelle a été la réaction des autorités nigériennes au moment de cette découverte?

Maître Souley GARBA: Le préfet de Miriah M. Alatmo Gaskiya a réagi très favorablement. C’est lui-même qui a informé et mobilisé le maire Tirmini a allé voir le site. La population est accourue vers le site. Les médias internationaux et nationaux sont venus. Nous remercions les autorités nigériennes pour leur prompte réaction ainsi que la population et les différents corps de métiers qui sont venus voir le site (les avocats, les journalistes, enseignants etc.).

LE PATRIOTE15: je vous remercie maître Souley GARBA et toutes nos félicitations.

Maître Souley GARBA: C’est moi qui vous remercie. Merci à tous vos lecteurs.

Interview réalisée par téléphone en direct de Dan Baki (commune de Tirmini) par Moussa NAGANOU

Source: direct Niger

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11 thoughts on “The Pyramids of Niger 2”

  1. Zaria city’s walls and gates
    Magazine: Weekly Trust
    Category: Travel and leisure Published on saturday, 20 july 2013
    Written by Babatunde Usman Hambolu and Ahmad Ado Muhamed

    ZARIA was among the 7 legitimates Hausa states
    and here is the description of one of it’s 8 gates
    …Kofar Kona
    Kona was derived from Konawa. Konawa were
    migrants and Islamic scholars from Egypt. This
    axis of the city was a flat plain and completely
    porous. News got to the Emir on how porous
    that part of the city was and the imminent
    danger it posed if left unchecked. A special
    prayer was organized with the Islamic scholars
    to make the place more secured. This singular
    act made the Emir to name the gate after the
    Konawa migrants. Houses of the Konawa people
    are still there in Zaria city and the Emir goes
    there occasionally to offer special prayers.
    KONA is still a kingship title in Arewa, area in Niger Republic , ancient and strong Kingdom of Arawa( called Mauris/Maoro by the Sonrhai and Zarma of Niger).
    The first Kona was the elder among four princes.
    The three princes were deceived by the Benjamin who arrived the 1st in Daura where Dawrawa, tired of waiting for the elder crowned the Benjamin as Sar-kin Arewa (sons of Ary/also means North).
    The 3 princes decided to eliminate the young king But the Queen of Daura called upon them.
    The eldest whose magic can’t allow people to awake him when he was sleeping, was crowned “kona” and was made”GABI” Uat SARAKI (Uat means Mother, in this sense, it means decision of Kona is over that of the Benjamin); “GABI kan qasa”: Head of territory (may be Geb).
    one of the princes was made “king of highland” Sarakin Tudu;
    The other prince was crowned “King of Netherland” Sarkin Ruafi, may be higher and lower Egypt.
    Konawa oral tradition talked about a hunter who during his hunting encounterd a lion. When trying to shoot the lion with his arrows the “lion” transformed into a woman carrying a baby and begged the hunter not to shoot promissing him that each year at the same moment, a cow and a bull would come out a mountain.
    The woman told the hunter that people should killed the bull and let the cow returned into the mountain but people would never return back with meat in the city.
    But as time was going, one day someone hide mead and brought it in the city.
    Arewa people specially the priests carried the same ” Crook” as did Pharaoh. They call it”KERE” and was used to dig small holes for sacrifice’s stones and also for hunting.

  2. What I want to bring to your attention is the presence of the clans’ name “Kona, Konan, Kone, …” in Africa and towns and villages bearing “Kona” names from Chad to Liberia.
    Arawa, Maori is also the name of a people in New Zeland , Their historic towns sound Hausa: Arawa, Gizo (legend of Gizo, Gizo had been the beloved of God before he was banned from the heavens),
    we have towns of Bukka and Kiria .
    They have the town of Kona and Palace of Kona.
    Ancestor of Arawa Maori of New Zeland was Tama whose name is among the ancestors of Arawa of Niger Republic.
    I don’t know whether it is a coincidence.
    Herodotus book II said that Sesostris decided to conquer a part of the world but he was empeded by the bad conditions of the sea. May be it was at that moment the Te-Arawa canoe sunk and people inside were saved by big fishes.
    There is also Konawa city in Seminola United States.

  3. The Pyramid of Niger discovered in the city of Dan Baki by Master Souley Garba is one of the greatest archeological discovery of this century. There is a sphinx infront of the Niger Pyramid. Western academia and western media are ignoring and covering up the Niger pyramid discovery by not mentioning it in their media.

    Another important discovery is master Souley Garba revealing that the Pan African language of the different Egyptian tribes was Haussa. The Egyptian medu neter or suf was written in Haussa..

    Master Souley Garba pyramid of Niger discovery will rewrite the map and history of Ancient Egypt. Its looks like Egyptian civilization started in the country of Niger and the Egyptian territory included at some time the countries of Niger, Tchad, Sudan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Yemen.

    If there are 40,000 gold objects inside the pyramid of Niger that mean the pyramid of Niger may have more valuable artifacts then the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun.

  4. I forgot to mention another important town in Salomon Island ” MUNDA”. My grand father’s name is Munda.
    I don’t know exactly the meaning. But when deceaphering in hausa we have “MU”=WE, and “DA”= “ANCIENT TIME” which gives litterally “We of ancient time” or “People of the past”=Mun-Da.
    Note that “DA” means “ancient epoch” in Sumerian , thus, same meaning in hausa.
    Please, a Polynesian to define us the term “Munda” in their part!

  5. if my memories is correct they were repertoried by invaders as belonging to the savages tribes because they don’t follow bouddhism/induism but are followers of first religions very similar to african beliefs

  6. the history of Hawaii and polynesian makes account of a people called “MU” who were said to be the first people in existence on earth. They were said to be like pygmees but skilled in science. They were related to people of Atlantis.

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