The so-called Arab Conquest of Africa is a mythology

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1) According to Cheik Anta Diop, “no Arab army ever crossed the Sahara in an attempt to conquer Africa, except for the Moroccan war of the sixteenth century. During the period of our study, from the third to the seventeenth centuries, not one conquest was ever launched by way of the Nile: That of the Sudan (modern country), accompanied with the help of England, came only in the nineteenth century. Nor was there ever an Arab conquest of? Mozambique or any other East African country.”

See Cheik Anta Diop, Pre-colonial Black Africa, page 101

2) “The Arab conquests (in black Africa) dear to sociologists are necessary to their theories but did not exist in reality. To this day no reliable historical documents substantiate such theories.”

See Cheik Anta Diop, Pre-colonial Black Africa, page 102

3) “However, in 1544, Sultan Muhammad al-Mahdi, the founder of Sa’did power in Morocco, demanded the ruler of Songhay, askia Ishaq I, to give him the mines. Askia Ishaq naturally refused to do it, and a war broke out. The Moroccans sent an army to occupy Taghaza, but the army was destroyed in the desert. As response to this, a Songhay army consisting of Tuaregs, attacked northwards and sacked the southern parts of Morocco, forcing Sultan Muhammad to flee from Marrakesh. Similarly, the rulers of Bornu, lying around Lake Chad, were able to expand their political dominance deep into Fezzan, occupying the oases until the 16th century.”

See: Pekka Masonen: “Trans-Saharan Trade and the West African Discovery of the Mediterranean World”

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36 thoughts on “The so-called Arab Conquest of Africa is a mythology”

  1. I struggle with this assertions above.

    Cheik Anta Diop is a Pharoah of Afrikan History & Science but I wonder if even he fell into the typical fealty to Islam that many BLACK AFRIKANS at home & Diaspora pay, thus blinding them to facts?

    a) Is it not a fact that Arabs from the Peninsula (including their Persian /Turkic/Armenian co-religionists) blazed into Afrika with their creed from Mecca to conquer the religion?

    Islam had by then become a political construct and was in expansion mode.

    b) Is it not a fact that it was convert or die and that our people were raped/burned/tortured and our women dragged off to be concubines to lustful arabs & turks while they had black young men castrated and made eunuchs in their harems?

    If this is not Arab conquest then my head is going to be reeling for a long long while.

    c) Everybody knows that the Arabo-Islamic slave “trade” of our Afrikan ancestors went on far longer than even that of the christian european triangular murder spree!

    Go to Zanzibar in the East Coast and find out what devils like Tippu Tip (an arabized Afrikan) were doing to Afrikans!

    Arabs were infact agents (at first) for the Europeans for Black People as they had infiltrated the hinterland (even via our bloodstream such that we now had half Arab/Afrikans loyal FIRST TO THEIR ARAB SLAVER FATHERS)

    d) The confusion is that Arab is Afrikan but those of the Islamo-Peninsula are admixtures of Persians & Blacks of that area over centuries.

    Add to that white Aryan/Persian superiority in the regions recent history led to a racist set up.

    These are the Arabs that conquered Afrikans via their creed of Islam and slavery.

    Its the bitter fact.

    e) -Our Idren in the diaspora (Americas) rebelled against the judeo-christian hypocricy that had them as slaves.

    It was necessary to find an alternative and Islam due to its proximity with Afrika somehow wiggled its way in as a liberation religion for Afrikans.And I respect all of them for that.

    As Malcom X said “BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY” ….” I dont care what philosophy… long us it liberates us”

    But the truth will out: ONLY AFRIKANS WILL SAVE AFRIKANS. ONLY BLACK GOD with no tall tales of white heavens will deliver us.


    1. You don’t seem to have any fact only believing what the whites want you to believe, indeed Arab/Islamic invasion of Africa is the figment of racists imagination.You should learn the real and forget the hype.

    2. I agree with you… The Arab-Turkish Islam did in fact invade Africa from around 700CE… Foreign invasion of Africa started in 1600BCE with the Hyksos who later claimed to be Hebrews and then in 600BCE with the persians who stole everything to create their Zoroastian tradition… and then the Greeks in 300bce who whitewashed Kemet (Egypt) and forced their Serapian beliefs… then the Romans in 200CE who forced their Serapian version called christianity… everyone wants to control Africa because who controls Africa controls the world! since Africa is the root of all civilization, spirituality, and greatest resources! this article is as much of a lie as the Atlantis theory! because people want to claim African culture but hate Africans! Hotep!

      1. No wonder this Rasta wants to be on the side of the Arabs… Ethiopia was also invaded by the Amharas in 100CE who where originally from Arabian peninsula… and established Axum in 400CE… this is first-class appropriation of African culture! for the past 2,000 years… No wonder they claim a hebrew-christianity… stole everything from Kemet and then claimed superiority… don’t get me wrong I love Selassie and also praise the spirit of Queen Nyabinghi! who is a real Congo warrior queen! I just am on the side of Kemet and real African tradition… not the foolishness that came back after 100,000 years of migration!

    3. You are so right. Arabs have enslaved Africans for too long and used them as Eunuch only fit to attend to women in the Harem. The Black Americans get fooled that Islam is African. No Africa is a multi-god society in all her tribes and traditions.

  2. Jahrateng Skabelli you may want to lift your head, apparently buried in the sand. The books by Joseph Harris – The East African Slave Trade; Chancellor Williams – The Destruction of Black Civilizations; and Butler – The Arab Invasion of Egypt, is sufficient to dispel that nonsense you’re claiming. The Arabs, before and since Muhammadanism, over centuries pressed many wars of conquest, plunder and enslavement against African people – beginning in Arabia, then expanding to Africa. They followed in (or better continued) the footsteps, of the barbaric warmongering plundering enslaving Martu (Assyrians) with the same practices vis-a-vis African (Black) people.

    You will do the world better to be correctly informed.

  3. No problem Hera-Ka.UNderstood.

    This Arab (Persian/Turkic and other “white’ & admixtures with Black) bloody incursions into Black Afrika with their childish creed (72 Virgins when you die if you convert) is one of those things that ARE NOT UP FOR DISCUSSION.


    These Arabs are in their history strategic infiltrators and destroyers of cultures. They use their women, breed children loyal to their agenda and cover it all up with pious-sounding claptrap!

    They were slave drivers and still are in Sudan, Mauritania, Tunisia and truth be told look down on BLACK AFRIKANS.

    These are the facts that need airing before Afrikans wherever they are start running around like headless chickens shouting islam is black liberation.

    Now thats a tragic joke.

    1. Nonsense ! You speak like the white albinos lacking knowledge of what you are talking about.Who are the original Arabs ? They are African blacks wake up !

  4. HI, I wonder if you can help me.
    I Am of Morrocan/English race ,my father being Morrocan.
    I dont follow Islam, to be honest I try to follow Rasta as best I can.
    My question is this , I was on the understanding that Africa Was the Centre of the earth where all trading was done,while the whites of europe where still drqwing in caves and My decendants are the black man of Africa.
    I am aware of the slave trade and my father said that although arabs did sell slaves this wasn’t always the case as the Moors where also taken for slaves early on at the start of the slave trade, and where force to sell slaves to protect there nation at the time??
    I had a rant with a morrcan man who said he was white ?? I told him If you white you aint morrcan, my father wasn’t white and i dont look white despite i have a white mother, I’ve never considered myself to be white and growning up in the U.K I come across alot of racism toward me an my father because of the colour of our skin.
    Am sorry but if your from africa you MUST have some TRUE African decent .
    Peace and Love

  5. As a muslim, from the saharan west africa I can say that this is absolutely true, and the SO CALLED ARAB SLAVE TRADE IS THE STUPIDEST, DUMBEST, MOST IGNORANT THING THAT WHITE EUROPEANS HAVE CAME WITH. Infact africans, enslaving africans, and arabs enslaving african was QUITE DIFFERENT than what europeans did, A Slave under an AFRICAN OR ARAB, COULD BECOME A KING, STATESMAN, SULTAN, A POET, OR SOMETHING OF GREAT IMPORTANCE. under european, or americans, THEY DIDN’T EVEN KNOW HOW TO READ!!!!!!!!! But of course christians will make proproganda saying the opposite.

    1. Yahya, you say that a slave under an African or Arab could become a king… Of all the millions that were abducted in direction of Arabic countries, how many became king? Did the Arabs abduct and castrate black boys to make them king – shortage of princes or so? Put down your crack pipe, and stop thinking Arab slave trade is a white invention. The main authority in the field is Senegalese – Tidiane N’Diaye (Le Génocide voilé – that is a book – you ever read one?).

      1. Diop was right on alot of things but on The arab conquest he is wrong.. Ottoman empire used brainwashed hypnosis Afurakans from to young age as foot soldiers to push islam expansion to Congo and West Afuraka to Senegal. Afurakans got forcefully converted to islam. Arabs massacred our ppl in east then sent brainwashed islam Afurakans to convert other Afurakans to Islam. Peace out

        Proof here…
        Watch “Moorish Science Temple False Teachings (Sara Suten Seti)” on YouTube

  6. I read a lot to find some clues about a so called arab slave trade, and I’m still looking for them…

    Even European scholars will tell you that they don’t have the clues of an organized slave trade between Arabs and Africans in Africa : Markets / Figures / Periods etc

    1. Arabs never conquered black africa , when they conquered Egypt their brothers ( Ubada Ibn samit was a black arab, like Amr Ibn Al As) they tried to conquer Soudan, but they were defeated twice (the most painfull being Makuria’s defeat..)

    2. The so called BAQT was not based upon slaves (abd) but “heads” (RAS) which may refer to chettel heads ( beef, sheeps etc), plus the arabs troops were defeated by the soudanese : How can you impose a contract to somebody who defeated you in the battlefield twice ? European historians are master liars !!

    3. Arabs/ North Africans themselves where enslaved all over europe when the muslim Kingdom of Europe was overthrown : In Sicile / Italia, In South Of France, In Spain, In Portugal

    The coasts ol Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia were highly insecure because of the European slave raids…Remember that the first slaves kidnapped in Africa by the portuguese were Sanhaja berbers ( and then sold in Portugal slave markets)…

    They were also the first to be sent as slaves in the new world from spain slave markets ( also Turks) or the continent in Martinique, Cuba, Santo Domingo etc

    4. Arabs slaves during pre-islamic and at the beginning of islam IN ARABIA represented the biggest part of the slave population. They always speak about Bilal Ibn Rabah (ra) who was a son of an arab and a KIDNAPPED Ethiopian woman (some says a princess). And most of the ancient slaves among the companions were arabs or non arabs ( like Salman Al Farsi the persian -ra)

    Zayd Ibn Haritha (ra) was a black man and 100 % arab and he was kidnapped as a slave when he was a child and sold. His father and clan tried to freed him from the prophet but he rather stayed with him and adopted.

    Arabs slaves was a common thing in the harsh codes of the deserts, except in the civilized area of Arabia.

    5. Most of the slaves imported in Arabia were whites or non africans

    – Saqalibas ( Slave = Sclavus) / Mamelukes of Egypt ( mainly from albania/turkey etc)
    – Persians : the scholar hassan al basri was descendant of persians slaves..
    – Turks
    – Berbers from North Africa
    – Franks

    Most of Europeans slaves were sold by their own brothers ( venetians, genoans in Italy) and brought to the Middle East by the Radhanites

    ==> Africans were minors into the slave population because Arabs never defeated an African Army except during the morocco invasion. During that Morocco Invasion there were around 4000 europeans mercenaries. Djouder Pacha the Morocco leader was a SPANISH EUNUCH…And the morocco Army had heavy weapons (canons/guns etc)

    Without the guns of Europe, Modern Arabs/North Africans (different of those of the past) could not do anything serious to Africans…

    6. When Europeans slaves’ supply were cut off from the islamic word , Arabs turned to African slavery

    If you read Bernard Lewis ” Race and Slavery in The Middle East” you’ll find out that MOST of the slaves in the Islamic world where whites until the 18/19 th century which corresponds to the highest peak of the African Slave Trade.

    – Europeans helped them in that task i.e enslaving Africans because in West Africa the razzias committed by the TRARZAS berbers were given guns by the French to do some raids in Senegal then they would be sold to the new world…

    7. Many Blacks of the Middle East are natives: IRAK, IRAN, PALESTINE, and ARABIA etc

    They are not slaves descendants like Yemenites for instance

    8. ZANJS were not slaves

    All Europeans scholars say that ZANJ were slaves according to AT TABARI, AT TABARI never said that…


    2. That is why Iranians, Palestinians, Iraqis and Saudi Arabians today all look black. Oh they are not? Where are dem natives? Butchered out. And Arabs unlike Europeans erase every proof you were ever there. They don’t hardly marry black today even?

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