Marble Statue of a Muurish Roman
The no go area of popular fictionalized white bwoy history is that “the Aryans built Rome”. How true is this? No it is a damned lie!
Was Rome a white Empire? Were the Romans white?
The truth was that Rome was a multi-ethnic Empire. Any true scholar with the slightest mastery of classics will attest to this. Any one who has had to write a thesis on Rome in at the Doctoral level would not contest this truth.
Rome as well as the entire southern and central and western Europe was built by aboriginal black Europeans sometimes called the mysterious Celts, NIGRI-LATINIS, the IBERIANS or the Maurs.
This painting above depicts the forty Roman soldiers who were martyred for their Christian beliefs in the fourth century by being forced to stand barefoot in a freezing lake. Part of the Novgorod School of painting, Russia 15th century.
Sometimes authors attribute the origin of Rome to Etruscans, or to Greeks or to Canaanites. It is generally acknowledged that those three powers were themselves basically multi-ethnic, and also that the Canaanites were singularly black and African in origin.
Later we get an influx of barbarians nomads, who were assimilated and romanized.
Then slaves from the Slavic and Germanic tribes were captured from Northern Europe and used on Roman plantations in Central Europe.
And then one must not forget that the cultural founts of Rome was not anywhere on the European mainland but in North Africa, with Egypt and the province of Africa being the most sophisticated, and civilized in arts, science and culture. The cultural capital of the Roman Empire was Alexandria in Egypt.
All the inhabitants of the Roman provinces of Africa could easily attain to Roman citizenship and even aspire to become Emperors of Rome.

Not so for today’s so-called white people who were actually called barbarians and hated by the Roman state and Empire. They were the threats of the day, the potential carries of contagions mental and spiritual, eroders of morality. Besides the oracles of Delphi had forcasted that barbarians whites would eventually overun the emipre.
They eventually did. Bursting the barriers of imperial Rome which had contained them in Central Europe on the Northern side of the River Danube, the barbarians gothic and slavic hordes swamped Rome, southern and central Europe, western Europe as well, bursted into Africa, and then onwards to the Americas and Australia. Like demons released from hell.
Those Barbarians are the direct ancestors of todays so-called Italians, French, Germans, English, Belgia, Holland, Sweden, Russia, and the whole of the so-called white races of todays Europa.
And those gothic descendants have spent a thousand years, re-writing history, destroying monuments, burning books and libraries, in an attempt to hide the truth about themselves, and to usurp the majesty and excellence of the great black civilizations. They would trick the black children (the real owners of this world) into a life of complancency and surbodination, wherein they are unable to assert their legitimacy.
Which is why they have invested so much energy in re-writing and retelling the story of the Roman Empire and its fall, at the hands of the barbarians so-called whites.
See the Roman Dread Locks Legion of Lucius Quietus, the Overall Commander of the Roman Legions running the Dacian barbarians away then ask yourself, where is the fictionalized so-called white bwoy with “his classical Roman nose” in this picture of the Column of Trajan?
See also:;f=8;t=007074
Why were Ceasar and Octavian white then? Did these “Muurish Romans” like having white people rule them?
The Muurs consisted of all colours of humanity. From the palest to the darkest, they were all united in blood, and cultural heritage. The divide and rule you see today is an invention of masonic bankers and slave plantation holders to subjugate and rule humanity. It would surprise you to realize that racism is a relatively modern phenomenon.
And take note, that there maybe pale skinned people, and dark skinned people in humanity, but there are no biological white people or black people in reality. Those are just colours of politics and sect. Go look at your face in the mirror and see if you are white like the white water colour.
Was roman britain multi-ethnic? Did any black, arab or white romans stay in britain when the romans withdrew?
There were certainly Syrian Auxiliary units deployed to Hadrians wall whose soldiers will have married local woman and settled around there when they completed their service, and gained citizenship, and there would have been Auxiliary units from other parts of the Empire including the higly valued Numibian light cavalry from North Africa. (And Auxiliary units from Britain may well in turn have been sent off to the frontiers in the Middle East and Africa). So the villages around the wall may well have been very ‘multi-cultural’. And the remains of African Roman citizens have been found in excavations of Roman graveyards in Britain.
The whole world descended from Noah and his family after the flood. They were black and it is a biological fact that whites came into the picture as albinos from negro parents. All middle shades resulted from a mixture of black and white like art . This makes us all brothers and sisters. The whole world would share the same language but for the tower of babel. The unusual incidence or sporadic nature of albinism made negroes the majority in ancient nations, east to west, from which all peoples descend. The problem with racism started with ancient pagan blacks perceiving albinism as a curse from the gods whereas it was just God’s way of creating diversity in the human species. All dogs don’t look alike but nevertheless they are all dogs and one is not inferior to the other because of color. It is unfortunate that humans enslaved other humans. That is the result of a fallen adamic nature. The rise of modern culture in opposition to the ancient, for example, in the areas of linguistics (e.g English vs Latin), architecture and interiors (e.g Roman architecture and antique interiors vs modern architecture and interiors), fashion(e.g medieval fashion vs t-shirt and jeans), political structure(i.e secular democracy vs religious monarchy), family structure (i.e endogamy and polygamy vs monogamy and exogamy), and cosmology (i.e evolution vs creationism) reflect the triumph of liberated white slaves over their ancient black oppressors, turning ancient cities into ruins, constricting negro prevalence to sub-saharan Africa. By the way, the name Africa (derived from the name of the Roman general Scipio Africanus after the punic wars) was formerly restricted to the territory which is modern day Tunisia. So Herein lies the root of the hostility between blacks and whites. Putting all vain glory aside, one must recognize that we all have a common ancestry and have contributed to the building of what we call human civilization, whether in the capacity as slaves or as masters in ancient and modern history. Going back to the garden of eden, understand that the real enemy is neither black nor white but non human. We have a common future which is to live forever in the universe as diverse tribes, if you recognize the savior. The danger here is to allow the unfortunate and irreparable events of a painful and temporary world to debar your access to a blissful and endless one.
The whole world did not originate from Noah. Indian history records the deluge, (flood) which they survived with no Noah for a father. Their Brahmins were previously called Abrahams! The Aboriginals of Australia record the historic deluge which they too survived with no Noah for a father as did the Chinese whose father emerged as the yellow emperor. Native Americans and others. Plainly you are dealing with the facts currently available to you. Caucasian European history records their history as being distinct from Africa. Albino;s exist in every black population and have never in the history of the world multiplied exponentially into half a million let alone a billion plus. Caucasians and Blacks, Chinese and Indians are all separate peoples with unique and distinct histories. I have watched in the West programmes where ‘forensic scientist’ created a bust of Queen Nefertiti allegeing she was a Caucasian woman. So If I were you, I’d take Western DNA evidence with a pinch of salt. They tell you they have the technology to ‘accurately’ state what someone ate 3000 years ago. Yet a corspe decomposing for 3 days is beyond their evidence capacity. Don’t get hung up on trying to see how a alien people fits in to black history. The fact is they do not fit in because they do not belong to it. They lied. Ask yourself this. If the Term “Semitic” was only coined in the 18th Century. How could it be used to classify language and family groups that predated it. What was the former classification. You are deceived my friend. Noah belongs to black history alone – the whole world for black people at the time of the flood was Africa. China and Indian history also records that they believed they were the only survivors of the flood! They thought they were special too. The Habiru Scriptures were corrupted by the West in-order to write themselves into it. I’ll give you one example. Book of Numbers, Ch.20:14-20 alleges Moses sent a delegation to the king of Edom! The king of Edom did not exist until the 7th Century B.C?! My book ‘Black History A Wake Up Call’ Will be on sale in a few weeks. Until then, please. Stop saying Caucasians are relatives of Africa because I always worry that China, (the most populace race on earth and my very good friend and friend to the non-Jew Original Children of Judah) along with India, and others in the Know, are laughing at your folly). Suffice to say when I learnt that a Chinese Emperor made a pool, filled it with wine then invited his people to drown themselves in it. I howled with laughter when the Chinese declared him insane and killed him. Their are many nations who now believe its time black people wake up! Its the reason China and India keep silent. They believe you want to share your history with a alien race. They did not.. Roeim ben Yehudah aka Lynda D. Swain Sheppard. Prophetess of Judah
Hi, have you published your book yet?
Sanyamakinde’s post is the product of an informed mind that balances science, Christian belief, and original thought nicely. I fully agree with his observation that if one can see our sad inter-racial conflicts as the product of The Father of Lies – (a spirit), then we can forgive or respect each other, and help each other towards real civilization. If we do recognize the saviour, then we have good reason to be hopeful for the future.
very well said
what does your name mean?
break it down for us
Tnank you.
Sanya is a short form of Olusanya ( Olu- San- iya) which means “The Lord Consoles”.
Olu = Lord; San= compensate; Iya = Suffering.
The last name ‘Makinde’ (Mu- akin- de) means ‘ Let the hero come’.
Mu = Let; akin = Hero; de = come.
I’m a Yoruba of Western Nigeria.
Halo san
Olusaniya is a large platter on which alot of food is served i.e. in Ganda language
guys, let me know what you think about this link.
Here’s one evidence of my point.