Marble Statue of a Muurish Roman
The no go area of popular fictionalized white bwoy history is that “the Aryans built Rome”. How true is this? No it is a damned lie!
Was Rome a white Empire? Were the Romans white?
The truth was that Rome was a multi-ethnic Empire. Any true scholar with the slightest mastery of classics will attest to this. Any one who has had to write a thesis on Rome in at the Doctoral level would not contest this truth.
Rome as well as the entire southern and central and western Europe was built by aboriginal black Europeans sometimes called the mysterious Celts, NIGRI-LATINIS, the IBERIANS or the Maurs.
This painting above depicts the forty Roman soldiers who were martyred for their Christian beliefs in the fourth century by being forced to stand barefoot in a freezing lake. Part of the Novgorod School of painting, Russia 15th century.
Sometimes authors attribute the origin of Rome to Etruscans, or to Greeks or to Canaanites. It is generally acknowledged that those three powers were themselves basically multi-ethnic, and also that the Canaanites were singularly black and African in origin.
Later we get an influx of barbarians nomads, who were assimilated and romanized.
Then slaves from the Slavic and Germanic tribes were captured from Northern Europe and used on Roman plantations in Central Europe.
And then one must not forget that the cultural founts of Rome was not anywhere on the European mainland but in North Africa, with Egypt and the province of Africa being the most sophisticated, and civilized in arts, science and culture. The cultural capital of the Roman Empire was Alexandria in Egypt.
All the inhabitants of the Roman provinces of Africa could easily attain to Roman citizenship and even aspire to become Emperors of Rome.

Not so for today’s so-called white people who were actually called barbarians and hated by the Roman state and Empire. They were the threats of the day, the potential carries of contagions mental and spiritual, eroders of morality. Besides the oracles of Delphi had forcasted that barbarians whites would eventually overun the emipre.
They eventually did. Bursting the barriers of imperial Rome which had contained them in Central Europe on the Northern side of the River Danube, the barbarians gothic and slavic hordes swamped Rome, southern and central Europe, western Europe as well, bursted into Africa, and then onwards to the Americas and Australia. Like demons released from hell.
Those Barbarians are the direct ancestors of todays so-called Italians, French, Germans, English, Belgia, Holland, Sweden, Russia, and the whole of the so-called white races of todays Europa.
And those gothic descendants have spent a thousand years, re-writing history, destroying monuments, burning books and libraries, in an attempt to hide the truth about themselves, and to usurp the majesty and excellence of the great black civilizations. They would trick the black children (the real owners of this world) into a life of complancency and surbodination, wherein they are unable to assert their legitimacy.
Which is why they have invested so much energy in re-writing and retelling the story of the Roman Empire and its fall, at the hands of the barbarians so-called whites.
See the Roman Dread Locks Legion of Lucius Quietus, the Overall Commander of the Roman Legions running the Dacian barbarians away then ask yourself, where is the fictionalized so-called white bwoy with “his classical Roman nose” in this picture of the Column of Trajan?
See also:;f=8;t=007074
This is another example of the excesses of the liberal educational system. The author is again trying to demonize and marginalize the White race. The evidence is superfluous in DNA comparison, literature, archaeology, etc. What’s next I-Man, they were Rastas, yeah erieee!!!
it seems to us that hes saying the aryan race wasnt white but so called,an the word white has been misused greatly especia;lly in elementry school to 12th grade when this ios being taught ,,what came off balance wil have to leave that ay cause thats how lies come.except for emotion blood killing rape an the bleac lobying fopr white skin status from 1700s too 1863 where the whiggamore party finally got it.there is no white race ,an the lies is there was a superior one so short a time after aryans first came on earth ,race starts after mankind is raised to rebel,the people taught they were uncivilized by those they civilized hidden in latin ,catholic chuirch an european nobility,the moorish caavalry ddoes have dreaddlocks , albions had them to before christian started taking baths an shaving to be civilized , with freemasonry aryan race was raised into humanity so yeah people had dreads in those days that albions wore wigs with curls to copyy that picture up top ,the wigs worn by euiropeean ssons llike washington from washitaw first ,thats our seal on left side of dollar bill ,,this oi\s not liberal knowledge but moorish science,,,,,,,,,,,,,,power transfered on one dollar bill contract ,democrats dont teach what we are talking about to us muurs/moors , jesse or al sunday am,they can only teach black history and christianity like any good shriner aan never say moor/muur are right heirs too the lannd in one breath , cause they get thy tribute to tell us we african american stolen from malcom xoaau ORGANIZATION OF AFRICANN AMERICAN UNITY ,THEY TOOK IT AN MADE A CORPORATION OUT OF MALCOM X`S AFRICAN AMERIICAN , WONDER HOW MUCH STOCK BOULE HAS IN THAT WITH ALBION SON ,they promote the strawman game ,each one ddesignated to oversee a created by mankind race thats ends in o,superflous we dont agree
that its enough an want muur.moor posts showing our children who they are before they get the color of law lie in aamerica AN BE DEFENDING A COLOR ALL THEY LIFE not knoeing they are free white sovereigns whop have abandone their claim to their land , based on skin color callin the dark the devil to their children so they grow up a n hate
I am a israelite and I found out two months ago the romans were black and don’t really like to say black but man of high melain
It took me some time to figure it out and do studies a decade or two but the real jews in Israel was black as well.
Here is the mystery: If the Jews of today descended from Ethiopia and have African ancestor, then why do they invest so much money, time and energy into making movies that portray Greeks and Romans are white? Keep in mind approximately 80% of Hollywood in controlled by Jews.
They are not true Jews
in early settlement of Kano city Nigeria, there was an account of the arrival of a Roman army led by Jan Darnisa. Rumawa are till nowadays preserve there identity. We can find these groups called Rumawa(people of Rome ) in Katsina state, in Arewa Niger Republic…
Until the colour of our skin is no more significant than the colour of our eyes …….there will be war and rumours of war………….There is good and evil in all races…….
We can’t join our enemies. We want our father’s land and the land we worked for.
Why are Moors from Africa being passed off as Romans from Italy?
Because the decandent white imperialist Romans who occupied North Africa and burnt Carthage to the ground employed some Moors for one of their miltary campaigns all of the sudden the Romans themselves were dred lock rastas? Will the tomism never cease?
EXACTLY! Guy litterally calls them moors in his article and implying they look the same as Romans, and puts one sculpture that happens to have black features. The other million with white features mean nothing. His logic.
Moors means black tho so what’s ur point there literally moor (blacks) everywhere . Blacks is just to simple of a word to describe the tribehood we have
I dont know if one should attack you or simply feel pitty. I dont know what can possibly cause a person to be able to switch off the brain and ignore any common sense or human reasoning but has to be a huge trauma behind it. As a portuguese, descendant from “iberians” as u call it, celts, moors (north african non black people), romans, etc, I can only laugh with ur story but thinking that u actually believe what u saying is not funny at all. I dont think there is any need to make further comments or show evidences or make claims, if defending that egyptians were never sub-saharan black people like they aint now, would require some talking, defending that romans are and were white is getting to the same level of ur insanity and paranoia.
And by the way, the dreadlocks were mainly used by the Hindus or the indian holly man, almost nobody in Africa used dreadlocks before it became fashion in Jamaica, not even Ethiopia, actually in most countries and cultures a man with long hair is considered a fool and they mostly shave i been there many years ago and saw nobody using dreads.
You just responded like the total ignoramus you are. Do a little bit of research. You may also visit our collection of Erotic pictures from Rome to see who was dominating whom at that time. Go on, click:
As for dreadlocks, perhaps you failed to appreciate that locks is naturally to the Muur. Visit the article on the Dreadlocks Muurs of Morocco to further help you:
Welcome again to Rasta Livewire, where we pulverize ignorance and hubris!
Andre, I don’t know if I should pity you or just laugh at the lies you are calling facts. Why on earth would you post those foolish lies? It is because you have that ever present Albino sense of entitlement that states that anything you speak is automatically fact. Albino lies and expect that their lies with magically become facts that is what I call a magic Albino. Come with better tricks, Albino. A simple Google search would have provided you with many websites claiming Egyptians were one of the first people to wear dreadlocks. That is the thing with you Albinos you have propensity to insert your feelings into your tales and call it facts. All that you have provided are purely conjectures designed to mislead. How on earth do you people sleep at night after spreading such lies?
Even Wickedpedia have an article on the origins of dreadlocks. I am almost certain you read the Wickedpeda article but being the lying, degenerate Albino you are, you ignored the rest of the information and chose to lie that it is only the East Indians who wore dreadlocks.
No one in Africa wore dreadlocks? The Mau Mau people of Kenya wore dreadlocks, Egyptians wore dreadlocks, (Egypt is still in Africa the last time I checked), and other tribes in northern and southern Africa wore dreadlocks. All you have to do is do a Google image search.
And the Egyptians were just part of the wave of Southern Africans who left the South to populated the globe. Get this through your thick Albino scull, the Egyptians were black until waves of Albinos came in and either bred with them or murdered them for their high civilization. Claiming they were, “not sub-Saharan” doesn’t take away from the fact that they were black. That is the lie you Albinos are spreading that Black people were only found in “sub Saharan Africa” and your pink Albino skin was found everywhere.
Go argue with the Albino scientists who have proven that it is the same sub Saharan Africans whom you are speaking so lowly of who actually populated the globe and were the first Europeans so it only make sense that they were also Greeks, Celts, Portuguese before you Albinos left Central Asia. I am pretty sure you are not of that mixed race nationality they call Portuguese. This is just another way you Albinos tend to lie online to bolster your claims. A while a go a Portuguese co worker told me at one time Portugal was 30% black. She even told me that in Portugal she is considered to be black. She had a high yellow skin tone and nothing like that pink Albino skin of most Western Europeans. Do you think they all died without interbreeding with anyone or are they existing today in the bloods of the current Portuguese?
Use more common sense Albino Andre and less feelings when you comment. Also, do a little research before posting bullshit feelings as facts. At least verify the information or disprove it before posting bullshit as facts. And sure you have NEVER been to Ethiopia unless you went there on one of those child molestation binges you Albinos tend to do to the rest of the world – keep them poor and destitute so that you will have a place to fly to fuck children. This is all part of your fucking imaginative lies. I will not lie that I have been to Ethiopia but I can tell you this, they are black people because I have met many in Toronto. 🙂 to fill in some of the gap in your brain. Albino history is based on Albino fantasies of wanting to be everyone, everywhere, all the time. Whilst you Albinos were living in Central Asia shitting, eating and sleeping in the same spot, you want the world to believe that you were in rest of the world heading up great civilizations that makes no sense. Why didn’t you do anything great in Central Asia where you came from?
Andre, I am not equipped with your magic Albino abilities to make lies become fact. But by simply using common sense, I learned that people who tend to wear dreadlocks were never part of the mainstream. In India, Jamaica, Kenya and etc where dread heads are found, they tend to live apart from the rest of society. Additionally, I would say the cutting of hair is a recent phenomenon given the fact that ancient tribes would not have the tools required to cut their hair. Again, I am only exercising common sense and not feelings.
In what countries are men with long hair considered to be fools? Please name those countries. Or is this another Albino attempt to dictate to the world how to think and feel? By countries and cultures, do you mean European? Because I know under their turbans Sikhs have long hair and so do the Bobos, another isolated tribe in Jamaica who happen to have dreadlocks but are not Rastafarians. There are East Asians of isolated tribes who sport dreadlocks. There are men in Africa, Asia, South and North America who wear long hair as part of their cultural norms but because in the Albino world, long hair is not well received, somehow, the rest of the world magically feels the same way. This is nothing but ore of your magic Albino bullshit.
I both laugh at you and pity you Albino. It is not fashionable to wear skirt and long dresses but there are countries where men still wear those type of clothing but I wouldn’t say because it is not part of my belief, the world thinks they are fools. And since a good majority of men who are not of the western world do wear garments that look like long dresses, I would not say things like, “Most of the world think they are fool,” when I really mean most of the Albino world. Know this Albino, there are worlds of people who do not share Albinos’ way of life and they are not looked upon as fools. I am sick of the Albino narrow beliefs that state If you don’t’ do as we do, you are not civilize when it is Albinos have diverged from the way the rest of the world wants to live. .
It quite insulting to state that dreadlocks are a fashion in Jamaica. Before dreadlocks became fashionable for some Jamaicans and the rest of the world, there existed Jamaicans who wore dreads a part of their religion. I can assure you that it was more than likely Jamaicans who caused dreadlocks to become more mainstream and fashionable.
As for your sentiments about the racial make up of the ancient tribes of Europe and other parts of the world, who cares what you think? We know that you are an Albino who would rather to live the Albino fantasy of being everywhere and everyone all the time. Check the sources provided. Feelings are not of any evidentiary value.