Not every original African has wooly hair and dark skin. There are many original Africans with straight hair, dark skin, and all the other phenotypic traits that goes with being Muurish.
Africans have the most diverse genes on earth, the most diverse looks on earth and the most ancient heritage, of all the people on earth. You will find this traits in North, East, West and South Africa.
We are diverse, yet we are one blood. Diverse because we are the original models for all the later creations of man and woman.
One blood because we are the original children of the Black Father (Osiris) and the great Mother (Isis).
We are one love, one blood, one family. Rasta Livewire presents some pictures of the straight haired Africans still living in Africa today:

What confuses most people is that The West Africans and the East Africans arent the same people. The West Africans never really left West Africa until the slavers came and took them away. The East Africans however populated the rest of the world. Almost everyone else including the Egyptians descends from them. Afro hair is from West Africa. That trait is very recent in East Africans. As recently as 2000 years ago the people living along the Indian Ocean were all the same people. Including East Indians. They traded far and wide for thousands of years. Probably all had straight hair. Thousands of years before that the the Asians split off then the Persians, then the Caucasians then the Northern Europeans. All of which have straight hair.
The original inhabitants of East Africa/ Ethipia, where the first human remain were found, did not look like modern day horn Africans. They were nilotic. Horners descend from Nilotes and yemeni admxiture that happened thousands of years ago, hence why no one is able to point to an actual non-African family member in that region. The first humans had afro hair, not straight. You are rewriting history and presenting afro hair as the abnormality, when it is straight hair that is the mutation. Nilotic, bantu and khoisan people all have afro hair, and they were the first groups of people in this world.