Marble Statue of a Muurish Roman
The no go area of popular fictionalized white bwoy history is that “the Aryans built Rome”. How true is this? No it is a damned lie!
Was Rome a white Empire? Were the Romans white?
The truth was that Rome was a multi-ethnic Empire. Any true scholar with the slightest mastery of classics will attest to this. Any one who has had to write a thesis on Rome in at the Doctoral level would not contest this truth.
Rome as well as the entire southern and central and western Europe was built by aboriginal black Europeans sometimes called the mysterious Celts, NIGRI-LATINIS, the IBERIANS or the Maurs.
This painting above depicts the forty Roman soldiers who were martyred for their Christian beliefs in the fourth century by being forced to stand barefoot in a freezing lake. Part of the Novgorod School of painting, Russia 15th century.
Sometimes authors attribute the origin of Rome to Etruscans, or to Greeks or to Canaanites. It is generally acknowledged that those three powers were themselves basically multi-ethnic, and also that the Canaanites were singularly black and African in origin.
Later we get an influx of barbarians nomads, who were assimilated and romanized.
Then slaves from the Slavic and Germanic tribes were captured from Northern Europe and used on Roman plantations in Central Europe.
And then one must not forget that the cultural founts of Rome was not anywhere on the European mainland but in North Africa, with Egypt and the province of Africa being the most sophisticated, and civilized in arts, science and culture. The cultural capital of the Roman Empire was Alexandria in Egypt.
All the inhabitants of the Roman provinces of Africa could easily attain to Roman citizenship and even aspire to become Emperors of Rome.

Not so for today’s so-called white people who were actually called barbarians and hated by the Roman state and Empire. They were the threats of the day, the potential carries of contagions mental and spiritual, eroders of morality. Besides the oracles of Delphi had forcasted that barbarians whites would eventually overun the emipre.
They eventually did. Bursting the barriers of imperial Rome which had contained them in Central Europe on the Northern side of the River Danube, the barbarians gothic and slavic hordes swamped Rome, southern and central Europe, western Europe as well, bursted into Africa, and then onwards to the Americas and Australia. Like demons released from hell.
Those Barbarians are the direct ancestors of todays so-called Italians, French, Germans, English, Belgia, Holland, Sweden, Russia, and the whole of the so-called white races of todays Europa.
And those gothic descendants have spent a thousand years, re-writing history, destroying monuments, burning books and libraries, in an attempt to hide the truth about themselves, and to usurp the majesty and excellence of the great black civilizations. They would trick the black children (the real owners of this world) into a life of complancency and surbodination, wherein they are unable to assert their legitimacy.
Which is why they have invested so much energy in re-writing and retelling the story of the Roman Empire and its fall, at the hands of the barbarians so-called whites.
See the Roman Dread Locks Legion of Lucius Quietus, the Overall Commander of the Roman Legions running the Dacian barbarians away then ask yourself, where is the fictionalized so-called white bwoy with “his classical Roman nose” in this picture of the Column of Trajan?
See also:;f=8;t=007074
I can imagine that after the original egyptians, called nubians from Khemet right a lot of inbreeding took place in these “high civilized” places and that they were multi-ethnic. Yes. they were multi elthic for sure. But when I read what the romans did, the carthageans and others baal worshipers i dont consider them as highly civilized but as more brutaly civilized then any so called barbarians from the norse. We had no religious mass human sacrifices of children, sacred whoring and other alien stuff. I just wanted to point out that the more people call themself highly civilized the more insitutional become their murderous rituals. Same for the white europeans of the “holy roman empire”. The inquisition was that ancient baal or moloch worship on steroids and that demon came from the south. From the desert!
Genetic testing shows that ancient roman were much different genetically then the present day Italians. Actually while the citizens of Rome multi-ethnic, a ancient melting pot 2000 yrs old, the upper, well to-do, Romans were , mostly white for basic distinction. the Romans were horrible people in general, if their laws give any indication of their demeanor. How-ever they enslaved the Germans, and the Celts all more whiter than them. As well as everyone they could.
Please dont blame white people for the worlds troubles. the troubles stem from the Devil. I have seen the Devil in the eyes of white, black, brown, red and yellow, as well as the Divine.
God loves all. ONE LOVE
Well if the Romans were black check this. the romans mastered the art sstripping ones from their homeland enslaving them changing their customs and Gods. they burned and changed history. The roman created the largest fakest Christian church. Catholicism. Rastan is more true than any Roman God. Jupiter or Jesus/Mary.
Slavery and mind control were creatded before white men were evolved,. The egyptians were brown the Indians made way through egypt and arabia leaving tribes.
One question: Why did the Romans speak an Indo-European language (Latin) if they allegedly were all black and came from Africa? Doesn’t make much sense.
You will probably call me an albino now, as usual, lol.
what indo european language there is no such thing as indo European nor is indias linguistics ever been shared towards europe. whites are nothing to do with Indians period.greeks stole some Sanskrit words and made up their own BS.indians would never share a thing with invaders who came to plunder Indias wealth,
Uh… There was a indo European language, and if you don’t think that then all I have to say is good luck with your autism.
The early European settlers came from northern India, this is a fact.
The unlucky individual German may have been enslaved, but as a whole, they where hired as body guard’s and often served as legion auxiliaries(most slaves ended up coming from the Orient and Egypt)
true aryans are not white they are North west Indians from India. the word arya comes in Sanskrit from India and mentions nothing of Europe it only mentions the Saraswathi river which is modern day Pakistan which Pakistan used to be India, same with Bangladesh before being partitioned in 1947. as for the Christian lord he was never white and whites worship a false deity of jesus as Cesares Borgias (1475-1507)son of pope Alexander the VI is not the true jesus christ.just to make it very clear North west indians are not white nor is any tribe in India white. white peopleare loaded with BS.