Marble Statue of a Muurish Roman
The no go area of popular fictionalized white bwoy history is that “the Aryans built Rome”. How true is this? No it is a damned lie!
Was Rome a white Empire? Were the Romans white?
The truth was that Rome was a multi-ethnic Empire. Any true scholar with the slightest mastery of classics will attest to this. Any one who has had to write a thesis on Rome in at the Doctoral level would not contest this truth.
Rome as well as the entire southern and central and western Europe was built by aboriginal black Europeans sometimes called the mysterious Celts, NIGRI-LATINIS, the IBERIANS or the Maurs.
This painting above depicts the forty Roman soldiers who were martyred for their Christian beliefs in the fourth century by being forced to stand barefoot in a freezing lake. Part of the Novgorod School of painting, Russia 15th century.
Sometimes authors attribute the origin of Rome to Etruscans, or to Greeks or to Canaanites. It is generally acknowledged that those three powers were themselves basically multi-ethnic, and also that the Canaanites were singularly black and African in origin.
Later we get an influx of barbarians nomads, who were assimilated and romanized.
Then slaves from the Slavic and Germanic tribes were captured from Northern Europe and used on Roman plantations in Central Europe.
And then one must not forget that the cultural founts of Rome was not anywhere on the European mainland but in North Africa, with Egypt and the province of Africa being the most sophisticated, and civilized in arts, science and culture. The cultural capital of the Roman Empire was Alexandria in Egypt.
All the inhabitants of the Roman provinces of Africa could easily attain to Roman citizenship and even aspire to become Emperors of Rome.

Not so for today’s so-called white people who were actually called barbarians and hated by the Roman state and Empire. They were the threats of the day, the potential carries of contagions mental and spiritual, eroders of morality. Besides the oracles of Delphi had forcasted that barbarians whites would eventually overun the emipre.
They eventually did. Bursting the barriers of imperial Rome which had contained them in Central Europe on the Northern side of the River Danube, the barbarians gothic and slavic hordes swamped Rome, southern and central Europe, western Europe as well, bursted into Africa, and then onwards to the Americas and Australia. Like demons released from hell.
Those Barbarians are the direct ancestors of todays so-called Italians, French, Germans, English, Belgia, Holland, Sweden, Russia, and the whole of the so-called white races of todays Europa.
And those gothic descendants have spent a thousand years, re-writing history, destroying monuments, burning books and libraries, in an attempt to hide the truth about themselves, and to usurp the majesty and excellence of the great black civilizations. They would trick the black children (the real owners of this world) into a life of complancency and surbodination, wherein they are unable to assert their legitimacy.
Which is why they have invested so much energy in re-writing and retelling the story of the Roman Empire and its fall, at the hands of the barbarians so-called whites.
See the Roman Dread Locks Legion of Lucius Quietus, the Overall Commander of the Roman Legions running the Dacian barbarians away then ask yourself, where is the fictionalized so-called white bwoy with “his classical Roman nose” in this picture of the Column of Trajan?
See also:;f=8;t=007074
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This article is stupid. I’m definitely not a fan of white supremacy, I find that alone is barbaric. But I found the writer’s tone to be hateful towards white people. I’m not white, but that doesn’t mean I go around condemning people who are, that’s just racist. If you know your demographic history, than you would know that although the Ostrogoths did indeed take over Italy, it was purely politcal. Very few Ostrogoths actually settled in Italy, If modern Italians were direct descendants from the Germanic peoples than they’d be speeking a germanic language and not a Italian, a ROMANCE language. The same goes for Spain. France is an exception because their ancestors were the Gauls, who were still white but they were taken over by Rome and later the Franks, then the Normans; in other words, the French are descended from several different types of Europeans and you can see it in there language which has numerous loanwords from Frankish and Gaulish, but at its core it is still a Romance language. This writer obviously didn’t know a thing about Rome, let alone Europe. In conclusion, most (about 70-85%) of modern Italians are descended from the actual ancient Romans. Rome was a very multi-ethnic state, but most, especially in the northern-western provinces (modern Spain, France, Portugal, Italy, Belgium) and some eastern provinces (modern Albania, Romania, Bulgaria,and Greece) were [and still are] of white-european descent.
Justin says: “If modern Italians were direct descendants from the Germanic peoples than they’d be speeking a germanic language and not a Italian, a ROMANCE language.”
Jahdey responds: I would ask you to go research about Lombardy in Italy? Those people are Germanic Goths but they speak Italian today. There are many more examples, like Normans, etc but we will ask you to go do proper research before you come here to argue.
Anyway, welcome to Rasta Here, we blaze out all ignorance and arrogance with historical facts and logical truth.
Yes I am aware of Lombardy and Normany and the fact that there are Hispanic people who have Visigothic surnames, but I said ” “few” not “none at all”. Read me carefully. Some Germanic people did settle in the Mediterranean but because they were largely outnumbered by the natives they assimilated . Trust me I know much about the demographics of ancient Rome, it’s something that has always been interested in. One thing I did fail to mention however was the fact that some early Roman moseics did depict what did appear to be Africans or at the very least really tanned mediterranean people but this article said the “white” people didn’t take over southern Europe until Rome fell, which is what I was trying to disprove because the skeletons at ancient roman burial grounds and the remains at Pompeii had white features, there was however a skull at Pompeii that had African features, but that doesn’t mean that every Roman was black. Also you have to keep in mind the fact the the Mediterranean people are much darker than the Germanics, having almost hispanic features (because most hispanics trace their ancestry to the Mediterranean) thus the darker complexioned moseics were most likely emphasizing the complexion of the models due to the fact there were more limited pigments for paint during those times.
This site shows the political correctness of nowadays. The current media and intellectuals think that saying: “insert name here” was black!, will fix the world.
Augustus, the first Roman emperor, was “blond” (subflavum)
Tiberius had gray eyes (caesii)
Caligula had a blonde beard (aurea barba)
Claudio had gray-white hair (canitieque)
Nero was blond or redhead (subflavo)
According with Suetonius (De Vita Caesarum: Divus Augustus). (De Vita Caesarum: Caligula, LII) and Pliny (Naturalis Historia, XI, CXLII).
The romans have africans soldiers, also they had soldiers from several territories in their army, but it does not mean that the africans built rome, .
You really hate white people, your post about that 40% of white people is mentally ill !!, you must be the african version of Hittler, you are an afronazi, the next thing that you will say is that John Lennon was a black men . There is a book called: Not Out of Africa: How Afrocentrism Became an Excuse to Teach Myth as History by Mary Lefkowitz.
A little fun to end my comment:
death is coming to you crackers you are not Aryans only North west indians are the REAL ARYANS you whites are 19th century BS!
(Edited). Who cares what the Romans looked like. Their skin color had nothing to do with the society they built. Really, all of this bickering is counter-productive. Look at America and her diversity. Rome was similar in that aspect. We have neighborhoods that were once filled with European immigrants, and now they are Hispanic. Doesn’t matter if you think it is good/bad, right/wrong, that is the way it is. The reality is that the Roman Empire, and every other empire, fell because it was their time. All of these nations will meet their fate as well and open the door for new nations in 1000 years. I remember when Trump was a cool white dude that rappers talked about in their lyrics in a positive light. Now because he said we should build a wall people are calling him all kinds of names. Maybe if the Romans built a wall it would have bought them some time before the barbarians swooped in and conquered them. Stop bickering because life is harsh enough so wear a helmet.
Semper Fidelis
Modern day Sicilians probably have the most genetic diversity of any cultural group considered to be of European stock. The fact that Sicily was the honey pot of the Roman Empire made it well known piece of real estate for invaders from the north and south. Over centuries, The island was conquered by everyone from Phoenicians and Greeks, to Arabs and Vikings, the Spanish and British, then finally the modern day Italians. Those Sicilians carry bloodlines from 3 very distinct regions and most likely present the most accurate depiction of what Roman citizens looked like in the Mediterranean region during “Pax Romana”, especially those who intermingled and did not discriminate. You people need to realize that perception is reality. If you want to continue arguing about what the Romans looked like, take a look at the people of Sicily. I have, I’ve been there, I’ve visited the temples built by Romans and I’ve seen their paintings. I’ve been to Paestum and Pompeii, so you can’t try and pull the wool over my eyes on that one. Of course the Roman Empire stretched to Africa and the Arabian desert so the citizens were very diverse, but I’m sure I’m the only person posting here that has an idea of what it is like to walk the fertile lands of Mesopotamia day in and day out, so I know what those people look like. You can create whatever theory you want, but once again perception is reality. You have no experience with any of these people that are descendants of those who occupied Roman lands, but you think you know something about them. All you know is what you found with a search bar on the web. You won’t allow my post because you know it is the truth and you have no rebuttal for truthful logic.
“A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument.”
Your article is all over the place, You speak as though the Romans had always controlled half of the continent when they only started with Italy (Fighting for their independence from the samnites. Africa and the middle east were not conquered until decades later, And whether how much you want to make the argument that the Romans were black it doesn’t matter because During the Reign of Augusta The children of the German tribes were kidnapped and raised as Romans who would later ascend to be Generals and Politicians so eventually the Roman Empire became white. And A.D is not a good time to judge Roman history as it was after 200 B.C I believe that the Empire was split. Either way if you really want to take credit for Murdering the REAL Christians and The harsh Laws and calling anyone outside of Your Nation as a Barbarian so be it take all the credit even though you deserve none. It’s pretty weird you refer that Black Children are the true owners of the world, Cause Like WHITE PEOPLE You have no business in Asia,North&South America, or Europe and You have no say what goes on in Antarctica. This world does not belong to any certain beings. This article is just jealousy or Afrocentrism at it’s finest.
Drew are you aware of Sambo please look up before you say certain people don’t belong in certain places when it was at one point their home. Re-search. I do agree no being owns the world we are living as the land, but there are higher ups who have used certain tools threw out history to keep us from our his-story, from true origins and separated in order to conquer to have complete control. We need to know our past before we can move on with the future. People need to know where they came from especially when their identity has been stolen as so many other cultures. Taken from one place to another in some cases. Yes the Romans did start with their neighbors Italy. Also look up when Michelangelo was told by the Pope to put the picture of the holy family on the roof of the chapel, Michelangelo said that the Pope specifically told him to make it European.” Michelangelo explained to him that there are no models of a European holy family! This is why they did a blood test that I am researching they are saying has been debunked looking into it, that DNA traces all the way back to an african tribe. Tested from several subjects around the world. JC Speaking to Sicilians and visiting you find out the history. Key words modern Sicily a melting pot now. Their DNA is Haplogroup H (mtDNA) Asia and African. Interesting stuff. Look it up before you dismiss it right away.
But we are the true originators of land we just never used it how it’s being used now and if you do more research you’ll African peoples were everywhere even in Asia so yea
You are a complete idiot… black children own the world because we are the original