Marble Statue of a Muurish Roman
The no go area of popular fictionalized white bwoy history is that “the Aryans built Rome”. How true is this? No it is a damned lie!
Was Rome a white Empire? Were the Romans white?
The truth was that Rome was a multi-ethnic Empire. Any true scholar with the slightest mastery of classics will attest to this. Any one who has had to write a thesis on Rome in at the Doctoral level would not contest this truth.
Rome as well as the entire southern and central and western Europe was built by aboriginal black Europeans sometimes called the mysterious Celts, NIGRI-LATINIS, the IBERIANS or the Maurs.
This painting above depicts the forty Roman soldiers who were martyred for their Christian beliefs in the fourth century by being forced to stand barefoot in a freezing lake. Part of the Novgorod School of painting, Russia 15th century.
Sometimes authors attribute the origin of Rome to Etruscans, or to Greeks or to Canaanites. It is generally acknowledged that those three powers were themselves basically multi-ethnic, and also that the Canaanites were singularly black and African in origin.
Later we get an influx of barbarians nomads, who were assimilated and romanized.
Then slaves from the Slavic and Germanic tribes were captured from Northern Europe and used on Roman plantations in Central Europe.
And then one must not forget that the cultural founts of Rome was not anywhere on the European mainland but in North Africa, with Egypt and the province of Africa being the most sophisticated, and civilized in arts, science and culture. The cultural capital of the Roman Empire was Alexandria in Egypt.
All the inhabitants of the Roman provinces of Africa could easily attain to Roman citizenship and even aspire to become Emperors of Rome.

Not so for today’s so-called white people who were actually called barbarians and hated by the Roman state and Empire. They were the threats of the day, the potential carries of contagions mental and spiritual, eroders of morality. Besides the oracles of Delphi had forcasted that barbarians whites would eventually overun the emipre.
They eventually did. Bursting the barriers of imperial Rome which had contained them in Central Europe on the Northern side of the River Danube, the barbarians gothic and slavic hordes swamped Rome, southern and central Europe, western Europe as well, bursted into Africa, and then onwards to the Americas and Australia. Like demons released from hell.
Those Barbarians are the direct ancestors of todays so-called Italians, French, Germans, English, Belgia, Holland, Sweden, Russia, and the whole of the so-called white races of todays Europa.
And those gothic descendants have spent a thousand years, re-writing history, destroying monuments, burning books and libraries, in an attempt to hide the truth about themselves, and to usurp the majesty and excellence of the great black civilizations. They would trick the black children (the real owners of this world) into a life of complancency and surbodination, wherein they are unable to assert their legitimacy.
Which is why they have invested so much energy in re-writing and retelling the story of the Roman Empire and its fall, at the hands of the barbarians so-called whites.
See the Roman Dread Locks Legion of Lucius Quietus, the Overall Commander of the Roman Legions running the Dacian barbarians away then ask yourself, where is the fictionalized so-called white bwoy with “his classical Roman nose” in this picture of the Column of Trajan?
See also:;f=8;t=007074
It says moorish cavalry under lusius as far as i know the moors were from africa
Those ol ancient Romans were of many nationalities but Hollywood-British movies
only show Black-Africans as slaves,dancers,or gladiators.Its funny how some whites say
once the other races-ethnic groups moved to Rome it led to the empires downfall!!!
the vikings were white, and they kicked the shit out of the romans
Yes they did but they weren’t civilized like the Romans
The Vikings didn’t exist at the same time as the Romans you damned retard.
go back to school!
I’m sorry you think that I am the demon spawn of evil barbarians. Oh, what about Julius Caesar, or Augustus Caesar? They were clearly white, at least all contemporary statues and coins from the era suggest that. Augustus was even blue eyed and fair haired! Rome was a multi-ethnic empire; however, the original Romans who built the empire were white rustic farmers esteemed for the same primitive virtues as the later Goths who would conquer them. The original Romans were not as fair as the Celts or Teutonic peoples, but nonetheless, they were white!
do you know how much time historians put in to changing those artifacts to make them look white. you are talking about a people who had no concept of measurement to even build rome. its not about hate or love but generally whites have always road the backs of blacks for everything. this is not hatred or racism… its the truth and can not be denied.
sorry adam,sir, for being a victim of white supremist editing, but allow me to enlighten you on the wrongly painted caesar. his significance in history cannot be correctly established without visiting his origins, he was a descendant of the Trojan Aennas, the only descendeant of Priam that left that besieged city with his breath. when Aennas fled the burning city secretly by night, he carried with him all the idols of the temples and most of all his royal black Trojan genes, Priam’s brother was the Ethiopian king father of the black Memnon so work it out, you white lackey if that makes him white. his first stop was africa in Libya, safely welcomed by the black empress Dido who fled Sidon to her ancestral home Africa for fear of her murderous Zidonian black brother. he survived the great tempestous winds Hera sent to devastate him and his crew such that he lost many ships on his fleet but by mercy of tar black Zeus he reached Africa. after a good rest at the courtesious reception of the black empress, he set sail for italy where he conquered the land and established the Roman empire, even the poets regarded caesar as the avenger of troy who came to humble the greeks for their cruelty in troy. by no means can a black descendant be deemed white even if he may look white, if thats true. the Romans were nothind like these false Gauls that took it over after it fell many times. to even rely on statues shows much ignorance, who in this day and age does not know of the concocted history Gaulic whites came up with as an excuse for ancient history. you can continue believing that nonsense you regard as history and let those who choose to discover differently in peace. there is very little history of the ancient world that remains undiluted by white lies, is it not that even Napoleaon could not take it to see the sphinxes black and bombarded the noses in anger of discovering that it were not whites glorified in that history but the same undermined blacks. to perform the acts of history and to assume plundered glory are different things. Adam should know that now missionaries or teachers will be sent to correct history and put blacks in their proper significance like the way the lies were propagated, blacks should stand up for themselves and seek the truth, which unfortunately lies among lies.
Mashack, you sound very enlightened. Please write and drop us one article here at Rasta Livewire to educate the masses. We will be happy to put up a new thread for you.
Don Jaide
You may or may not be demonic, that I cannot tell. But by your words, we know that you are a hasty rash improperly educated little boi, Adam.
Ceasar and Augustus Ceasar were just two out of more than 400 Emperors of Rome. Go take a history lesson on the other 400 hundred Emperors of ancient Rome and you will overstand.
The original owners of Rome and Italy were Etruscans, from the Etruria. They were black people from Africa. They were Muurs, and they were related to the Cartheginians of Numidia, Africa, although your fake scholars would invent a fake language category called indo-european language group for them. If you doubt me look up on the internet for the Etruscan pictures found in the tome of the Lion located in Tarquinna, Italy.
If you have more doubts, you would need to study how the Cartheginians from Africa built, most of the important Port Cities of Italy and southern Europe that was before the rise of Rome.
Read up on the Severan dynasty of Black Kings of Rome.
Proper education is what you need not falsification and empty boastings.
I am done with you.
They look white to me
Your full of lies those modern day mongrels in lebanon aren’t phonesian decendents etc or those mixed turks in general , learn of invasions please those people were black not white or mongrel.
Of course they lie. Pale faces have been lying ever since they crawled out of the caves of europe. They went around the world with brute force and agression, stealing, murdering and raping. How can you expect a group whose entire legacy is based on theft, rape, murder and lies to tell the truth? A legacy so vile yet they honour and hold their many theives, murderers and rapists in such high regard. And call them men if honour or give them pet names such as outlaws, pedophiles, heroes. While pinkoids praise their murderers, theives and rapists they expect us to vilify our heroes. Even their holy book – the bible is filled with stories of raping, stealing and murdering in the name of their bloodthirsty god.
They ignore the fact that pink skinned men are flying around the world by the millions to rape children and feed you stories of christ brown and anything to dehumanize, degrade and defame those whom they refer to a subsaharan africa i.e. subhuman. I tell you if black/brown skinned men flying around the world to prey on children this phenomenon would be studied, the entire race would be made to feel responsible and there would be lies in place to stop them. Child abuse is sick and wrong. And only a pink ape would ignore this problem of his race and proclaim, “this is not allowed in civilized society” and totally ignore the fact that this is allowed in his civilization along with the fucking of animals The idiot is defending his race of pink predators while we should join them in condemning christ brown, o.j. simpson, whitney houston and etc.
Speaking of whitney houston, log on to any of houston’s videos on youtube and that of amy whinehouse and there you will witness the sick twisted hypocrisy of these pink apes. Houston is mostly regarded as a junkie while whinehouse is lauded as one of the greatest artist to ever live. Correct me if i am wrong but were not houston and whinehouse both junkies?
Since insecure caucazoids cannot murder the brown/black skinned people of the middle east and north africa fast enough to uphold their “white is right” theory, if “you can’t beat them join [forces] with them,” desperate pink cave dwelling apes who are faced with declining birthrate and archaelogical evidnce that they stole legacy of these black/brown skinned people north of the sahara desert are proclaiming that these people are caucasians, too.
damn bro im not white and dont rape children and stuff.
The Carthaginians were the descendants of Phoenician colonists (modern day Lebanon), and yes, they were white too! Don’t get me wrong, black Africans have built great empires, the Songhai Empire, the Mali Empire, the Ethiopian Empire, and there was even a black dynasty of Egyptian Pharaohs; however, to suggest that Rome was founded by black people, that the Etruscans were black, and that there were even black emperors is intellectually dishonest. The African emperor of Rome, Severus, was not black, he was Berber, and Berbers are technically considered Caucasian, even though they have darker features. By the way, most people of Northern European descent know that they are the descendants of Gothic and Celtic tribes that overran Rome, they were not barbarians, they had a culture, engaged in agriculture and husbandry, they were skilled craftsmen and metal workers, and it was the Celts who introduced gold and silver coinage to the Romans. I would suggest that it was the Romans who were savages, they were imperialistic, they kept slaves, they killed for sport in the Coliseums, and they were undemocratic and had an unfair legal system that made that which wasn’t permitted a crime. The “barbarians” had an egalitarian society, held tribal assemblies known as “Things” to choose their kings and to decide on important matters, they rarely kept slaves and were responsible for freeing a great many slaves, and they didn’t exterminate or enslave people they conquered! Oh, and the “barbarians” didn’t want to conquer Rome, they originally only wanted refuge inside of Roman territory, they wanted to integrate into Roman society, and they provided the bulk of the military in the latter Imperial period; however, the Romans were bigots and racists, and looked down upon these tribal people as being savage and primitive, the sack of Rome in 410 occurred only because the Emperor reneged on a promise to settle Visigoths within Roman territory, and during the siege of Rome, the Visgothic king gave the Emperor many chances to fulfill his promise to end the siege.
You are getting all confused tossing around code words of which you don’t know the meanings. Lets help you here: I have told you where to go see images of the Etruscans. Google Tome of the Lioness, Tarquin Italy. When you check that let me know.
The Phoenicians were also known as Canaanites. Did you ever hear about Ham the father of Canaan in the Bible and Koran? Well he was black. The Canaanites were Semites from the hills of ancient Ethiopia. They crossed over to Yemen and from there moved on to Syria. Go check the origin of Proto-Semitic languages which happen to lie in today’s Ethiopia. Go check genetics so you will realize that Africans first settled in Arabia before moving elsewhere.
Berber is a language grouping and not a nationality or colour designation. Berbers spread from the coast of the mediterranean sea to the central saharan regions of Senegal, Niger, Mauritania, Nigeria, Chad, Sudan, southern Libya, southern Morrocco, and southern Algeria. All the tribes that live in the area I described are black African Muurs. That is the west and the north west regions of Africa. The so-called white Kabyles you think define Berbers, are simply some Germanic-Vandal tribes that settled North Africa after the fall of the Roman empire and adopted our ways, culture and language. Genetically they are gothic europeans. They are not Africans. Real African Berbers arose from the Capsian culture in Kenya east Africa and spread across the continent. They are still there today, 10 million Berber speaking African Muurs.
The Celts were not the same stock as the Gothics. The Celts were a language grouping that had occupied Europe. They were black and white celts, one could say they were predominantly black celts. They are associated with the Ibero-Maurisian culture. The Iberians were a black people that lived in ancient Spain. They came from Afria. The white celts were either rootless migrants, gothic settlers, or slaves. The black celts owned the land. Go search for a picture of St David of Wales, an early Celtic Bishop of the 5th century AD and one of the first christians of Wales. He was a black man. St Deniol of Wales, another black man, 5th century celt, just as an example.
So that leaves out the Goths and the Slavs in a class of their own. They only arrived Europe in the 5th century AD. I do not need to go much deeper into the barbaric nature of those people except to remind you that they not only destroyed Rome, they destroyed Africa, India, Australia, and North and South America, through genocide and racism.
It is not I that accuse ye, but the works of your ancestors which stand bare for the world. You need to reconcile yourself to your legacies so that the healing that you dearly need woul commence. Denial and flights of fancy will not assist you here.
Know thyself.
I think Adam is Jewish: The Jews ‘originated’ in Europe and are not ‘indigenous to the ‘East!’ Neither are they the ‘original Habiru Isrealite people!’ The first Scrolls the Habiru, (RENAMED HEBREW by the Greeks) Bible is written in, is the Hametic black African Canaanite alphabet of the Black African Patriarch Ham, ‘uncursed’ son of Noah. Herodotus and Pline agree. Moreover, the Book of Enoch which pre-dates the Jewish torah, also mentions no curse. Furthermore, one of the names of the Habiru God ‘ELOHIM’ was first discovered in caves in Africa, which incidentally, predated the ‘existence’ of the European Jews. Curiously, the Jewish artist Lhote, and his team of artist, returned to Europe from black Africa for a ‘definitive’ exhibition where Lhote presented ‘false images’ of Caucasians and arabs alleged to have been found in the Black African Caves and attempted to draw a ‘correlation’ between black Africans and Egyptians. When his ‘fraud’ was discovered, Lhote would allege ‘one of his team of artist ‘played a prank’ on him. However Lhote was in that cave, where ‘evidence’ of worship of the Habiru God exists along with ‘evidence’ of the black African circumcision rite, ‘ORIGINAL TO BLACK AFRICA.’ And I should know, being the black Prophetess of Judah. A non- jew Israelite original to Africa.Now, as Jahdey says, the Etruscans were Black Africans. The Canaanites were ‘RENAMED’ Phoenicans by the Greeks meaning ‘Sea Peoples’ Now you cannot have it both ways Adam, you cannot call us the ‘cursed children of Ham’ then when we are renamed Phoenicians, allege we are really Lebanese…!!! Due to your racial hatred of the fact of black intelligence, integrity , creativity and genius.The Ancient Egyptians were black Africans; according to Herodotus, they had black skins and ‘kinky hair!’ This was confirmed by Aristotle in a minor work which states; “Those who are too black are cowards, like for instance the Egyptians and Ethiopeans.” Further evidence arrived in the form of the Statute of the predynastic first king Menes/Narmer furnishing ‘evidence’ of a black African Egyptian indigenous to Egypt which is Africa. Among the many others in particular, the good old Sphinx! I believe it was the Jewish artist Hammerschimdt who considered it wise to present a ‘distorted’ image that plainly gives the Sphinx a ‘Caucasian’ perspective! The thing is this. If Jews were, as they allege, people original to the East, with ‘a alleged history in Egypt’ why do you feel it necessary to paint yourselves into that history? Would you not already be there in it for all to see? And why ‘whitewash’ the actual black African ancestral history which has, unfortunately for yourselves, become the dead giveaway…!!! Did the Black African Prophet Moses not marry a Canaanite, (not Cushite as jewish sages and scholars allege) and are not his black African descendants not the black South African Lemba, who incidentally are no relation to jews although jews insist on alleging this, and fabricating DNA evidence to assist themselves. Where is the resemblance Adam? How is it that for every generation going all the way back to the Prophet Moses the Lemba Levites have ‘REMAINED PURE BLACK?’ How then dare you to depict this black man as a Caucasian? And one final thing for you to dwell on, would Solomon, king of Israel who describes himself as being black as coal and beautiful state in his still extant Book of Ecclesiasticus; “Do not go to the Pale ones/North People/Caucasians for Justice or for Judgement, they are bereft.” If his own father whom he loved, was a Caucasian??? Your people stole a history that is not their own and a belief that is not their own – And Adam, you don’t get to keep it. Roeim Bin Yehudah. Prophetess of Judah. Israels fourth born son.
Correction: I meant to say that Northern Europeans descend from Celts and Gothic tribes that overran Rome. I realize that the way I wrote it suggests that the Celts were participants in the sack of the Western Roman Empire, yes they did participate in local uprisings throughout Britain and Gaul, but for the most part, were responding to the absence of Imperial authority, and they too were in turn swallowed by the Gothic hoards that overran Gaul and by Angles, Saxons and Jutes who invaded Britain a century later. It is interesting to note that genetic studies suggest that the majority of modern British people’s DNA come not from the Anglo-Saxons, or even the Celts, but of the original Iberian inhabitants of Britain, whom you consider black! It also suggest that 10 percent of modern “white” British people have discernible traces of black African DNA from black African soldiers who were brought in to defend Britain along Hadrian’s Wall from Pict tribes in modern day Scotland.
Nobody “brought” in African soldiers. Those African Muurish Romans conquered Rome and all of Europe. It is there before your eyes but hubris will not allow you to see. Denial will not get you anywhere.
LOL! I’m white and I love this piece! I am going to read everything here!
Here is noted black man Saint David of Wales…
Also you keep referring to the “Muurs,” are you sure you do not mean the “Moops?”